I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 350 Kitten Claw Claw (for subscription, for support)

Erza and the others had to move fast, and they had to leave before the next batch of supplies came back.

The reason why they launched an uprising in such a hurry is because the most recent supplies were sent three days ago, and the general magic order came once every two weeks.

So there is not much time left for them, not just to leave in half a month, but a day or two earlier.

Otherwise, if you collide head-on with the people from the magic sect who came to supply supplies, it would be better to stay on the island and wait for the rabbit to stop.

As for the Tower of Paradise?

Erza decided to absolutely destroy it before leaving, and a few missiles passed by, leaving only a large pit is enough.

Li Xuan didn't say anything about it. As for what he intervened, Erza and Gerald broke the bond. Does Li Xuan say this is important?

What I want is the effect of "Seven Four Three". This bond did not bring any joy to the two of them, but endless pain. It is good for each other to break it, as I said before.

As for thinking about Gerald, and where orphans like Millie go, now is not the time to talk about this, the most important thing at the moment is to leave the Tower of Paradise!

For the rest, wait until it is safe to talk slowly. At that time, whether these children live with those adults, or go to Fairy Tail with Elsa Rob.

After all, some of the little guys are also qualified as mages, and in the original timeline, they even started with Erza a few years later!

Being able to join Fairy Tail is good for them and the guild, but well, it depends on their choice.

It's just that I don't know if Gerald at this time has already been targeted. If he is targeted, it will be really difficult.

So let Erza follow Rob to Fairy Tail as soon as possible. With Makarov there, there won't be too much trouble for the time being.

If you just jump, Makarov will go down with a goblin law, I'm afraid he won't hit gg directly!

After closing the door, Li Xuan and the others took a shower and went to rest.

As for whether to sleep or not, it depends on the individual. After all, the so-called staying up late hurts one's health. For an existence like Li Xuan and the others, it may take so many months to get a little hurt.

After all, the level of life is different. For example, Li Xuan has this habit, and Thor and the others found that such a regular routine feels good after coming to Li Xuan, so they also follow Li Xuan's rules.

The next morning, Li Xuan got up early and made breakfast in the kitchen. Today's breakfast was siu mai and milk.

Milk is naturally the milk of the milk whale. It is beautiful, and can make the skin smooth and supple. In addition, the taste is smoother than that of Moufu, and it has a strong milky fragrance.

Compared with ordinary milk, it is sweet and thick, and it is very sweet without adding sugar at all. At the same time, it is also full of nutrition. It is perfect for drinking in the morning!

It is still the familiar Bailuo snake twisting the chain, kneading the face softly and vigorously enough, Master Xie's vigorous beating does not match his elegant temperament.

Divide the dough into balls of ingredients, wipe them with the palm of your hand, and the strength reveals that the ingredients will be turned into sheets of burnt wheat skin as thin as cicada wings!

Jinhua ham made with crab and pig, pumpkin eggs, meringue shrimp, and vegetables from the sky vegetable field.

Red, yellow, green and white, colorful, Li Xuan steamed a lot of golden ratio shumai, and when Thor and the others went downstairs, they could smell the aroma of shumai.

"Sit down and eat right away.

Seeing that everyone came down, Li Xuan poured the hot milk to everyone, and Eluma came over obediently and brought the milk to each person.

"Don't forget Connor's groundberries."

Li Xuan said to Eluma who went out, since the last time she learned from Li Xuan that earthberries can make her grow faster, Kang Na has set a flag to eat every day.

At first, Li Xuan thought that she would not last long. After all, Kang Na was still young, and she ate the same thing every day, even if it was rice, sometimes she would get tired of it, and she would think about eating rice noodles or noodles or something to change the taste.

In the end, I didn't expect that Kang Na would keep insisting, which really surprised Li Xuan, not only Li Xuan, Thor, Lukoya and Eluma as well.

After all, Kang Na's "loving the new and disliking the old" was well-known in the Dragon Clan before, but in fact, it wasn't that she liked the new and hated the old. It should be said that she was too curious. In other words, it was three minutes of popularity.

This kind of situation is extremely common in children, and even adults are not without such problems, otherwise how did so many sea king scum come from?

Am I right?

I won't go into details in detail, after all, the water inside is too deep, Li Xuan can't hold it, and he is afraid of drowning...

However, Li Xuan is also afraid of Kang Na getting tired of eating raspberries like this all day long. Since she can persist, Li Xuan will naturally help as much as she can.

For example, sometimes it is made into yogurt fruit salad, sometimes it is squeezed into earthberry juice, sometimes it is made into earthberry ice cream, earthberry pudding and so on.

But most of the time, I still cut it into small pieces and eat it directly. Of course, Li Xuan only gets a small bowl of weight every day. If there is too much, it is not a problem of whether he can eat it all, but it is easy to have a rebellious heart, and the gain is not worth the loss. The point is that water flows.

"Wow! Are we eating Kitten Claw Shaomai again today?!

Eluma put the ground berries and milk in front of Kang Na, Li Xuan also brought out the steamer and placed it in the middle of the table, the steam curled up vertically and swayed.

Before Li Xuan opened the steamer, the aroma of golden ratio siomai had already filled the entire restaurant, and Kang Na, who had eaten golden ratio siomai many times, naturally smelled it.

Because the golden ratio siomai is shaped like a kitten's claw, Kang Na usually doesn't call it the golden ratio siomai, but the cat's claw siomai.

"That's right, today's breakfast is the golden ratio of sauerkraut and milk, let's do it yourself, it won't be so delicious after a while.

After handing everyone a basket of golden ratio siomai, Li Xuan also sat down.

Open the lid of the steamer, in the white 3.1 steam, the golden ratio siomai placed on the lotus leaf is exuding a tempting aroma.

Shaomai wrapped in four colors and four different fillings, just like its shape, its aroma burrows into your nose playfully, like a kitten's paw scratching your heart.

While it's still hot, Li Xuan picks up a little and blows it into his mouth, the meat is fragrant, the shrimp is fresh, the dishes are refreshing, and the eggs are soft and soft.

Chewing constantly in the mouth, constantly feeling the four flavors changing back and forth, obviously it is just a shaomai, but it seems that there are dozens of combinations in the mouth.

This deliciousness made Li Xuan shove two more into his mouth all of a sudden. This feeling of fullness really makes people feel happy.

Let's look at Thor and the others, they all look like they are enjoying themselves, and they drink a sip of milk in the middle, they are soothing!

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