I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 145 Lift the roof before opening the window (3/4 supplement)

I have to say, whether it is Peter Parker or Amano Yangna, they are both worry-free children.

One thought about dropping out of school to work to earn money to support the family, and the other simply dropped out of school.

For now, it's just to agree to Amano Yangna's request. In the future, I still have to let this little guy go back to study, but Li Xuan still needs to think about it. At the same time, the trust of each other has not been established when we just met, so it is not appropriate to say this directly.

As for why he agreed, Li Xuan was also afraid that the girl herself would not agree to the custom scout at that time. He didn't know whether Morishima Hodaka would appear to save the girl because of his appearance.

Li Xuan doesn't like this kind of uncertainty, he just likes everything under his control.

With this job, at least I won't take such an extreme path. At most, I will find some normal "three-three-seven" jobs during the day. After all, it is not really before the job is not stable and the salary is not really received. all fake.

As for Morishima Hodaka, I'm sorry, you'd better have a taste of life. Running away from home is not so fun, so stay in the supernatural publication. Let’s go back to school honestly later, it’s important to go to school.

"By the way, the system, can you open currency exchanges in various worlds?

Li Xuan suddenly remembered something and asked the system.


The food system feels that it should change its name, not the food system, but the nanny system, to see what work it does.

There is no way, or the host I chose, what can I do? I can only bear it.

Li Xuan didn't know that he was already called the host of a big grievance by his own system. He was relieved when he heard the system's clear answer that he has this function. Otherwise, he would have to think about how to pay Amano Yangna's salary in the future.

Peter Parker can directly give him gold gems and let him find a place to exchange them. That's no problem. After all, there are many channels for selling stolen goods in the Free and Beautiful Country.

And with Peter Parker's ability, he is not afraid of being black and black. At that time, we have to thank these old irons for coming all the way to deliver the courier.

And although Amano Yangna also has different powers, the weather witch's ability does not strengthen her in the slightest, she is still an ordinary girl.

Let her take the gold and gems to exchange, I'm afraid it won't go directly into the tiger's mouth.

Not only will the money not be exchanged at that time, but you will also put yourself in, which is not acceptable!

Li Xuan didn't think about it, so he didn't confirm it with the system. In addition, he thought it was a one-time thing, and there was no need to bother so much. He still felt sorry for his own system, giegie!

System: hetui!

When I can use myself, I am Britney, and when I can't use myself, I am Mrs. Niu, a man's mouth, a liar!

In The Amazing Spider-Man World, Peter Parker was finally able to take a breath and slammed his body onto the bed.

The past few days have really made him exhausted, all kinds of things that happened, but fortunately everything was resolved smoothly in the end.

After getting the gems and gold from Li Xuan, Peter Parker found a channel to exchange it and got a price of several hundred thousand, which completely solved the problem of Uncle Ben's treatment fee.

As for how to explain it to Uncle Ben and Aunt May, Peter Parker had to put all this on his father Richard Parker, saying that his former colleagues and friends knew what happened in his home and wanted to help him.

But he refused, but now the family has to use the money, so Peter Parker decided to borrow the money from the other party.

The other party also readily agreed, and it was not difficult to persuade Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei.

Peter Parker first dropped out of school and worked if he couldn't do it, and was strongly opposed by Uncle Ben and Aunt May. If Uncle Ben couldn't move, he would definitely beat himself up.

Then he took a step back and said that it was not good to receive money from others, and that he couldn't accept other people's favors without any reason, so he would borrow it, and he would definitely be able to pay it back after he graduated from college. It is nothing to do with his future achievements.

Peter Parker said that the opposition of Uncle Ben and Aunt May is not so tough. They all know that their children are smart, they have inherited his parents' IQ since childhood, and they will be able to join a large company like the Osborne Group in the future. questionable.

In the end, under the persuasion of Peter Parker, Uncle Ben and Aunt May agreed. As for the colleague, Peter Parker excused it on the grounds that the identity of the other party was not exposed.

Uncle Ben and Aunt May have no doubts. After all, Richard Parker used to be mysterious, so it is not surprising that his colleagues and friends are also like this...

I just asked Peter Parker to write an IOU, and he would have to repay the other party's money in the future, and he would pay it back together with Aunt May when he was in good health.

Naturally, Peter Parker would not refuse, but he moved a bit on the amount and just said one hundred thousand dollars, which was much better than a few hundred thousand.

At the same time, they also asked the hospital to cooperate a little and write less bills. Under the circumstance of money making way, Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei naturally received much less bills.

Therefore, there is still a lot of money left, so Peter Parker simply suggested that Uncle Ben and Aunt May open a convenience store by themselves. Anyway, the capital is enough and so on. As for returning it to the other party, it is better to pay it all at once. .

In the end, Uncle Ben and Aunt May replied to consider it, but Peter Parker knew that it was stable, after all, he was relieved, and it would be good to persuade him a few more times later.

For example, in the future, his college tuition will be more expensive, and there will be too much pressure. For example, if you open a store to make money faster, more and better, Peter Parker has come up with several reasons.

Peter Parker knows Uncle Ben and Aunt May very well. If you tell them that the store is to make their lives better, to have a better quality of life, and to ease their burdens, it's basically useless, but if it's for themselves and to pay off debts, then they will definitely Let go, whether it's tuition or debt repayment, it's all for Peter Parker's sake.

But on the other hand, Uncle Ben and Aunt May also really love him!

In fact, this is also the suggestion that Li Xuan put forward when he was chatting with Peter Parker 3.1. Uncle Ben and Aunt May are both old, and it is always too difficult to stay up late for work.

You work there, so why not work for yourself?

If you open a convenience store, if you don't say anything else, at least it will be much easier in terms of income and fatigue, and you only need to visit the store every day.

Heavy work such as moving goods will not make them very difficult with Peter Parker, and Peter Parker can also help.

I have to say that Peter Parker still understands the famous saying of Mr. Zhou Shuren very well.

If a room is too dark and you need to open a window, most people don't agree, but if you advocate removing the roof first, people will come back to reconcile at this time, and then open the window.

Peter Parker did a good job with this wave of extreme pulls.

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