I’m in Food Wars, My Online Dating Girlfriend Rindō Kobayashi

[Chapter 344] The unexpected theme of eating halberd (2)

Everyone knows it now.

This world-renowned eating halberd is very different from the usual one.

The Food and Halberd Authority did not inform everyone of the theme of the food in advance.

It will be announced after the two players are in place.

At this time, the letter handed by the staff smiled and naturally wrote today's theme.

It's just that everyone feels a little weird.

Judging by Alice and Miyoko's expressions, Shizae's theme seems a little unexpected.

Is there anything special about today's theme that surprises the two Elite Ten members so much?

"What's the matter? Is the theme of today's food load unusual?"

"You ask me who I'm going to ask? Only when Miss Alice announces it.

"I guess it's a difficult dish to cook, right? Otherwise, with Miss Alice's knowledge, it's impossible to be so surprised. "227".

"That's what I said, Miss Alice, hurry up and read it out, don't make us lose our appetite.

Everyone in the audience began to whisper.

VIP seat.

Erina, Tadokoro Megumi, and Kobayashi Gentian all frowned.

In order to ensure the fairness of Shiji, they could not know the theme of Shizai in advance.

So see the surprised expressions of Alice and Miyoko.

Everyone didn't know what the other party saw.

Another VIP room, where Senzaemon and Dojima Gin and others stood.

The tall Dojima Gin kept his eyes on Lin Kai.

If Senzaemon hadn't informed him in advance, he really couldn't see that the young man in front of him would be someone from the dark cooking world.

In fact, not only him, but also Zuowei Xianmen was very surprised.

Mr. Nakiri has dealt with people in the dark cooking world decades ago.

Naturally know what the people inside are like.

Gloomy, grumpy, underwhelming...

It can be said that the dark cooking world decades ago was simply a gathering place for scumbags, and it was impossible to meet a clean person at all.

On the other hand, Lin Kai, who appears in Tōtsuki now, is pure and white, and it is really difficult for people to associate him with the guy in the dark.

But the means used by the other party still reminded him of the past decades ago.

If it wasn't for Xie Jun and Erina to mention the food that controls people's minds, he would have almost forgotten these old things.

"Master, that kid Xie Jun should be fine, right?"

As Zaemon recalled the past, Dojima Gin asked hesitantly.

It's not that I don't believe in Xie Jun's cooking level.

It's just the two news of "dark cooking world" and "controlling people's minds.

It gave Dojima Gin too much shock.

If these two news hadn't come from the boss's mouth, he wouldn't necessarily believe it.

Senzaemon laughed, then nodded.

He felt that Dojima Gin asked a handsome question.

If even Xie Jun can't win.

Then no one in this world can beat Lin Kai.

between the moon and the sky.

The whole place was silent.

The chatter disappeared completely.

All are waiting.

Wait for Alice or Miyoko to announce the theme of today's halberd.

The two beautiful girls finally recovered from the shock just now.

Some dazedly blinked, and checked the contents of the letter again.

After confirming that it was correct, Alice took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry just now, but today's theme is really beyond our expectations, it really scared us just now, I didn't expect the Halberd Food Administration to propose such a showdown. Way."

Miyoko also picked up the microphone and went on to say: "Under the planning of the Food Halberd Authority, this Halberd Food is divided into three parts, that is to say, there are three themes."

"The first theme is birds. There are no restrictions on the type and style of cooking. As long as the animals flying in the sky can be used for cooking!"

"The second theme, dumplings, must use the poultry meat from the previous course as the main ingredient, and there is no limit to the side dishes.

Having said this, Miyoko paused for a while, and Alice continued: "As for the last theme, it is five-flavor cuisine. There are no restrictions on styles and types, but it must be a dish with five flavors at the same time."

As two beautiful hosts with different styles announced the theme of eating halberds, the audience suddenly fell silent.

No one would have imagined that the Halberd Food Administration would have formulated such a difficult theme.

Let's not talk about the last one, just the first and second themes are not so easy to complete.

No matter which one of the first two is taken out alone, it is a very simple dish.

But if they are connected together, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

Most of the people present are people who have been in touch with cooking for a long time, so they are naturally aware of the difficulty.

Poultry cooking is actually quite simple.

It can be steamed, fried, etc.

The difficulty lies in the second theme.

The two people who are in the peak duel, whether it is Xie Jun or Lin Kai, will definitely use 100% of their skills when making the first dish, and strive to make the most perfect dish.

But for the second dish, the poultry meat from the first dish is used as the stuffing.

In this way, it is necessary to ensure that the taste of the dumplings made must be completely better than your first dish.

The theme of this form invisibly adds great difficulty to the chef,

In the VIP room, Shinomiya Yanan couldn't help frowning upon seeing the uproar from the audience.

He didn't know much about cooking, so he couldn't understand why these people were so surprised.

The same goes for Kaguya Shinomiya and Chika Fujiwara.

Rao is the two of them who recently made up some knowledge about cooking.

But now this situation obviously involves their blind spot.

Shijo Shiina laughed when he saw this, and asked with a little teasing: "The Shinomiya Patriarch doesn't seem to know much about cooking? Why do you have to come here at 3.5 to join in the fun?"

"Aah~~~" Shinomiya Yanan concealed his embarrassment and said solemnly: "It's a pity to miss such a lively scene, I also plan to discuss the food and beverage matters with everyone in the food industry after the game. .

"Listen? Patriarch Si Gong hasn't given up on entering the catering industry?"

With such a big piece of cake, the four owners of the family can't eat alone!"


Shijo Shiina laughed, she didn't believe a word of the old fox Shinomiya Yanan.

Although the Shijo family has developed very well in terms of catering, it has not yet reached the point of dominance.

The Sinomiya family also has many industries in the catering industry, but it is not as good as the Shijo family in comparison.

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