I'm in Food Wars: Opening A Restaurant

83 He is a good match for my granddaughter!

Tōtsuki Gakuen.

among the many tall buildings.

There is a building that goes directly to the top of the cloud, which is particularly conspicuous and magnificent! When people look up, they can't see the top!


It's the commander-in-chief's office.

Despite the passage of time, this gray-haired Nakiri Senzaemon has become a little more haggard!

However, his majestic temperament remains the same! Especially those sharp eyes like swords make people feel that he is still a strong leader in the neon cuisine world!


"It's less than two hours of work, and I already have a sore back!"

Busy boss.

Thinking about stretching and flexing the muscles.

As a result, the feeling of aching back and back made him suddenly cry out!

During this period, Tōtsuki Gakuen had many complicated affairs, such as: duel between students, accommodation training activities, the abolition of various research associations, etc.

And these affairs.

All make this old man as the commander-in-chief often overwhelmed.


Also feeling overwhelmed!


"It's getting old after all!"

"It seems that the old man has to retire as soon as possible!

After speaking.

The commander-in-chief, can only helplessly sigh a long breath!

Nakiri family.

The reason why it has been leading the cooking world for a long time is because of "God's Tongue"


every few decades.

The descendants of the Nakiri family will inherit the ability of "God's Tongue"! And relying on this extraordinary ability, the Nakiri family has always occupied an absolute leadership position in the entire cooking industry!


The curse of the tongue of God.

It has always been with the whole family.

Let all the people of the Nakiri family cast a heavy shadow!

Without exception, in the past, anyone who possessed the ability of "God's "tongue" ended up dying on hunger strike, adding a bit of imperfection to that extremely tragic fate!


Even more unexpected.

Today, there have been people with the ability of "God's Tongue" for two consecutive generations! This is an unprecedented precedent in the entire family history!

at the same time.

In addition to facing the problem of the curse of the tongue of God.

The Nakiri family now has to face another life-and-death issue, that is: the descendants of the Nakiri family have no successor!

Nakiri Senzaemon, has only one son.

But this son, who has been in charge of research and exchange of various cuisines abroad for a long time, has never been trained as an heir!

under this predicament.

The commander-in-chief had to let Nakiri Nakamura join the Nakiri family more than ten years ago!

It can be seen that the commander-in-chief has high expectations for Nakamura, and he has always been trained as the heir of the Nakiri family!


The runaway incident of Nakiri Mana.

It made Nakamura Ji completely fall into a state of madness and berserk, and finally made his granddaughter Nakiri Erina suffer, which led to the creation of Erina's Tsundere and all-eyed character!

at last.

In desperation.

Commander-in-chief, I was disappointed to expel Nakamura Thistle from Tōtsuki Academy!

And after so many things happened, this beautiful big family has since fallen into a kind of slump!

so that.

The current commander-in-chief.

Even at this age, he still has to continue to support the entire family! Even if he wants to retire, he is deeply distressed because he cannot find a suitable successor!


"Thinking about it.

"Chu Feng from the Yunhai Restaurant, it would be great if the old man was the grandson! In this way, the old man would not have to worry about his heirs every day!


Nakiri Senzaemon, actually thought of Chu Feng in his mind.

Speaking of this Chu Feng, the commander-in-chief really has a feeling of "having a child like Chu Feng"!

This young man is by no means an ordinary person, although on the surface he has no desires or desires. But in fact, it is the kind of arrogant character that keeps him from bowing his head to any difficulties!


the most important.

It's his cooking skills and ability, that's too strong to say.

As the commander-in-chief of the "Demon King of Eating", he must have eaten a lot of delicious dishes and met a lot of chefs in his life! But only Chu Feng's cooking has made him unforgettable!


He is different from Nakamura.

Nakamura Thistle is full of disappointment in the entire cooking world because of Caibo Jōichirō's drop-out incident! So much so that his cooking is always full of domineering and hatred!


Chu Feng is different.

His cooking can always bring hope and strength to the confused people!

And this kind of food is exactly the kind of food that his commander-in-chief has been looking for, and it makes him feel that only this kind of food can save Nakiri Mana and Nakiri Erina!


"Why didn't the old man think of it?"


The commander-in-chief, who was in deep thought, couldn't help but slapped his head.

"Isn't he about the same age as Nakiri Erina? And whether it is his own ability or personality, no matter how you look at him, I think he is a perfect fit for Erina! 35

"What's more, if he can marry the old granddaughter Erina in the future, wouldn't my Nakiri family have successors?"

even though.

For Chu Feng, his commander-in-chief doesn't know more about it!


Tell him intuitively.

In the future, the key person who directly determines the life and death of the entire Nakiri family will definitely be Chu Feng!

If he can become the grandson-in-law of the Nakiri family, it will definitely be a profound event for the entire Nakiri family!

"Ah... sneeze!

at the same time.

At Tōtsuki Resort.

Nakiri Erina is playing poker with Hisako in her room after her breakfast lesson! But for no apparent reason, she sneezed for no reason!


"Miss Erina, are you... are you okay?"

See here.

Arato Hisako, asked worriedly.

"it's okay no problem!

"My health is fine, Hisako, you don't have to worry so much!" Erina waved her hand quickly, indicating that Hisako doesn't have to worry about it!

"It's weird!

"Well, why am I sneezing?"

at last.

Erina, muttered to herself with a puzzled look on her face.

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