I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 284 I am Hermione, super brave! (For subscription, for support)

"What happened at Hogwarts?"

After Li Xuan wrote down the matter of finding help for Dave, he asked Hermione.

"The thing is, because there is a petrification incident at Hogwarts now, the little wizard is not allowed to walk around, especially the little wizard is alone, and the three of us are suspected of being petrified because of one thing. The initiator... 55

With Hermione speaking, Li Xuan understood what was going on.

The last time Harry Potter was in Lockhart's room to help reply to a fan's letter, he heard an inexplicable sound, inside the wall, but this sound was only heard by Harry Potter.

The three then saw swarms of fleeing spiders in the hallway, and saw Filch's cat, Mrs Norris, petrified and tied to the wall.

I also saw the words written on the wall with bloodstains: "The door to the secret room has been opened, the enemies of the successor, beware!"

It was very coincidental that it was seen by Gryffindor and Slytherin students. Now Hermione and the three of them really fell out of their crotch, not shit or shit.

I really can't tell, but fortunately, with the testimony of Dumbledore, Severus, and Lockhart, they were temporarily freed from suspicion, but the entire Hogwarts entered a state of alert.

In the magical world, hearing strange sounds is not a good thing, and even represents bad luck.

So about the inexplicable voice that Harry Potter can hear, both Hermione and Ron want to help him hide it, mainly Hermione, after all, she is the one who is responsible for the mind. She knows that in this situation, if others know about it, If Lipot can hear the strange voice, then his situation - will be more difficult.

As a friend, Hermione would not stand idly by and let Harry Potter get into this predicament.

But in the duel course between Snape and Lockhart, the Harry Potter pig teammates completely forgot what Hermione told him earlier, and in the duel with Malfoy, he revealed that he knew Parseltongue.

It was originally a Parseltongue to save people, but in the eyes of others, Harry Potter's behavior was clearly manipulating the snake to attack others, even if he explained it in every possible way, even the student Justin who was rescued did not. Trust Harry Potter's rhetoric.

Contacting the founder of Slytherin, Salazar Slytherin, is Parseltongue, and Harry Potter is considered his great-great-grandson or something, the heirs written on the wall!

As a result, Harry Potter was rejected by the entire Hogwarts students except Hermione and Ron, from the savior at the beginning to the attacker now.

Humans are such complex and varied animals, aren't they?

As a result, when Harry Potter was alone in Gryffindor's common room, he encountered that monster again and attacked people. This time, the one who was attacked was Justin who had a conflict with him last time, and this time he was the only one. people.

Well, I can't tell, really can't tell, and Hermione doesn't know what to do.

If it wasn't for Dumbledore still trusting Harry, and if the petrified man and cat were not brought back to life by the manlad grass, Harry Potter might have really been driven out of Hogwarts, back to his small, dark place. In the attic?

When Hermione said this guess, Li Xuan smiled, this may be impossible, even if Hogwarts is finished, Harry Potter will not be expelled.

After all, behind him stands the ceiling of the magic world of England, the strongest white wizard in the world, Dumbledore!

That is to say, Hermione, who was born as an ordinary person, did not understand Dumbledore's power in the magical world, otherwise she would not have said this sentence.

To know that Harry Potter is the protagonist of Dumbledore the Savior game, anyone can be replaced, but how could he be replaced?

How would Dumbledore's Savior game go on without Harry Potter? Who will handle the future Voldemort?

Not to mention that behind Harry Potter is a Snape Severus who has very complicated feelings for him. Don't doubt the connections and skills of a potion master in the magical world.

Sometimes, no, it should be said many times!

If Harry becomes Harry, then perhaps the Harry Potter novel has completely changed its style?

The relationship between Snape and Harry Potter is not so rigid, and the plot may turn into the plot of Yang Bugui and Yin Liuxia in Master Jin's Eternal Dragon Slayer, right?

・・・・・Seeking flowers....

"Are you doubting that Malfoy is the real heir?"

"how do you know?!!!

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Hermione said very surprised, but after the surprise was over, after thinking about it, Li Xuan knew that there was nothing wrong.

With Li Xuan's ability, it is not difficult to guess what he thinks about Harry Potter and Ron.

Hermione guessed wrong this time. After all, she didn't know that there was such a thing as transmigrators in the world, and she didn't know that the world she was in turned out to be a fantasy novel.

"Yes, we suspect that Malfoy is the real successor of Slytherin, so we plan to use the compound potion to let Harry and Ron become Crabbe and Goyle to test Malfoy, and see if we can test it from his mouth. what information.


And I became Millison Birdsdeath, and in order to prevent the real Goyle and Crabbe from interfering with our plans, we had to stun them and hide them elsewhere, and we entered the Slytherin public together. The lounge, so as to get rid of Harry's suspicion. "

It has to be said that Hermione's plan, although a little rough, is still very good.

From the formulation of the plan, to the search for information, it took Hermione a month to prepare the compound potion, which was basically due to Hermione. No need for Harry Potter and Ron at all.

It's no wonder that the Harry Potter novel is aliased as Hermione and her two useless male followers, and even the latter name is more recognized by everyone.

Even Hermione dared to enter Snape's office to steal the potion materials for the compound potion. In the whole of Hogwarts, perhaps only Hermione dared to do it, and smashed the wool on Snape's body.

Sure enough, there is no mistake in the academy, Hermione, who seems to be the most sensible of the three savior trio, is the bravest and most reckless!

With Hermione's rashness, it would be unreasonable not to be a lion cub in Gryffindor, or the college hat is a fool!

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