I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 169 Singled Out Trolls (3/4)

Hermione opened the door of the Dimension Restaurant and walked out, and returned to where she was at the beginning in the next second,

"Wow even!"

Hermione still felt a little incredible, even more incredible than entering the wizarding world to study. Originally, Hermione felt that receiving an admission letter from Hogwarts and entering Hogwarts to study magic was a major event that completely changed her life.

But after coming back from Li Xuan this time, she felt that this was her chance, and she was able to change herself~the future!

However, this one can be ignored for the time being. It should be noted that it is carrying a huge wooden stick, with a dirty body, a tall stature, a giant monster with a round belly and a round bald head!

Hermione didn't scream frantically when she saw the troll like ordinary girls, but retreated quite calmly and silently.

In the Dimension Restaurant, when Li Xuan said that she would encounter danger when she came back, she started frantically searching for creatures in her mind that met these conditions based on the characteristics Li Xuan said.

Fortunately, she usually studies hard and spends her spare time in the Hogwarts library to study and read books. After racking her brains, she finally thinks of a creature that fits her characteristics, that is, a troll.

According to the records in the book, the troll's skin is dull and dull, as gray as granite, and its huge and stupid body is like a pile of huge mud, with a small head like a cocoa bean on it. Its short legs are as stout as tree stumps, under which are large flat, thick, calloused feet. The odor it gave off was disgusting.

Although the trolls looked a little silly, Hermione knew that the trolls were a family of cannibals, which meant that they could eat people!

Originally, Li Xuan thought that with the existence of the most powerful white wizard, Dumbledore, at Hogwarts, Hermione would be as solid as a rock and no one could invade. This time, seeing is believing.

In addition, thinking of what Li Xuan said to herself, or reminded herself, she couldn't help but feel a little more vigilant in her heart.

In this regard, Li Xuan can only say that precocious children can't be hurt, let alone children with high IQ!

The troll carrying a wooden stick similar to a mace naturally found the little point in front of her, and it smelled the food from her body.

The hungry mountain troll waved a wooden stick and wanted to kill the little guy in front of him with a stick, and then slowly taste it, but at this time, why did the little guy in front of him raise his hand to face him, thinking that it could cause harm to himself ?

How funny! Would eating such a stupid food make you stupid?! The troll's sluggish brain couldn't help thinking.

If Hermione knew about her thoughts, she might be pissed off, right?

Who's the idiot? I'm the No. 1 in the first year of Gryffindor House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! And the troll's IQ is notorious, and its ugliness and skin's magic resistance are not the same. The three monsters.

As for why Hermione raised her hand, was it really stupid, just her white and tender little hand was bigger than the troll's Doudou's eyes, and in the troll's eyes, it was stuck between her teeth.

Of course not. Hermione raised her right palm to face the giant monster, her left hand held her right wrist, and a bright red magic circle lit up.

"Magic: Summon Fire Dragon!

With Hermione's voice, a fire dragon bigger than the troll jumped out of the magic circle, this wave is really a real flying dragon riding face!


The troll's funny face showed a look of fear and fear, and he couldn't help but step back to escape from here. The power of the dragon and the scorching heat of the flame made it just want to escape!

But unfortunately, it doesn't have this chance. The lifelike flame dragon directly leaned forward and dashed forward. The monster's original skin with strong magic resistance seemed to lose its effect at this moment, and it didn't resist the flames at all.

Wrapped in flames, it lost its life in just a few seconds and turned into a huge piece of black charcoal.


The troll's body fell heavily on the ground, and the wooden stick that was originally used as a weapon was also turned into ashes under the attack of the flames.

Looking at the troll who was killed by Thor's magic, Hermione looked at her palm in disbelief. She didn't expect Thor's flame magic to be so powerful!

As for why Li Xuan's original defensive rebound magic turned into an active attack magic, it was naturally because of Hermione, a clever little ghost.

Hermione didn't want to bounce back when she was attacked by the opponent. As a qualified Gryffindor, she had to learn to attack actively!

.....for flowers .....

So she asked Thor to secretly change the magic to active activation. She thought that Li Xuan didn't see her words and actions. How could it be possible, but Li Xuan thought it was not bad.

In the beginning, I was actually afraid that Hermione would get hurt, so I added a guardian magic.

And give Hermione such a powerful magic, what should I do if I accidentally hurt others?

Thinking about it later, it seems that Hermione's temperament would not do such a thing, so just change it to an active attack magic as she said.

For this kind of thing, Thor certainly will not refuse, and agrees very much.

"Hermione! Are you all right?!"

At this moment, the voices of Harry Potter and Ron came, and their figures also appeared in front of the door that was forcibly destroyed by the troll.

It's just that the scene in front of them seems to make their little heads not accept the operation.

Judging from its size, the huge lump of black charcoal that fell to the ground was undoubtedly the giant monster they saw just now, but why did it suddenly become a black charcoal? And the smell was very unpleasant floating in the air. The burnt taste of the meat is somewhat disgusting.

And how could Hermione, who should have been attacked by the weak, stand here intact, and the giant monster that was powerful enough to kill Hermione was killed all at once?

It took only a few tens of seconds for the troll to disappear from their sight.


Well, let's not mention this for the time being, let the two of them vomit aside. Tonight's Halloween dinner is very rich, and the two of them eat a lot.

In the troll, the already disgusting and unpleasant smell, coupled with the unpleasant smell of the meat that was roasted by the flames.

How to describe it, that is the smell of fried toilets, high temperature boiled feces, and expired smelly meat that was roasted and mixed together.

As for Hermione?

I'm sorry, with Thor's magic on her, the air around her body has been purified, and she doesn't have to worry about breathing and clothes getting these smells, so she can look at the two with her head held up beautifully. Boys look disgusting.

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