When he was a child, his father's factory went bankrupt, and his mother abandoned the family and left alone.

Baiyin Yuhang was deeply affected by this, and began to study hard and support his family.

He was able to transfer to Shuchiin Academy from the outside, and his level of effort is evident.

In fact, not long after entering Shuchiin Academy, he already fell in love with Kaguya Shinomiya.

The cause was the accidental drowning of the daughter of the Minister of Information.

Shirogane Yuxing, a land duck, wants to save people but is powerless.

Finally, I witnessed the scene of Shinomiya Kaguya diving to save people.

Of course, the pure Baiyin Yuxing naturally didn't know, that was because Shinomiya Kaguya had been favored by the Minister of Information for a long time.

Shirogane Yukiko, who has low self-esteem and Tsundere, will never confess if he does not stand on the same level as the opponent.

Even waiting for the other party to confess to him.

I have to say, this guy's brain circuit is a bit hard to understand.


Why did things turn out like this?

My love mind battle has not started yet, why did it fail halfway?

Baiyin Yuxing, who was standing in the crowd watching the calligraphy competition, was stunned.

Originally, he looked fierce because he stayed up late for a long time with dark circles under his eyes, but now he has become even more sinister.

The people around moved their feet subconsciously, trying to stay away from the man.

Xie Jun was keenly aware of a slightly hostile gaze.

When he turned around, he saw that it was a yellow-haired boy.

Looks like a weak scholar.

Not threatening.

The other party seems to be very concerned about Shinomiya Kaguya's appearance.

But why are you staring at me like that?

Laozi has nothing to do with Kaguya Shinomiya again!

Xie Jun frowned slightly, but didn't pay much attention.

After all, the other party didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Just bad eyesight.

In the past, there were countless people who saw me upset at Tōtsuki Academy.

Are you going to find everyone's trouble yourself?

Xie Jun, who didn't know Shirogane Yuyuki, naturally misunderstood each other's eyes.

In fact, Baiyin Yuxing, who looks fierce, is often misunderstood.

The pen moves like a dragon.

Casual and unrestrained.

【Blue light jade is not as good as

Shinomiya Kaguya wrote five Chinese characters in the night.

The whole process went smoothly without any pause.

The font is chic and elegant, and the atmosphere is majestic.

It's hard to imagine that such a font came from the hands of a girl.

Everyone present was amazed.

At this time, Chika Fujiwara said to Xie Jun: "I didn't expect it~~~ Kaguya-chan's calligraphy skills are ranked first in our school."

"It's a little surprising."

Xie Jun did not expect that the seemingly weak girl actually has such profound attainments in calligraphy.

Seeing words is like seeing people, as can be seen from the cursive script written by Kaguya Sinomiya, his personality is also extremely proud and strong.

In the Neon Kingdom, there are many schools of calligraphy, from the Edo period to modern times, more than 70 kinds of calligraphy have been developed.

But the most mainstream of them are still Chinese characters and kana calligraphy.

The Chinese character works are based on the traditional cursive style of seal official script, pursue the traditional art of Xia Guo calligraphy, follow the various requirements and standards of Xia Guo calligraphy for lines, and the writing content is also dominated by Xia Guo poetry.

Sigong Kaguya obviously has a deep research on the calligraphy culture of the Xia Kingdom, and the cursive writing is beautiful.

"Last month's "National Calligraphy Competition", Kaguya-chan made it into the top ten.

Chihua Fujiwara praised her best friend with all her might, with a pure smile as if she had won an award herself.

Xie Jun nodded, pretending to be surprised, and no one around him could see his perfunctory behavior.

Of course, it's not that I look down on Kaguya Shinomiya's calligraphy, but I have never paid attention to any calligraphy competitions in Neon Kingdom.

He is a chef, so he has nothing to do to find out what the calligraphy competition is doing.

Even if you occasionally read the newspaper news, you will understand the dynamics of the food industry.

It's just that Chihua Fujiwara, who keeps talking beside her, makes Xie Jun a little confused.

The other party seemed to be a diligent salesman who kept talking about the merits of Kaguya Shinomiya.

This posture, as if eager to introduce his friends to himself.

Xie Jun is a little confused, doesn't he seem to know these two girls very well?

So why is Chika Fujiwara doing this now?

Shaking his head, he didn't understand things Xie Jun never bothered to use his head.

Anyway, the one who suffers in the end has to promise good) It won't be me, and Kaguya Shinomiya and Chika Fujiwara are still beautiful girls that are rare to see.

Looking at Fujiwara Chika who has been entangled in Xie Jun's side, Ma Concubine Shijo seems a little unhappy, and a small face seems to be darkened.

Emperor Shitiao subconsciously stayed away from his elder sister, for fear of suffering an innocent disaster.

Although his twin sister is relatively quiet most of the time, once he gets angry, he can't stand it.

Moreover, Emperor Shitiao felt that the True Concubine Shitiao had recently awakened some special attributes.

Otherwise why does she hate other girls so close to Xie Jun?

Shijodi couldn't understand, but he always felt that Xie Jun had a very unique charm. Festival.

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