I’m in Food Wars, My Online Dating Girlfriend Rindō Kobayashi

[Chapter 298 Becoming the Public Enemy of the School Boys

In fact, Shitiao Zhenfei looked carefree, optimistic and cheerful, but she was actually an extremely arrogant girl, but she was usually not as arrogant as Shitiao Emperor.

However, after learning about Xie Jun, she has been convinced by this cousin's amazing talent.

The other party not only became a top chef at a young age, but also won the championship in the top category of the THEBLUE competition, and even pioneered the feat of being classified as a top chef.

Now each other's words and deeds, every move, has become the vane of the food industry.

Such a talented young man, how could Shitiao really admire him.

In fact, sometimes she feels that if the other party is not her cousin, she might be able to chase after him.

"True concubine, long time no see."

Xie Jun greeted him with a smile, and he quite liked the cute cousin in front of him.

"Cousin Xie Jun, let's go in, the cultural festival is about to start!"

Concubine Shijo took Xie Jun's arm very familiarly and dragged her into the school.

The four emperors followed behind the other party with a dejected expression.

"Who is that man? How close is he to the eldest lady of the Shijo family?"

"I haven't seen it before, it doesn't seem to be a student of our school, right?"

"That's too much! Could it be that Miss Zhenfei already has a boyfriend?"

"How can it be repaired! The flowers of our academy were actually arched by people from other schools?"

"Miss Zhenfei and Xiaoniaoyiren's appearance is so cute!"

"The boy next to him is also very tall and looks very secure."

"I want to have a boyfriend like this too~~~

"Yes, such a strong man please give me a dozen.

"Get rough! You rotten girls..."

In the corridor on the second floor of the teaching building not far from the school entrance.

You can clearly see Xie Jun and others downstairs through the window.

A group of students began to discuss curiously.

Many boys beat their chests and paused, looking enviously at Xie Jun who was walking towards the teaching building.

There are many admirers of the four true concubines here.

Now the beloved woman throws her arms to another man.

At this moment, they can only feel pain, envy, jealousy and hatred.

Shijo True Concubine has a cheerful personality and a cute appearance, and is the eldest daughter of the Shijo family of the second consortium of the Neon Kingdom.

No matter who can catch it, it will take decades to say less.

Compared with the noble and cold Shinomiya Kaguya, in Shuchiin Academy, Shijo Maharaja has many more suitors.

It's just that the eldest lady of the Shijo family has eyes higher than the top, and no boy has yet broken into her heart.

And many girls started to talk about Xie Jun's figure.

A height of close to 1.9 meters is very rare in Neon Country.

Coupled with the handsome and hard face of the other party.

It even made some girls who were prone to nympho excited.

It's just that now it seems that this man is already famous, and many girls are secretly lost.

Kaguya Shinomiya and Chika Fujiwara suddenly stopped in the corridor and turned to look out the window at the same time.

"I didn't expect him to come, did you?

Fujiwara Qianhua was slightly taken aback, this really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here.

"Huh? It's a guest from afar. As the vice president of the student council, I think I should go and greet the dragon chef~~~

Shinomiya Kaguya said with an expressionless face, as if he was doing business.

Fujiwara Chika pouted, and a strange smile appeared on her face.

She felt like her friend was a little Tsundere.

Recently, Shinomiya Kaguya has paid much attention to the food industry.

The experience of the Shijo Family Manor last time obviously made Kaguya Shinomiya very interested in this top chef from the Xia Kingdom.

Otherwise, it is impossible for her to go down to meet Xie Jun in person.

The identity of the dragon chef, although he has a pivotal position in the cuisine.

But it does not have much deterrent effect on the students of Shuchi Academy who are developing in other directions.

Under normal circumstances, when such a person comes to Shuchiin Academy, there is no need for the vice president of the student council to personally greet them.

Shinomiya Kaguya's move obviously has a lot to do with personal wishes.

Fujiwara Chika jumped after Shinomiya Kaguya.

In fact, she also has a strong curiosity about Xie Jun.

"Send. What do Miss Kaguya and Secretary Fujiwara want to do?"

Oh my God", they also walked towards the man...

"It looks like they're having a good time talking? Don't they both know that person?"

0 asking for flowers...

"That man wouldn't have anything to do with them, would he?"

"How can it be repaired! Three beauties are surrounding him alone, has the eldest son of the Shijo family been reduced to a follower?"

In the corridor on the second floor of the teaching building, a group of boys' eyes seemed to be bursting with fire.

I saw Kaguya Shinomiya, Chika Fujiwara, Mako Shijo and others after a brief exchange.

Three girls began to surround Xie Jun, and the four walked towards the teaching building talking and laughing.

On the other hand, the four emperors have now completely become a foil, honestly following behind these people.

Everyone is a little confused.

Why is the always cold Shitiao Emperor so uncharacteristically?

It just doesn't fit his character.

Only Miya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika seemed to understand.

They had personally experienced what happened at Shijo Manor.

Since then, Kaguya Shinomiya has developed a strong interest in Xie Jun.

Growing up, it was the first time she saw her father eat under the hands of others, and she paid a certain price to get out of it.

The other party was just a young man about the same age as him.

Although Xie Jun killed a person at the time, Kaguya Shinomiya was surprisingly not afraid.

Rationally speaking, the old woman was just taking the blame for herself.

And the whole thing, it was his father who deliberately picked things up, after all, Xie Jun was just self-defense.

Moreover, Xie Jun's relaxed and freehand attitude towards his father was deeply imprinted in Kaguya Shinomiya's heart.

That was simply what she longed for and wanted to do most in her life.

It's just that Kaguya Sinomiya knew very well that maybe she would never be able to face her father like that in her entire life.

That ruthless man had already become the most terrifying shadow in her heart.

Therefore, Gong Huiye has an indescribable longing for Xie Jun.

Xie Jun has absolutely no idea what Shinomiya Kaguya is thinking, and he doesn't have the ability to read minds, so it's impossible to see through other people's minds.

What he didn't expect was that when he first came to Shuchiin Academy, he had already become the public enemy of many boys. and.

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