I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 157 The Peak Super Star Chef (3/4 Supplement)

After the dinner, Tadokoro Megumi and the others followed Li Xuan to the hotel's kitchen. According to reason, they have been soaking in the kitchen these days, so they should be familiar with it, but this place made them feel unfamiliar.

Because this is a separate small kitchen, where Dojima Gin usually practices and cooks for some special guests, they naturally don't know that there is such a kitchen hidden next to the hotel kitchen.

Of course, Nakiri Erina is not included here. As the granddaughter of the future successor of the Nakiri family, the Evil King, Dojima Gin has grown up with the younger generation, and she naturally comes to Tōtsuki Resort.

And she and Nakiri Senzaemon are naturally special guests, enough for Dojima Gin to cook for them, and sometimes try new dishes for their grandfather and grandson to help them improve.

Although his usual affairs took a little bit of his time, and he may not be as talented as Yukihira Jōichirō, but he didn't stop there all the time!

From Li Xuan's scouting to his chef star, you know, the pinnacle of super three-star chef!

This is something that Li Xuan admires very much. You must know that after breaking through to the super chef, there are not as many as nine stars as before. The super chef is only three stars at this stage.

And Dojima Gin's peak super three-star chef can be said to have stood at the pinnacle of the super chef's level, and he is just one step away from the next step of Lin chef.

And Dojima Gin is able to take care of such a big industry as Tōtsuki Resort in an orderly manner and is still rising steadily, and at the same time improve his cooking skills to such a level, in addition to talent, it seems that he has spent much effort in private.

Just look at this separate kitchen.

What surprised Tadokoro Megumi and the others even more was that when they followed Li Xuan here, there were already people waiting.

Dojima Gin, Sena Hiromi, Shinomiya Kojiro, Inui Hinako, Fuyumi Mizuhara, Guan Shouping, Donato Gotoida.

Tōtsuki Resort's head chef, deputy head chef, and some of the most famous and famous graduates who came back to help from this co-host training, why are they all sitting here waiting?

After saying hello to Li Xuan, Dojima Gin looked at the people behind who were full of doubts. Li Xuan naturally told him when he brought people over, and Dojima Gin readily agreed.

Needless to say, sisters Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice are both very good cooks, and Dojima Gin grew up watching.

The remaining Yukihira Sōma, the son of an old friend of his own, has the same talent as him, and showed his own brilliance in this co-host training.

The remaining Tadokoro Megumi, Sakaki Ryoko, Yoshino Yuuki, Takumi Brothers, Hisako, Mito Ikumi, Kurokiba Ryo and others also performed very well in this training camp. It can be said that the future commander will build the era of jade candidate.

Li Xuan took the initiative to bring them to gain insights, and Dojima Gin naturally would not refuse, even welcome. The people who were looking at Dojima Gin with a smile were a little nervous and greeted him together.

"Dojima-senpai 々.!"

Although I learned from Kang Na that Dojima Gin invited Li Xuan to come over this time, it is still very nervous to get along with him face to face.

Of course, with the exception of Erina and Alice, and Yukihira Sōma, who had a bath with Dojima Gin in the bathhouse, they also exercised together. This exercise is serious, not for men!

Many people know that Dojima Gin likes to exercise while taking a bath.

While Dojima Gin was looking at Yukihira Sōma and the others, Li Xuan was looking at the confidence of Shinomiya Kojiro and the others.

I have to say that those who can appear here can be regarded as the best, all nine-star chefs, among which Kojiro's chef of Shinomiya has the highest star and the pinnacle of nine-star chefs!

Therefore, the reason why Shinomiya Kojiro's culinary skills are stagnant and does not feel the way forward is that in addition to losing his direction, there is another point that he has encountered a bottleneck.

As mentioned earlier, among the Tōtsuki Elite Ten, it is about the range of five to seven-star chefs. After graduation, these Elite Tens will basically be in the range of seven to nine-star chefs due to different talents and experiences.

And those who can be called by Dojima Gin are naturally the best and most powerful group of people. It's not that Dojima Gin has any prejudice against them, but that something is best for the right people at the right time.

Naturally, Dojima Gin would not call dozens of people over because he invited Li Xuan.

As for why Tadokoro Megumi and the others came, it was invited by Li Xuan and had nothing to do with Dojima Gin.

"Li Xuan, I will trouble you this time!"

When Kojiro Shinomiya and the others were looking at Li Xuan, Dojima Gin approached and started to communicate with Li Xuan.

For Shinomiya Kojiro and the others, this dinner was in the dark. After the busy banquet was over, they were about to go back to rest when they received a message from Dojima Gin and asked them to come over.

After I came, I found that they were all the top people in this co-host training, and then Dojima Gin told them that they had invited a great chef to cook and let them taste it together.

This is even more confusing. Which of the present is not a great chef, why did you invite an outside chef? And it's not Tōtsuki's?!

And also said that they will be able to understand some kind of 'answer' after this time, well, in that case, let's see what this young, handsome and popular young chef does!

No way, Kojiro Shinomiya and the others are basically twenty-seven and twenty-eight, so Li Xuan is indeed younger than them.

In addition, Tolkana (alright, alright) Lukoya who came with him, and Tadokoro Megumi and the others looked at him wrongly, so this is the reason for this evaluation.

66. ~Nothing, I also saw and tasted the dishes of many excellent chefs in Tōtsuki today. It was a worthwhile trip, and I still have to thank Dojima-senpai. "

Li Xuan looked at the system panel and saw that he had reached level 22 and 0% of the food cell awakening level. It was not a joke or a polite statement.

"Are the materials I want ready?"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Dojima Gin replied, "Of course, two high-quality sea bream, and other ingredients are all ready.

"That's good, then I'll be busy first, Thor, Xiaohui, come with me!"

Li Xuan said to Thor and Tadokoro Megumi over there, one was coming to be an assistant, the other, Li Xuan had other arrangements.


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