I’m in Food Wars, My Online Dating Girlfriend Rindō Kobayashi

【Chapter 308】Kujiuchi Garden Fruit Cuisine

"Bacon Avocado Salsa! This is my latest homemade jam bacon."

After putting down the dishes, Kikuchienko said in a hurry, looking a little nervous.

Several delicate and small bacon rolls are placed on the dinner plate.

Unlike ordinary bacon dishes, the bacon used by Zhiyuan Guo was obviously processed, and it was much thinner than the ordinary ones in the world.

Xie Jun can even see inside - red, white, cyan and various colors.

Apparently, Zhiyuanguo soon put a lot of effort into the side dishes.

Xie Jun is also welcome and starts to taste.

Kukuchi Yuanguo didn't leave either, but looked at Xie Jun quietly.

A smile appeared on Ludai's blushing face. At this time, Senior Sister Mu Jiuji was like a little daughter-in-law waiting for her husband to praise her.

Butter "Fruit, purple onion, coriander, apple, tomato, red pepper~~~ Kikuchi-senpai uses more side dishes than ordinary bacon dishes?"

With just one sip, Xie Jun can tell which side dishes are in it.

"Most of them are appetizers and spleen-boosting ingredients. After all, this dish is usually only used as an appetizer."

Kikuchi Yuanguo explained softly.

"First, use oil to remove excess grease from the bacon. There is no trace of browning on such a thin bacon. It seems that my sister's cooking skills have improved a lot recently."

Xie Jun was a little surprised.

But looking at this appetizer, Mu Jiu Zhi Yuan Guo is now a ninth-level chef.

He thought that the other party was still at level eight.

But after thinking about it, the other party is a very talented chef, and it is a matter of course to have such progress.

Mu Jiuzhiyuan smiled sweetly, but didn't say anything, just a pair of eyes were fattened into a line, looking very happy.

She was very happy to be praised by Xie Jun.

"The combination of various vegetables is also just right. I have to say, this is a very good appetizer! But if the apples are replaced by bananas, and a little garlic is added, the taste should be better."

Xie Jun went on to say, offering some comments casually.

In the dish of Kikuchiyuanguo, red peppers are also called sweet peppers, which have a little sweetness themselves, and the sweetness of apples will obviously dilute the taste of sweet peppers.

Although this effect is not very obvious, Xie Jun can easily taste it.

If you switch to bananas, there is no such problem.

As for garlic, it can better integrate various flavors.

Kikuchi Yuanguo was stunned for a moment and fell into contemplation.

Xie Jun's words gave her some inspiration.

She just came up with this dish, and many places are not perfect.

She also felt that some areas were not perfect, but she didn't know how to improve it for a while.

Xie Jun's words made her feel like she was squatting, and she nodded thoughtfully.

After a long time, Mu Jiuzhiyuan Guo Zhanyan said: "Thank you Xie Jun, your suggestion is really great.

At this moment, she couldn't help feeling the power of Chef Long again.

Just a cursory sip can point out the deficiencies of your cooking and correct them.

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo, who was instructed, seemed to be more motivated, and she hurriedly said: "Wait a moment, there is another main dish that will be ready soon."

As soon as she finished speaking, she jumped into the kitchen.

The super-spec parts immediately caught Xie Jun's attention.

What a woman who is full of motherly love~~~

Xie Jun couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

In fact, as long as you give Mujiu Zhiguo some time, she can also come up with a perfect cooking method by herself.

It's just that senior sister's idea of ​​cooking is not comprehensive enough, and many places will be ignored subconsciously.

Xie Jun just made a little suggestion at the right time, and he didn't take credit for it.

Continue to wait quietly.

After knowing that Kikuchi Yuanguo became a ninth-level chef.

He was very interested in this senior's main dish.

"Lemon Pepper Shrimp, please taste!"

It didn't take long for a plate of shrimp dishes to come out.

It's just that when she said this, this senior's pretty face turned even redder than before.

Xie Jun instantly understood the word "citron", but he has studied it deeply.

It seems that Senior Sister Mu Jiuji has made up for the culture of the Xia Kingdom recently and has learned the wonders of some Chinese characters.

Xie Jun suddenly remembered the braised fish with lemongrass that he made for Xiaolin Gentian before.

0. Ask for flowers...

Unexpectedly, the trick of expressing her heart with dishes, Senior Sister Mu Jiuji will also use it on herself.

However, he glanced at Xiao Qiandie with a warm smile not far away.

Xie Jun felt that it was probably this senior who was afraid of breathing in the middle.

The shy-eyed Kikuchi Garden fruit usually doesn't have the courage to do so.

Thinking of this, Xie Jun smiled slightly, and began to savor her sister's heart seriously.

The whole dish looks very refined.

The thorns and long whiskers of the head and tail have been removed from the fresh shrimp, and the bottom of the Hongxi mushroom has also been removed.

A few bright red crayfish were placed around the plate, and in the center was the shiny brown Hongxi mushroom.

There are two lettuce leaves on the bottom of the plate, which looks green and scallion, which makes the whole dish feel a little cooler.

Xie Jun picked up a Hongxi mushroom and gently put it into his mouth.

Mukujiyuanguo looked nervously at the dragon chef in front of him.

That is, I hope to get the objective evaluation of the other party, but also hope to make the other party satisfied.

Her complicated thoughts made her entangled, and she looked equally cute with her brows lightened.

"Hongxi mushrooms slowly rise in a low-fire oil pan until the water is released, just the right crunchiness and rich garlic fragrance, which is really amazing."

Xie Jun praised without hesitation.

There was also a minor problem with this main dish, but it was innocuous, and he didn't point it out directly.

After all, Zhiyuanguo has a thinner skin, unlike Erina and Tadokoro Megumi.

Xie Jun is also worried that he has pointed out too many mistakes, and the other party will be hit hard.

After all, there are several levels between a ninth-level chef and a dragon chef.

He is also not good at judging the other's cooking by his own standards.

Moreover, the dish in front of him was still a piece of mind of Mr. Mukuji-senpai.

Xie Jun is even more unlikely to make a rash assessment.

Both of them have had lunch before, but Zhiyuanguo accompanies Xie Jun to finish this lemon pepper shrimp dish soon.”

A different kind of affection circulated in the bottom of my heart, and a faint smile appeared on the face of Mu Jiuji-senpai, who was overflowing with maternal love.

It looks a little silly and a little cute.

Xie Jun didn't stay at Chunguotei for a long time, but made an appointment with Kikuchienko to taste her dishes next time. and.

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