I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 123 Lucky Draw (1/4 Supplement)

Mito Ikumi is a smart person, she understands everything Li Xuan said, and she is very grateful to him, but even though it is only two dishes, it allows Mito Ikumi to see clearly how her future cooking path should go. .

Where is the way forward, and how should I work hard! It can be said that Li Xuan is Mito Ikumi's chef on the way of cooking!

Li Xuan stood up without seeing Mito Ikumi's adoring eyes, he went to the kitchen to prepare the third dish.

Stretch the dough made from freshly ground wheat flour and add lye water to make it into noodles, put it in a pot of boiling water and cook until cooked.

Melt some lard, add onion, ginger, garlic, chili and other spices to stir-fry until fragrant, filter out the residue and finally stir in the cooked noodles.

Prepared a big bowl of noodles for everyone, Li Xuan didn't bother to cover the lid this time, the golden light was glittering, it was not interesting, well, Li Xuan started Versailles.

"Kuo Shi has no two sides!

Distributing the ordinary noodles to everyone, looking at the bowl of plain noodles with no soup and no other side dishes in front of them, Erina and the children looked at each other in dismay, but Thor over there was no surprise, he had eaten this noodles as well!

There was no plain noodles, no lids and no special effects. For a while, Erina and the three girls felt that this dish seemed to be missing something compared to the previous ones.

However, with the confidence in front of 327, I still picked up the noodles and put them in my mouth.

As soon as you bite down, it is very chewy. It can be said to be a real bouncing tooth. Every bite of the noodles will bounce to the teeth, and the freshly ground flour smells fragrant. Instead of water, it is replaced with eggs. The noodles are no longer bland and tasteless. Has the aroma of eggs.

"It's the smell of lard!"

As always, it was Erina who got the first kill.

"The spice of lard, with the addition of seasonings such as onion, ginger, garlic, and chili, is mixed with this extremely springy noodle, and it also brings out the aroma of the noodles."

"That's right, this patriotic scholar is so simple and unpretentious. Except for the noodles, the key point is lard, and what is lard? That is the product of the pig's fat after cooking, and it can also be called is an extension of the meat.

"Green pepper shredded pork tells you that the quality of meat is not absolute, you need to coordinate it, and the imitation crispy barbecue tells you that you need to learn to make full use of the various characteristics and flavors of meat, and the first point this countryman wants to tell you. , that is, you have to learn to dig deep into the role of meat, and your thinking will diverge!"

"The first point?! What's the second point?"

The intelligent Mito Ikumi asked (bedb), and I have to say that I really benefited a lot this afternoon.

Hearing Mito Ikumi's words, Li Xuan didn't answer directly, but went into the kitchen again, poured the soup that had been simmering into the freshly boiled noodle bowl, and brought it out.

"The second point is to learn to absorb nutrients from other fields, what others are good at, and absorb knowledge to add to your own cooking."

"What a difference try this noodle soup. 35

Mito Ikumi picked up the bowl and carefully took a sip of the soup. The soup was mellow and fragrant. Rather than drinking it, it was more like eating. Drinking it made a powerful force flow out of the body.

Paired with the strong noodles in the front, it is a completely different style of cuisine from the previous Guoshi.

"This soup is made with a lot of beef bones, whole chickens, and pork bones. It can be said that it is completely a broth. I just absorbed the biggest advantage of the previous Guo Shi Wu Dian, the noodles, and modified it slightly. Now, it's another must-kill dish!"

Li Xuan's actions really opened up Erina and the others, and this afternoon is really worth it!

In the backyard, after everything that should be done and said was said, everyone came to the backyard to enjoy the sunshine.

Especially the vines in the backyard quickly filled the shelves reserved in advance when Thor used magic to help spawn.

Therefore, even if the sun is very hot in the afternoon, after being blocked by the dense vines, only the sun shines with mottled stars, which will not make people feel hot.

"By the way, is your boring halberd eating, that is, destroying those research institutes still in progress?

Li Xuan, who was holding a straw, suddenly asked Nakiri Erina, who was holding a chinchilla.

"No, it has stopped."

I don't know why Li Xuan asked this, but Nakiri Erina, who was teasing the kitten, answered truthfully.


Li Xuan didn't want to know anything either, he was just looking for something to talk about.

In fact, one thing Li Xuan didn't know is that after eating Li Xuan's luminous cuisine, eating Yukihira Sōma's cuisine will not fall into that strange environment, and that strange feeling.

Therefore, the skills of the protagonist of the spirit of medicine are no longer useful, and the light-emitting cuisine is more domineering!

But the taste of Yukihira Sōma's cuisine is still there, but it's just immune to the illusion buff. This is what Li Xuan does not know.

After all, after turning into Li Xuan's shape, he won't have feelings for other people.

The wind was blowing lightly over Li Xuan, and Li Xuan felt that the weather was so good for a lottery. After all, it had been a while since the last lottery.

Today, I got 1 million yen in my account. Although it is in Thor's hands, I have earned it by rounding up, so it is time for a wave of ten.

"System, come to a ten consecutive lottery draw!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the seventh ten consecutive: Cake Roll Islands, Stone Wall Sweet Potato, Lie Bing Fresh Taishan Recipe, Thank You for Your Patronage, Wailang Cake Kiwi, Red Snapper Continent Map Recipe, Italian Ice Cream Mountain, Beichen Sirius Blade (repeatable) Extraction), dried bonito with human face, and 10,000 yen in money.”

Looking at the prizes this time, Li Xuan sighed, but he had to borrow the luck of our Ouhuang Kangna. Relying on himself, there was still no big explosion.

Thank you for your patronage, 10,000 yen is an old friend, but this time, the system is a bit more forthright, not 10,000 yen, but 10,000 yen directly, and one-tenth of the money is back.

Five gourmet world ingredients, cake roll islands, stone wall sweet potato, Wailang cake kiwi, Italian ice cream mountain, human face dried bonito.

Gelato Mountain: A mountain of vanilla, strawberry, and cantaloupe flavors of gourmet Italian ice cream

Cake Roll Islands: The fluffy sponge cake is filled with layers of sweet whipped cream and fresh fruit to form islands of cake rolls

Dried bonito with human face: Like candy, every thin slice of bonito has gaps like smiling faces. This kind of hardest food in the world can only be eaten when it is cut into thin slices.

Stone Wall Sweet Potatoes: The crispy, sweet and hot stone-roasted sweet potatoes are piled together like a city wall

Wailang Cake Kiwi: The pulp is Wailang Cake (a pastry steamed with brown sugar added to rice flour).

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