I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 128 Come Prepared (2/4 Supplement)

"This, what is this taste?!"

After swallowing the noodles, Dojima Gin looked at the bowl of whole fish noodles in surprise, and couldn't help but put a chopstick of noodles into his mouth again.

In order to confirm what he was thinking, Dojima Gin kept stuffing noodles into his mouth with chopsticks and chopsticks. Although Li Xuan saw that Dojima Gin made a super bowl based on his body shape, he couldn't bear it!

After two-thirds of the meal, Dojima Gin still didn't understand the doubts in his heart. If he couldn't think of it later, he simply didn't want to. Just ask Li Xuan later. Now the important thing is to enjoy the food in front of him.

Every chef may not be a great chef, but most of them must be a gourmet-loving gourmet.

Many people embark on the path of chefs because they are delicious, but not all food can be supplied around them. At this time, the idea of ​​​​doing their own food and clothing has arisen!

I don't know what other people think, but Li Xuan likes to cook like this in his previous life.

The catfish squid noodles, sea bream soup, and sea bream roulade were all swept away, and Dojima Gin unbuttoned his suit jacket contentedly, and eating it really made people feel extremely happy.

"The first impression of this bowl of noodles is fresh. This whole fish noodles really lives up to its name. Even the 330 noodles are made from fish. It has just the right amount of fat and refreshing taste. Is it catfish?"

Although Dojima Gin used the words of inquiry, her tone was full of firm confirmation.

"There is also the aroma of wine that diffuses in the mouth. The catfish noodles do not have the unique powdery taste of ordinary noodles, and the taste is better than ordinary noodles. At the same time, the noodles have a unique chewy and rich taste. Snapper Soup and Snapper Meatloaf, simply perfect!99

For Li Xuan's cuisine, Dojima Gin is not stingy in his praise, after all, this dish is indeed worthy of Dojima Gin's praise.

"Just, I have a doubt to find out, that is, how can the noodles made of catfish meat be so chewy?!"

Li Xuan got up and went into the kitchen, took out a catfish noodle and handed it to Dojima Gin: "Senior Dojima, you can see the cross section below. 39

Dojima Gin turned around the catfish noodle that Li Xuan handed to him. The outside is white, but the inside is very powerful. The center of the noodle is pale yellow!

"It turned out to be dried squid, I didn't expect you to add catfish cores one by one in the non-chewy catfish noodles!"

Dojima Gin crushed the outside of the catfish with his fingers, and put the dried squid inside into his mouth and chewed everything.

"I have to admire your idea of ​​making fish meat into noodles and then adding cores to it. At the same time, I am equally astonished by your exquisite skills, being able to insert squid cores into catfish noodles so accurately and quickly. Almost like a machine!

"Thank you for the compliment!" Li Xuan naturally wanted to pretend to be humble.

"I have something to ask you this time!"

"Come on!" Li Xuan said silently when he heard Dojima Gin's words. Of course, Dojima Gin could not come here just to spend 100,000 yen to taste a luminous dish. It must have a certain purpose, and neither does Li Xuan Interrupt him in a hurry, see what he has to say, let's have a look.

"Tōtsuki conducts a dormitory training for the freshmen who have just entered high school at this time of the year, that is, the training point for all first-year students to go to the deep mountain. It is a total of six days and five nights. In fact, it is the Tōtsuki Resort. Those who do not reach the passing score will be dismissed, or forced to be deported or ordered to drop out of school.""

Because Li Xuan didn't graduate from Tōtsuki, Dojima Gin was afraid that Li Xuan didn't know about this thing, so he specially came to explain it to him.

"This year, we have invited many outstanding chefs who have graduated from Tōtsuki to come back as examiners for this co-host training. Similarly, we learned that you are also a very good and powerful chef, and would like to invite you to be a part of this co-host training. An assessment officer, I don't know what you think? 95

Li Xuan did not expect that this time Dojima Gin was the examiner who invited him to participate in the dormitory training, which he did not expect.

"Sorry (bedb) Si, please allow me to decline this invitation, after all, six days and five nights are too long, I can't leave my shop alone. Besides, I am not a student of Tōtsuki, so Even if the pay you give here is good, I won't go.

After knowing the intention of Dojima Gin, Li Xuan naturally refused. For the six-day and five-night co-host training, if he did not have a dimensional restaurant, he might think a little bit, but if there is a dimensional restaurant, Li Xuan is not willing to be closed for a few days.

Not to mention Conna and Thor, Conna still has to go to school, so she left them to go to a dormitory with a group of energetic little guys for training, and she didn't have this hobby.

"Okay then," Dojima Gin accepted Li Xuan's answer very quickly, and did not persuade too much in this regard.

"Then let's change the way of cooperation. We want to hire you to come to Tōtsuki Resort on the last day of the dormitory to cook for the graduate examiners who have worked hard for several days? No need, one to three courses!

"For this, we are willing to pay one million yen, and Tōtsuki Resort will open all the facilities for you and your friends for free on the same day, how about that?"

Unexpectedly, the reason why Dojima Gin accepted it so readily was that he still had a backup plan, and from his appearance, it was no surprise that Li Xuan refused to take the first path, it was expected.

I have to say that the second method of cooperation is really full of sincerity. Li Xuan estimated the time. Today is Friday, and the training will start on Monday next week. Six days later, it will be Sunday, and his restaurant should be closed that day. It's not open, and Kangna-chan doesn't work either, so it just happens to be time, so does Dojima Gin even consider this? Otherwise, why is everything so coincidental?

Li Xuan gave Dojima Gin a meaningful look, and Dojima Gin was also generous and did not mean to cover up.

On his side, it should be said that Tōtsuki's side is very sincere and has put everything on the bright side, and the rest is up to Li Xuan's choice.


Li Xuan thought about it for a while and said decisively, why not go to the work that is equivalent to giving away money, and take Thor and the others to play in the hot springs.

"Happy cooperation! 35

Seeing that Li Xuan agreed, Dojima Gin smiled and shook hands with him, then talked to him about relevant matters and left.

"Want me to stimulate those Tōtsuki graduates? Interesting, don't be afraid to over-stimulate it?"

Li Xuan looked at the figure of Dojima Gin leaving with a smile, and Li Xuan naturally saw that the other party was holding on to his thoughts.

But it doesn't matter, someone sends money, and the opportunity to play and send equipment, why don't you accept it?

It's a pity that my own is a food system, not an emotion collection system, otherwise, I will definitely make a lot of money in this scene of my own appearance in front of others!

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