I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 189 Green Tea Dragon

Looking at the anti-dragon who didn't receive any damage, as if ordinary people fell, Li Xuan felt that he had the same feeling that he had faced the demonic snakes before.

However, although the capture level is higher than the Demon Orochi and the Super Demon Orochi, the light from Li Xuan's experience with them is still stronger than the latter.

No matter in terms of physical quality and attack methods, the Devil Orochi can be said to be a complete victory over the Anti-Dragon.

It can spit out acid bombs that are more terrifying than sulfuric acid, the extraordinary regeneration speed, the huge power brought by the huge body, the smarter brain than the anti-dragon, and the elastic skin. Possesses Sonic ~ Attack.

And the reverse dragon, that is, the physical quality is stronger than the demon snake, everyone has other sharp claws and fangs, and the strength is bigger than the demon - the snake is stronger.

Maybe the reason why the Devil Orochi has a lower rating than Nilong is because it hasn't really grown up yet?

Of course, the Devil Orochi in Devil's Cave, just like Leni and Laila, is not the real devil Orochi and Wolf Fighting in the food world, they have more than this power.

When it comes to the Devil Orochi, I have to think of the funny situation where Li Xuan re-entered the Devil's Cave to teach them a lesson last time.

He grabbed the devil's big snake's tail and threw it violently, and in the end he still had one in each hand, and a super big spin of the invincible hot wheel came directly.

"Never seen such a weak demonic serpent!"

In the end, Li Xuan also uttered a murderous sentence, which caused the demonic snake over there to be severely injured both physically and mentally!

Killing is nothing but nodding, why is it like this?

Isn't it because the front side beat you once when you were still weak, is it necessary to hold revenge like this?

Forget it, don't make fun of the demonic snake, don't be ashamed to go find a piece of tofu and commit suicide.

"I'm not going to play with you anymore, that's the end of today."

Li Xuan looked at the tattered clothes on his body and said that it was completely lifted by the hole clothes, and there were only a few cloth strips left hanging on his body.

Li Xuan, who has awakened his gourmet cells, is a superman, but his clothes are not! It seems that he will have to find Peter Parker and Tony to get himself some battle suits, just like Peter's.

Otherwise, every time you fight, you have to have a burst of clothes like Nakiri Senzaemon, which is not good!

Just when Nilong over there was about to show a tenacious spirit of perseverance and repeated defeats and defeats, the eight legs that were about to move suddenly stopped.

It's not because it suddenly woke up and can't bully the weak, or it can be said to be 'awakened' to a certain extent and can't bully the 'weak'!

The familiar scarlet blood mist on Li Xuan's body lingered behind him once again, and the three-headed and six-armed Asura leaned down and looked at Nilong.

Although looking at Nilong is a face that represents joy, but Nilong does not dare to move at all, it feels that the anger and sadness on the left and right are also looking at him, and the trembling Nilong feels that he seems to be provoked, but he will not change it. people?

No! It should be said that he has discerning eyes and pearls. Through Li Xuan’s ordinary appearance, he has seen his strong inner self and found a strong backing for himself. Nilong proudly announces today that Li Xuan is his master!

Well, this proud anti-dragon, can his eight legs not tremble when you say it?

Well-behaved.JPG (Reverse Dragon Limited Edition)

Seeing this Nilong obediently crawling on the ground, bowing his head and closing his mouth to express his submission, Li Xuan put away Asura, not afraid of a sneak attack from the Nilong.

A creature like the anti-dragon obeys the strong, takes it as its master, and obeys its orders until someone stronger than his master appears.

But now Li Xuan should be able to say that the ceiling in the first protected area exists, both in terms of potential and strength.

Of course, not to mention the Ligaru Mammoth, after all, the current Ligaru Mammoth's level of more than 40 and its mountain-like body is indeed a height that Li Xuan has no way to reach for the time being.

But Nilong is not just looking at strength, they are born with keen intuition and can even feel the potential of each other.

Just like in the anime, its final selected master is Tai Li, the wolf fighting. How strong can Tai Li, who is just born, not be stronger?

But feeling that the vast sea of ​​​​Wolf Fighting was completely unable to perceive its full potential, Nilong chose it without hesitation.

Li Xuan sometimes feels that Nilong is very similar to the kind of person who invests in talents. He invests in you to help you when you are down and underdeveloped. In the end, you succeed.

Anyway, when I meet someone who is stronger than you and has more potential than you, I will leave without hesitation, but when I am with you, I will be wholehearted, no doubt.

Well, having said that, Li Xuan felt that Nilong was like green tea. Coupled with its dark green skin and its behavior, Li Xuan said that his thoughts were not wrong.

・・・ Flowers・・・

"Come on, take me to Laila Leni and them."

Li Xuan took out something that smelled of Leni and let Nilong smell it. Nilong's nose is still very sensitive and easy to use.

"Boom! 35

Li Xuan sat cross-legged on the back of the anti-dragon, and the anti-dragon strode forward with eight legs and rushed towards the place he felt.

That domineering look is even more arrogant than when he was a dragon. It seems that someone behind him is using his power to bully others.

The eight-legged anti-dragon is still very stable during its march. Li Xuan, who is sitting on his back, does not feel any bumps and shakes. I have to say that as a mount, the anti-dragon is not only qualified, but can even be said to be very good!


Ten minutes later, Nilong came to Layla and the others, and at first saw Layla, who was running on a rampage, grinning, releasing her aura.

Then I think that this guy is a tough guy, isn't his power enough to scare him away? As long as he has a normal head, he can feel the gap between himself and him?!

Just when Laila was about to launch an attack to protect Leni, she saw Li Xuan on her back, and then she understood why the reverse dragon was like this.


Li Xuan jumped off the back of the anti-dragon, and at this time Laila brought Leni to Li Xuan, and Laila regained her body shape in the food world.

But what's with the howls and eyes with a hint of resentment? It made Li Xuan think that he did something wrong to Laila.

But when Laila looked at the anti-dragon, she knew what it was thinking, because she felt that she had cheated, why did she find a new mount?

"Ah, Laila, you are my family, Nilong is just a mount, it's different, and it can only stay in the food world, I won't take it out!

No matter what she said, she comforted Laila. Leni, who saw Nilong for the first time, was already jumping around on Nilong.

Under Li Xuan's order, Nilong played with Leni obediently.

In the end, Li Xuan let Nilong move freely in the first protected area. Next time he came to find it, he left the food world with Laila and her daughter.

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