I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 126 Persuading to Stay (4/4 Supplement)

"Wow! It's amazing!!!"

This is the voice that every child and parent who comes to the backyard will make. The dazzling array of food, the strange stone cloth fish, the fresh and natural layout, and the cute and intelligent pets make parents envy their little ones for a while. child.

Why didn't I have such a rich friend invite me to play at home when I was a child?

"Kana, your brother is amazing!"

"That's right, I often hear Baba Mama mention your restaurant!

"What's the matter, I've eaten here before, but it's delicious!"

"That's right, Mr. Li Xuan is incredible!" Kang Na agreed with the classmates with a serious face.

At a young age, this started to roll up?! Li Xuan and Thor, who were watching from the side, only thought that their Kangna was really attractive enough.

"I will come every day from now on!!!"

This is the little nympho Cai Chuan Lizi. I didn't know about Kang Na's store before, but this time I know Cai Chuan Lizi will not let go of the opportunity to get along with Kang Na, especially in the store where she is the only one with Kang Na alone. Hey!

Looking at Caichuan Lizi who suddenly held her face in her hands and then suddenly blushed and smirked for some unknown reason, Li Xuan finally saw this little girl's brain-enhancing ability.

It's not long since I came here, I don't know how many times I've been crazy, Kang Na greeted her, Kang Na held her hand, Kang Na gave her something to eat, I really don't know what this little guy is thinking, blushing like a bubble teapot what!

"Children, you have a good time with Conna, and if you have something to do, you can go to the restaurant to find us.

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he left with Thor. He didn't have the heart to accompany so many children. After all, when children are cute, they can melt your heart. When Damn it gets up, you can't wait to hang up and spank!

It would be nice to have a smart and sensible Kang Na-chan at home!

As for the fear of those children hurting cats and dogs?

It's not that Li Xuan is exaggerating, they may not be able to beat them now, even small dogs and cats, think Li Xuan's daily food in the food world is free?!

What's more, isn't Conna still there? She won't allow them to bully cats and dogs. In Conna's view, they are all her own friends, and there is no difference.

Let them play with them, and more than two hours have passed. At 5:30, the parents of the children came to pick them up and take them home. After all, it was almost time for dinner, so it was not good to stay here with Li Xuan to trouble him. The restaurant is still open.

However, these little guys were very happy to eat today. Of course, they are not allowed to eat so many snacks at home. After all, eating too many snacks is not only not enough to eat, but also bad for your health.

But Li Xuan, these are foods taken from the food world, not only are they not as harmful to children as ordinary snacks, they are even beneficial to them.

Of course, these little guys who haven't stopped their mouths all afternoon will definitely not be able to eat at night, and maybe some of them will suffer when they go back to their butts.

When he went back, Li Xuan also prepared some small gifts for these children, nothing, just some small snacks, for them to take back to share with their families.

At six o'clock, Caichuan Lizi, who stayed until the end, was also pulled away by her sister Caichuan Qiaoji. Seeing that the other party still maintained a smile but the veins on her forehead burst out, she knew that Caichuan Lizi had nothing good to eat tonight. .

I have to say that Kang Na's parents are sensible parents, and there are no weird people, which is good.

"How are you, are you happy today?"

"Well, happy! Very happy! Super invincible, super happy!!!"

Kang Na, who was sitting in her exclusive cashier position, answered Li Xuan earnestly, and Thor, who was on the side, touched her little head.

Two people, no, it should be said that both dragons are very fortunate that they met Li Xuan. Li Xuan changed his life completely, not for the worse, but for the better.

They never thought that they could live such a happy and dull life, and it was not without the elders of the dragon race who made the same choice as them before.

But human life is really too short, a hundred years at most, and those seniors spent 10,000 years and 100,000 years to cherish those short decades.

Perhaps in the eyes of Connor and Thor in the past, this was not worth it at all, and perhaps it was cruel, but now when they face the same choice, it is clear why the seniors are so resolute!

However, Thor and the others did not have this worry at all. After all, Li Xuan is not an ordinary person, and there is no restriction for just a hundred years, so there is no need to worry at all.

In the Dimension Restaurant in the evening, Conna was sharing with her in Lukoya's arms about how she entertained her classmates in the afternoon.

Recently, Lucoa comes to the store basically every night. After all, there is nothing to do to drink or drink in Li Xuan's store. The guy who keeps money in Fafnir is not reliable. Except for the first time I came to Li Xuan to check, It will come later except when you are tired of playing the game.

"Lucoa, I don't think you're tired from going back and forth every day? Or you can stay in the store too, it's not that you don't have a room.

Li Xuan said to Lukoya, he naturally understood Lukoya's mind, and he didn't blame her or feel that she was nosy.

After all, she is also good for Thor and the others, guarding the dragon girls like a sister. In her long life, many dragons have paid a lot of painful lessons in this choice.

However, although it may have been to observe Li Xuan at the beginning, she really came to the store just to drink, after all, she really had nowhere to go.

Because Thor and Kona didn't live at Kobayashi's house as they originally did, Lucoa naturally didn't live at Matu Shota's house either.

"That's right, Sister Lucoa, will you stay?! 39

When I heard Li Xuan's words, Kang Na was the first to respond. After all, if Lucoa really came, Kang Na would be the happiest.

There are two older sisters who dote on me, and the omnipotent Mr. Li Xuan. Now that he is still in school, he has many friends, as well as Tadokoro Megumi.

Incredible, Kang Na is about to become the happiest dragon!

"Indeed, I also think it's totally fine, but it's much more fun here than Chaos Dragon Realm." Thor, who was on the side, also persuaded.

Seeing that several people sincerely hoped that he would stay, Lucoa was naturally happy in his heart, without thinking, he just smiled and said, "Okay!"

Dragons never falter, especially in front of those closest to them.

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