"I'm back! Sister Leni, did you miss me!

In the afternoon, before Kangna returned to the store, her voice came in, Li Xuan looked up, and it was only 20 minutes after school, and she returned to the store. It seemed that she was in a hurry right after school. I ran back, and it was rare that I didn't go around with my classmates to play.

"Lennie and Laila are in their room, on the third floor to the right of yours. 99

Li Xuan, who was in the store, took the schoolbag handed by Kang Na, and without waiting for Kang Na to say more, he directly told her that Leni was there. Seeing how impatient she was, Li Xuan knew that he would ask in the next second.

"Then I'm going to find Sister Leni, Mr. Li Xuan!"

Seeing Kang Na's flamboyant appearance, Li Xuan shook his head, feeling that he was really raising a daughter, but fortunately, this little padded jacket is not the kind that leaks, so Li Xuan pampered her.

Kona came to the third floor and found Leni and their room at once. On everyone's door, there will be a sign with a cartoon pattern.

For example, Conna's is a cartoon brontosaurus, Thor's cartoon fire dragon, Lucoa's cartoon feathered serpent, Li Xuan's flame, Tadokoro Megumi's a tree, and Leni they are naturally a wolf.

As for why Li Xuan is a flame, first, the flame represents that he is a chef of 353. With the help of the flame, he can cook all kinds of dishes.

Secondly, the flame also represents his red lotus fire, and finally, naturally, as a man who is above the fire dragon.

"Sister Leni, I'm back from school!

Kang Na suddenly opened the door, but the scene in front of her somewhat surprised her.

Not because of other things, but because of the size of the room, considering the size of Leni and Leila, and the fact that Leni will grow up in the future, so Li Xuan, with the 'help' of the system, expanded their room to There is a football field size.

In it, they can run and play as much as they want. Of course, the help is paid for, and it cost Li Xuan ten times to reach this level.

"Hey hey hey"

Connor was thrown to the ground by Leni with a flying pounce. She really learned Conna's tricks. It learned what Conna did this morning.

Kang Na may have been really panicked. She had a playmate and started playing like crazy at work. Just now, Li Xuan went to watch it and dragged Leni and Laila to watch his favorite anime there.

She didn't come down even when it was time for dinner. Usually, when it was time for dinner, Kang Na would definitely sit at the cashier and start working with her little feet dangling. After all, this was her time to earn pocket money.

It seems that for today's Kang Na, money is precious and food is more expensive, but for the sake of playing, both can be thrown away.

No way, Leni and Laila would stay in the backyard or in their own room during normal business hours, just like Amu and Sisi, they couldn't come to the store.

When the Dimension Restaurant opened in the evening, Kona took Leni and Laila down to the store, and they played all night.

She was eating while receiving Thor's reprimand, but from the way she winked at Leni while she was eating, she knew that she didn't listen to Thor's words at all.

To say that the left ear goes in and the right ear goes out is an uplifting statement, as if there is an enchantment on his body, completely rebounding Thor's words, and not a word can approach her.

And Leni and Laila's dinner was the roast duck that Li Xuan made with flying duck before. The roasted duck of 15th grade was fragrant, crispy duck skin and juicy duck meat, which was very in line with Laila's taste.

When Leni was still young, she was full without eating much, and when Kona saw this situation, she quickly pulled the food from the bowl into her mouth, and finally puffed her cheeks and took Leni to play again.

This time, it is not in their room, but in the arena, where they follow Conna's design and destroy them at will, unlike in the room, where they are more light-handed, and they don't dare to use too much force, so as not to damage the furniture or something.

For these two energetic kids, Laila (bedb) lay beside Li Xuan after she was full and didn't go in with them again, just sat and rested after she was full, why were you jumping and jumping there? of.

Li Xuan reached out and stroked Laila gently. Such a peaceful and happy life is really addicting and unable to extricate himself from it!

But it didn't take long for the 'Destroyer' to come, it was none other than the mouth-breaking hero Mr. Tony Stark, Iron Man, who we haven't seen for a long time.

"Uh... so Li Xuan, you've added another family member?!"

As soon as Thor came in, he originally planned to give a long speech, but his eyes were drawn to Laila, causing him to forget what he wanted to say.

Who could ignore such a huge and handsome fighting wolf lying next to Li Xuan, and even if Laila just sat there, the unique aura of the fighting wolf also showed that it was not easy to mess with.

"Long time no see, Tony, this is the newest addition to our family, Dowolf, you may call her Laila, and she and her child Leni joined our extended family just yesterday.

Li Xuan introduced Lila to Tony, and Lila had Li Xuan's previous gesture and did nothing to the guests who entered the Dimension Restaurant.

"Lyra, well, a very handsome wolf, I even thought I was seeing Fenrir, or Hattie and Skool.99

Tony shrugged when he saw Leni who was playing with Kona in the arena.

Tony wasn't surprised to see such a powerful wolf here in Li Xuan. After all, dragons have appeared, so the appearance of wolves is naturally not that shocking.

Li Xuan naturally knew who Fenrir, Hattie and Skool in Tony's words were, they were all wolves in myths and legends.

Fenrir, the most famous monster in Norse mythology, is a huge wolf-shaped monster. According to legend, when he opens his mouth, his upper and lower jaws can withstand the heavens and the earth. He was imprisoned by the dwarves because of his ferocious character, and was not freed until the end of the war, and swallowed the sun and the main god Odin.

Hati (Hati), the wolf chasing the moon in Norse mythology, the name means "hate", and it is also called "moon hound".

Its brother, Skoll, chases the sun, and the pair of wolves both want to devour the sun and the moon, and when the Ragnarok comes, they will succeed in their goal. It is generally believed that the father of Hattie and Skool is Fenrir.

"They are not Fenrir, nor Hattie and Skool. They are ladies. Besides, in the future, you may be able to see the giant wave Fenrir in your world."

Li Xuan's words made Tony puzzled, but Li Xuan remembered that the giant wolf on the mount of Asgard's goddess of death Hela seemed to be called Fenrir.

If Hela gets out of trouble in the future, maybe Tony can really see it.

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