At this time, the beef that has been beaten more than 26,800 times on the chopping board has reached the level of making beef balls. He has been beaten so many times with two heavy wooden sticks. Fortunately, Li Xuan has an unusual unicorn. Arms, otherwise you don't need to eat after the fight, you can go directly to rest.

If you want to make delicious and perfect peeing beef balls with a splash of soup, the first key is the selection of beef. Only the ham meat that is slaughtered on the same day and slaughtered for less than 12 hours is the best.

In this way, the ground beef can contain gelatin after being beaten, and it is enough to beat until it sticks to the hand and does not fall off.

Generally speaking, completing more than 20,000 or even 30,000 beatings within half an hour is really a big challenge for ordinary people.

But for Li Xuan, it was a trivial matter, and Li Xuan completed the operation in ten minutes.

Add an appropriate amount of starch and ice water to the beaten beef, stir quickly to stir the beef vigorously, and then take out the pee stuffing that was frozen in the refrigerator, emmm. . . . , shrimp jelly!

Cut the solidified snow-white shrimp jelly into small cubes, squeeze the beef into a ball with a tiger's mouth, poke a hole in the middle of the ball and put a small cube of shrimp jelly to seal it.

Use a spoon to remove it and put it in warm water to shape, it must be warm water, and the temperature of the water can make the surface of the beef balls really shape.

Finally, put it in the beef bone soup boiled early in the morning, cook it, sprinkle with coriander, and complete a bowl of steaming, delicious and fun beef ball soup.

Whether it is the beef in the beef balls or the beef bones in the soup, they are all taken from the steak that was shot by the lottery last night.

With Li Xuan's skill, he directly hit the red heart, so that the quality of the beef reached the best.

"Come on, try this beef ball soup!

Li Xuan distributed the beef balls to everyone. Afraid that everyone wanted to eat carbohydrates, Li Xuan also put some croissants on the table. I have to say that the croissants tasted very good.

Without waiting for the others, Li Xuan couldn't wait to come first, after all, it's the food he's been talking about since last night!

The beef balls cooked in the beef bone soup, the first feeling in the mouth is the mellow feeling of the beef soup, and the aroma is fragrant.

Crispy taste, after tens of thousands of beatings, the beef is full of elasticity, but it will not make you feel chai but is very tender, after the teeth bite through the outer layer of the beef restaurant, the interior is heated and turned into shrimp with soup The jelly splattered in the mouth all at once under the action of pressure, so hot that you winked but couldn't bear to spit it out.

It's really refreshing and refined. The freshness of beef and the sweetness of Pippi shrimp are even worse than that of mouse spots, as if they are more poetic than my first love. . . .

Sure enough, the first half of the evaluation in the movie is still very pertinent and correct. After drinking a sip of the delicious beef bone soup, my whole body feels warm, and my body that has been sleeping all night is awakened.

"Bang bang ․ bang"

Li Xuan also took one on the table and tried to let it bounce on the table a few times. This elasticity can also be used as a table tennis ball.

"Zi! 55

At this time, Connor gave Leni a beef ball, and Leni's mouth made it impossible to wrap the whole beef ball all at once, so the filling inside the beef ball splashed several meters away.


Kang Na saw Li Xuan and Lai Ni's behavior, reached out and took out a beef ball and wanted to learn from them, but was stopped by Tony.

"Kona, you can't do this!"

After he finished speaking, Thor gave Li Xuan a scornful look. He did something wrong, but he brought down Kang Na. How can such a waste of food be done.

Li Xuan and Kang Na looked at each other and couldn't help but snickered, but when Thor looked over, the two of them ate the beef balls in the bowl with a serious face, and now Thor is really training people A set.

After breakfast, Thor and the others sent Kang Na to school, but Li Xuan didn't go with him today, because he was going to enter the chef's space today to improve himself, so today Thor and the others can send Kang Na.

"System, I want to enter the God of Cooking space!"

As soon as Li Xuan finished speaking, people disappeared from the restaurant and entered the kitchen god space. After putting on the chef's uniform and chef's hat, Li Xuan decided to warm up with French cabbage and try it out.

In fact, this dish is very similar to the cabbage and chicken breast rolls made by Li Xuan in the previous life. They are steamed with vegetable leaves wrapped in meat filling, but the steps are not as complicated and the ingredients are not so many.

This dish is mainly to let people taste the fresh taste of fresh vegetables, fresh and sweet cabbage, and delicious chicken breast, which can be said to be a very good match.

This is a local dish in the Auvergne region. The stuffing made of thinly sliced ​​meat and vegetables is wrapped in cabbage leaves and steamed. It is very similar to the cabbage roll in Western food. Home cooking.

Li Xuan first selected the ingredients to be used, savoy cabbage, chicken breast, butter, eggs, morels, asparagus. . . boast.

Savoy cabbage, which is known in neon as Burmese cabbage, is a variety that has a strong grassy smell when fresh, but releases a superior sweetness when heated. This is called a leaf roll.

The stuffing is not the pork loin and onion used in the common French stewed cabbage roll, but the stuffed meat made of chicken breast. The cut chicken breast is stuffed with morel mushrooms, asparagus and foie gras fried with butter. .

Then add a smooth mousse-like filling made of chicken breast, butter, eggs, and whipped cream, wrap the chicken breast full of filling with savoy cabbage, and finally steam it.

On the outside, there is a meat filling wrapped with cabbage, and a piece of bacon wraps the middle part on the outside. The top is sprinkled with black pepper for garnish and seasoning. (Good Lee Hao) Li Xuan sat down and tasted this dish.

When everything is opened, the aroma of the fragrant wild vegetables makes people appetite. Savoy cabbage is heated to the most appropriate position after one process such as blanching and steaming, so that the slender cabbage is born. The incomparable sweetness enhances the texture and taste of the whole dish.

After feeling the sweetness of the vegetables on the outside, the inner mousse-like filling is another experience. This layer of mousse tightly wraps around the tongue and softens in an instant, turning into a thick and delicious spread. throughout the mouth.

The silky chicken mousse and the fresh sweetness of the cabbage that wraps it are like magic in your mouth.

I have to say that Shinomiya Kojiro still has something to do. Although this dish does not seem to be much, its wonderful taste can make you feel satisfied beyond the weight.

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