I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 186: The Art of Harnessing the Clouds?

"Lord Li Xuan, are you done with your work?"

When Kang Na came back in the evening, she threw herself into Li Xuan's arms and asked him.

"It's done, thank you Kang Na for your concern, I'm now a super chef~"

Li Xuan will also lower the loudness of her voice when Kang Na is speaking. Of course, Li Xuan will not do this when Kang Na is in trouble and being scolded, otherwise the scolding will not have the slightest deterrent effect.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, Mr. Li Xuan is a super chef, congratulations Mr. Li Xuan!"

In addition to her cute appearance, Kang Na's mouth is so sweet that she seems to have eaten a rainbow candy. No one can resist her continuous sweet words.

"Okay, I see what you mean.

After getting along for so long, can Li Xuan know Kang Na's little thought?

"Look, what new deliciousness this is."

Li Xuan flipped his hand and found the cream cake aloe vera that he won in last night's lottery. The colorful cakes about the size of fried dough sticks were piled up in Li Xuan's hand.

“Wow!!! This is the new uneaten 14!!!”

Kang Na, who is a snack food, is no longer in Li Xuan's arms. At this moment, food is more important, and food cannot be let down.

"This is aloe vera cream cake, the color is different and the taste is different, each color represents the taste of a fruit, it can be said to be a kind of fruit cake."

Li Xuan asked Conna to share some of the cream cake aloe vera in her hands with Thor and Lucoa. As for Laila, she doesn't like this kind of sweet food and prefers meat.

But Leni, who was just born, was different. She was full of curiosity like Conna, and was still in the stage of exploring and cognition of the world. She was just born, and she still liked the taste of sweet.

One wolf and one dragon took up 80% of the creamy aloe vera cake that Li Xuan brought out, and others didn't like it very much, so they gave it to Kang Na and Leni.

The mature creamy aloe vera cake, no, it should be said that it is a cream cake aloe vera. Its leafy leaves are soft and smooth like mousse, coupled with the sweetness of fruits and cakes, it is really a dessert that children like.

After eating, the Kang Na and Lai Ni that Li Xuan took out were not enough, and they wanted to take it from Li Xuan, but the two little guys didn't dare to move because of Thor and Laila's eyes.

"Sister Leni, let's go play!

Leni is also a wolf's nest in Li Xuan's arms, and Kang Na is still unwilling to move. It is almost Li Xuan's delivery, but Leni is also very attached to Li Xuan. Usually Kang Na is not in Li Xuan. Sit down and Leni would crawl into his arms.

Rua rua Leni's head, as well as the mane around her neck that is softer than high-grade satin. Unlike Leni, it is not Leni who does not have the power of the legendary wolf, and her pupils are not Leila. So scarlet, but a romantic pink.

Coupled with its immature face and innocent eyes, it can be compared with Kang Na.

In the evening, the Dimension Restaurant was open, and it didn't take long for Hermione to come to the store.

"Good evening everyone. 35

Hermione greeted everyone as soon as she entered the store. She was wearing a fitted black wizard uniform and fluffy hair. Hermione was quite well-behaved here at Li Xuan.

"Here's Hermione?"

Everyone was still impressed by this pitiful girl who came here last time, especially since she was still a little wizard and was in the first year of the wizarding school, the wizarding school called Hogwarts.

"How are you doing?" Li Xuan poured Hermione a glass of rainbow juice, sat down with Leni in his arms and asked, and at this time Thor and Connor would naturally act as Li Xuan's guardians.

Lukoya over there naturally saw Amano Yangna's intention to get together, and let her take the sunlight in the Zen garden and practice using her ability to water the plants before letting her come over.

During this period of time, Hina Amano's performance can be regarded as very good, and in terms of learning progress, it can be said that it has perfectly reached the standard set by Lukoya, and even exceeded a lot.

In addition, she is a hard-working girl herself. Not only does she practice here with Li Xuan, but she also uses her spare time to practice when she goes back.

Not to mention, just in the aspect of weather control, Amano Yangna has extended some usages, whether the weather is rain, snow, hail, or thunder and lightning, it is inseparable from the cloud as a carrier.

So with the help of Lukoya, Amano Yangna tried to control the cloud, which is not without a future.

Li Xuan thought of the anime he watched when he was a child. The hero in it has the ability to manipulate clouds. It should be said to be the seventh sense, the technique of controlling clouds!

Whether it's a cloud shield, a cloud beast, or the ability to ride clouds to walk around, Li Xuan fantasized about what to do and how to use this power when he was a child.

Which teenager doesn't have the heart of a middle school fantasy?

Of course, the current Amano Yangna has not yet reached the level of Lucky Star, but with the help of Lucoa, Amano Yangna has taken another path, that is, the three forms of water.

Gas, liquid, solid, mist or cloud, liquid water, solid ice, and now Amano Haruna has been able to handle a small amount of water by analogy.

Li Xuan doesn't know what Lu 357 Keya's plan is, but he knows one thing, that is, professional things must be done by professional people, and he, a layman, should not interfere indiscriminately.

How to operate, Lucoa knows better than himself.

Hermione took a sip of the rainbow juice, the sweetness that was like a concentration of hundreds of ripe mangoes would not make her feel sweet, but would give her a feeling of satisfaction.

But rainbow juice is not only sweet, there are four kinds of changes in the mouth, sweet and sour, although this sour lemon and kiwi are far behind, but this sour will not make people It is difficult to swallow, and it will not be boring, but it will form a layered taste with the sweetness in front.

And at the moment of swallowing, the fifth and sixth changes occurred. The aroma like sweet chestnuts, and the feeling of explosion, flowed all over the body in an instant.

It is indeed a magical restaurant, and every time you come, you can have a new cooking experience.

"Ah! It's good!" Hermione, who was still immersed in the rainbow juice, was a little at a loss when she heard Li Xuan's words. It was not polite for others to ask her to be free, especially in front of Li Xuan. As for why she was so nervous, then Naturally, it's because girlish feelings are always poetry!

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