Shiomi Jun started the official class.

Lin Kai found a place to sit down at random, not far from Xie Jun.

At this time, he looked at Jun Shimi in front of him very seriously, and seemed to be very interested in the spice course of Neon Country.

Xie Jun also didn't pay attention to this new classmate. After all, the other party just glanced at the classmates who were present, and there was nothing special about it.

"We talked about the history of spices some time ago, Lin Kai, do you know anything about this?"

Lin Kai's behavior just now made Xi Jianrun feel a little favored, and there was a hint of concern in his tone.

After all, the other party has just transferred to Tōtsuki Academy, and the second-year course is halfway through. She needs to know whether the other party can keep up with the progress of others.

When asking questions at this time, I also want to test the knowledge of the other party, and then make reasonable arrangements.

Although 01 always likes to throw things around, Xi Jianjun is generally a good teacher.

She even secretly decided that if the new classmate doesn't know much about the previous courses, she doesn't mind spending more time to make up for the other class.

Students who can enter Tōtsuki Academy and advance to the second grade are not fools, and naturally see through Shiomi Jun's thoughts.

But most people have no dissatisfaction.

After all, Lin Kai gave people a good impression as soon as he came.

This is a polite and good student.

Apart from being a little mysterious, Xie Jun couldn't find anything wrong with the other party.

Only Ye Shanliang gave Lin Kai a dissatisfied look.

This guy caught Run's attention as soon as he came.

No wonder he felt comfortable.

Lin Kai sat in the seat and said with a smile: "About this, I have checked some information before coming to Neon Country, but I just don't know if it is correct.

Tōtsuki Gakuen doesn't have the fussiness of other schools, and students don't have to stand up to answer questions.

There was some hesitation in Lin Kai's words, and there was a hint of humility.

Xi Jianrun pondered for a moment, then said, "Then you can talk about the knowledge points you have learned by yourself."

Lin Kai nodded: "Spice mainly refers to the dry powder or essential oil of fragrant plants used in food seasoning and flavoring. Human beings began to use some pungent plants as medicines in their diets since ancient times.

"The earliest dates can be traced back to the cave era, when primitive people accidentally discovered that wrapping meat with bush leaves and roasting can make the meat taste better, thus opening the way of spice research."

"This also shows that spice has been widely used in the prehistoric period when human beings have no written records. From the hieroglyphs on the pyramid walls and the Christian "Bible", a lot of records about spices can be found.

"And the earliest clear record about spices should come from the "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic" in BC. At that time, Shen Nong divided Chinese herbal medicine into three grades: upper, middle and lower. , Nourishing physical strength; prescribing medicine to treat various diseases. But no matter which category, the knowledge theory of the combination of Chinese herbs and food is expounded. Cinnamon, licorice, Chaxiang, Platycodon, almond and various spices can be eaten!"

"But it was the Arab-Arab merchants who first introduced all kinds of spices to Europe. They not only regarded spices as a mystery, but also made up countless strange and grotesque stories, just to increase the value of spices. By the 15th to 18th centuries, It was only in Europe that spices became very popular, and they are now an integral part of every cuisine.”

Lin Kai talked eloquently and narrated the history of spices, even more detailed than what Shimijun said.

It can be seen that in the process of self-study, he must have inquired a lot of uncommon information.

Xi Jianjun's eyes suddenly lit up under his glasses, and he felt that this new classmate in front of him had an indescribable enthusiasm for spices.

For Shiomi Jun, who has been studying spices since childhood, it is as happy as finding a confidant.

"Lin Kai said very well that the history of the development of spices can run through the entire history of human development, so everyone must remember that each 193 spice is the ancestors spent a lot of energy to find and use, and when we use it, Be sure to have a devout heart and make the perfect spice mix as much as possible.”

Shiomi Jun usually seldom gives long lectures in class, perhaps because he is in a good mood, so he fully expresses his own ideas.

She has always been very religious about spices, researching and using it like a believer.

After a long time, she continued to ask: "Just now, Lin Kai mentioned the history of spices in the Xia Kingdom. Does anyone know when pepper was introduced to the Xia Kingdom?"

Shiomi Jun's teaching is more comprehensive, not limited to neon cuisine, but involves spices known all over the world.

And Xia Guo has always been a place she admires.

This magical country first began to record and use spices, and its history has a long history. It is worthy of being one of the four remaining ancient civilizations at that time.

And pepper, has long been sought after by the ancients of Xia.



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