I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 175 The advent of new life

After finishing the black grass salad in his hand, Li Xuan moved quickly and ran towards the place where the sound was made.

After a while, Li Xuan saw what was happening over there. It should be said that the creature that caused the movement was too large and could be seen clearly from a distance.

Three rock drums more than 20 meters high surrounded a fighting wolf. Even if the fighting wolf was 18 meters long and weighed 11 tons, it still looked a little bit in front of the three rock drums with a capture level of 27. Embarrassed.

Of course, it does not mean that the wolves are not the opponents of the rock drum. The habitat of the rock drum is on the coast. In order to find more prey, migrating to the land is a violent creature that constantly destroys nature for food.

With a body size of more than 20 meters, they look like a rock giant. Their shells are superhard protein skins with beautiful calcium carbonate attached. They are perfect stones that can become perfect marble "three five zero" materials. Cutlery and dining table.

The dark eye sockets and scarlet eyes matched with the burly body, giving people a sense of explosive power.

The fighting wolf in front of him is naturally not a fighting wolf in the food world, but cloned from cells. It has the bloodline of the legendary king. It is called the tragedy of the legendary death end. It has pink eyes and two cheeks. Marks, with unparalleled speed.

The reason why it has that title is that a kind of demon was born in the distant ancient times. It is fifty meters long and weighs one thousand tons of super-giant herbivorous beasts, called Death's End.

In groups, wherever they go, the green is gone. They are the demons that make the earth wither. Wherever they go, no grass grows. Every step is a countdown to the extinction of biological species. Move forward, and finally be wiped out by a fighting wolf!

Therefore, it is called the tragedy of the end of death. When the end of death meets the wolf, it is simply a super tragedy!

As for the fighting wolf in front of him, it only defends and does not attack, which is completely inconsistent with its name because of its chubby belly.

Li Xuan understands, no surprise, this should be the wolf fighting in the food arena.

Since the muscle crabs and walruses appeared in front, it was natural that the wolf fighting appeared here.

Who doesn't want to have such a partner for a handsome, loyal, handsome, and powerful fighting wolf?

The mature fighting wolf is handsome and powerful, and the little fighting wolf is cute and adorable. Who doesn't want to rua a little fighting wolf to hold its head in his arms?

The pregnant Fighting Wolf had some scruples, and was surrounded by three big rock drums to attack.

Li Xuan was not used to these three rock drums, and rushed directly into their battlefield without any cover, and burst out with all the momentum, and the blood-red Shura appeared behind Li Xuan.

Whether it was rock drums or wolf fights, Li Xuan was a little bit unconcerned at first, but now Li Xuan's sudden explosion has made him the strongest present.

"Wolf Fighting, leave these three ugly guys to me!

Li Xuan shouted at Doulang, who was baring his teeth with sharp eyes, "You can't just talk about doing good deeds. Times have changed, you have to talk and do it again!"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Dowolf's eyes softened slightly, but the vigilance in his eyes did not diminish at all. After all, he is not a fool, and Dowolf's IQ is not much worse than that of humans.

Li Xuan also saw the distrust in Doulang's eyes, and it's not surprising that trust is slowly built up little by little.


Li Xuan flew to the head of one of the big rock drums, wrapped his right leg around the burning red lotus, and slashed its head with great force from top to bottom.

"crack clap clap"

Directly from the point where Li Xuan attacked, the head of the rock drum, no, it should be said that the whole body started to break from the middle and split into two!


This rock drum was killed by Li Xuan with one blow, and the broken body smashed heavily on the black grass plain.

The other two didn't cause much trouble for Li Xuan, one was directly crushed by Li Xuan's punch, and the last one was pinched by Ashura's palm, just like pinching a chicken Broken.

These three violent creatures that constantly destroy nature for the sake of food are so unbearable in front of Li Xuan, Li Xuan put the bodies of the three rock drums into the super backpack, which are excellent materials for making tableware, when you have time It is also good for Li Xuan to make it and use it in the store.

After destroying all the enemies, Li Xuan landed from the air and put away all Asura and Red Lotus, restoring the appearance of being harmless to humans and animals at the beginning.

"Come on, take it, recover from the injury, and don't affect the growth of the child inside you!""

Li Xuan made a move, the blood spirit pearl appeared in front of him and Doulang, and a large group of holy blood appeared from the blood spirit pearl.

But it doesn't matter, Li Xuan reckons that it's time to donate blood for animals on the site he controls, and he will harvest more than he uses!

Looking at Li Xuan's sincere eyes, and the act of destroying the rock drum just now, plus the allure of this blob of holy blood, and the feeling that all the cells of the body are thirsting.

In addition, he also knew his physical condition. In order to forage for food, he ran out of the gourmet arena, but before he ate much, he came across these three rock drums.

She was pregnant, her strength could not be exerted, and those who got in the way had indeed suffered serious injuries.

Doulang stepped forward to absorb this mass of holy blood, a warm feeling spread all over his body, and the wounds on his body slowly healed little by little.

Feeling the cheers from his body, the vigilance and sharpness in Doulang's eyes all dissipated, and all turned into gentleness.

Dowolf came to Li Xuan and lay down, exposing his abdomen. Li Xuan smiled happily when he saw Dowolf like this.

Because for animals, it shows your softest place to you, which means absolute trust in you.

Li Xuan stepped forward and gently touched its belly. He didn't dare to use too much force. After all, there was still a little life in it! He could even feel the heartbeat coming from inside.


At this moment, Dou 3.1 Wolf suddenly howled in pain.

"What's wrong?

For a while, Li Xuan didn't know what was going on, so he calmed down and took the initiative to observe, only to realize that it was about to give birth.

Fighting Wolf originally ran out of the gourmet arena to hunt and provide nutrition for the child in his belly. As a result, he encountered a rock drum, but it was said that the fetal gas was moving.

Then Li Xuan gave it such a large mass of holy blood, the wounds on her body could not use so much holy blood, and most of them were absorbed by the little fighting wolf in her body.

It can be said to speed up the gestation process of the little fighting wolf. The little fighting wolf, which was just a step away from the beginning, has completely grown up, so it is not surprising that it will suddenly give birth to a cub at this time.

It's not a bad thing, Li Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help himself, he could only wait quietly.

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