I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 171 It feels so good to hold your thighs

Now all the magical plants in Li Xuan's hands have matured and their abilities have been tested. Looking at the magical plants that are one-time or continuous use, Li Xuan is thinking about the usefulness and help of these plants to himself.

It is worth mentioning that the one-time magical plants in it can be miniaturized, that is to say, after these magical plants are mature and taken out of the flowerpot, they can be reduced to the size of an egg and enter a dormant state at the same time.

When it needs to be used, it will be activated and restored to the original size, but this miniaturization is only one-time, it can only be used once, and there is no way to shrink it again after activation.

One-off magical plants like potato mines and cherry bombs are fine, but less friendly to pea shooters, ice shooters, etc.

Other magical plants, whether offensive or defensive, are not very useful to Li Xuan to be honest. After all, Li Xuan is not lacking in attack methods, and it can even be said to be better than these magical plants. , more powerful.

The only thing that caught Li Xuan's attention was the sunflower, which should be said to be the sunlight produced by the sunflower!

Why do you say this, because sunlight contains life energy, flame energy, and light energy. It can be said that the sunlight produced by sunflowers is very useful.

But thinking about it, it seems to be very normal. All magical plants depend on sunlight, so it is not surprising that sunlight contains life energy.

As for fire and light, both are naturally present in sunlight.

Looking at the sunlight in front of him, Li Xuan felt that he could decompose the internal energy, separate life energy, fire energy, and light energy, and then compress them into crystals. At that time, life crystals, flame crystals, and light crystals will be formed. .

This crystal formed by compressing energy can be said to be a kind of treasure, and Li Xuan will be able to harvest a lot of things through it.

Therefore, the planting plan for the Zen Garden is also done, and ten flowerpots are specially set aside to plant magical plants other than sunflowers, and the remaining ninety flowerpots are all used to plant sunflowers to produce sunlight.

At that time, ten separate flower pots can harvest magical plants one by one, and Li Xuan can also have a steady stream of sunshine every day.

One sunflower in half an hour, one sunflower a day is forty-eight, and after 90 sunflowers are fully planted, there are 4,320 sunflowers a day.

This amount is also quite large, and it doesn't matter if the sunlight is not collected in time. It can be maintained in the Zen Garden for a week without dissipating. After a week, the sunlight will dissipate into the original energy and blend into the air.

This is a good point, so that you don't have to watch and pay attention to the Zen Garden all the time. As long as Amano Yangcai comes to take care of the plants in the Zen Garden every day, it will be fine. It also makes her work a little more and saves money. The little girl is always yelling every day.

Li Xuan's idea is very good, but another problem appeared in front of Li Xuan, that is, the device for storing sunlight and the machine for separating and compressing sunlight.

After all, sunlight can only be stored for seven days in the Zen Garden, and it may not be a day after taking out the Zen Garden.

However, the amount of sunlight in one or ten flowers cannot be compressed into crystals. Neither the quantity nor the quality is enough. Li Xuan has not really tried it yet. Flame, light crystal.

However, there is a problem, of course, it is to hug the thigh!

Why go to the horns, there are so many great gods around you, why don't you have helpers, is it just for your ridiculous face?

I'm sorry, although Li Xuan is a bit macho sometimes, but not everything is like this. Besides, in Li Xuan's opinion, what is there to say about the family?

Li Xuan told Lukoya and the others about his ideas. Kang Na was still young and didn't have that deep background. Besides, she has always liked to play pranks, so Li Xuan didn't think about getting any solution from her. Still rely on Thor and Lucoa.

"Ah Xuan, sorry, I don't have a solution here.""

After thinking for a while, Thor said to Li Xuan deflated, his face full of frustration.

"It's okay, Thor.

Li Xuan reached out and rubbed her head, comforting her, but it still couldn't make Thor happy.

After all, the rare Li Xuan asked them for help, but Thor couldn't help him, which was a big blow and unhappy for Thor.

"Here! 35

Lukoya suddenly took out a small cloth bag and threw it to Li Xuan, and said, "Use this.

Li Xuan glanced around her with suspicious eyes, there was no place to store things all over her body, where did she get them from?

Lukoya felt Li Xuan's eyes, but instead of avoiding it, he stood up and let Li Xuan take a closer look.

Well, after confirming his eyes, he is someone who can't fight by himself!

"How does this work?!"

Li Xuan played with the small cloth bag in his hand, which is similar to the cloth bag used by Donghuang people to store silver in ancient times, a piece of cloth and a rope to tie the cloth together.

"Just open the cloth bag and point the mouth of the cloth bag to the sun. It can be stored in it without a 350 limit period. This is a small thing I obtained a long time ago. As for the rest of the decomposition and compression, I have the corresponding Magic, I'll think about making a machine for you later.""

Lukoya said to Li Xuan, as expected of an old man who has lived for tens of thousands of years. . . The old god has a lot of treasures and knowledge to control. Like her mind, it is unfathomable, like a bottomless pit!

I can only say that it is you, Lucoa! The feeling of hugging your thighs is so good, so fragrant!

The problem is solved, then naturally everything is happy, and the next step is the rest session.

And because of Li Xuan's appearance and the wine that night, the matter of 'searching for talent' didn't happen, after all, it didn't happen.

Among them, Tadokoro Megumi, who they think has the most potential, is Li Xuan's apprentice. If nothing else, he will definitely come to Li Xuan's store after graduation.

With Li Xuan as a great chef, and he was trained by Li Xuan, he would definitely not let anyone go.

And Yukihira Sōma, because Tadokoro Megumi did not conflict with Shinomiya Kojiro, did not have the opportunity to show his own light.

Although he also showed his brilliance in the major training, it was not as bright as before.

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