I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 366 Xiao Kangna's Homework (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

In the evening of the next day, when Kang Na came back, she sat at the cash register that belonged to her alone, doing cash register work while completing homework assigned by the school.

The homework assigned by the teacher today is to draw a picture, and the requirement is related to home.

On the way back, Kang Na discussed with Cai Chuan there for a while, and finally, under the advice of the other party, decided to draw the scene when the store was open.

So she is very busy tonight, she has to cashier, observe, and draw. Li Xuan and the others originally wanted her to concentrate on drawing and doing homework, so Elma and the others can take care of the cashier.

But she was rejected by Kang Na, this is her job, everyone is working hard for the family, and I can't be absent!

Kang Na's sense of ownership is not weak. Later, everyone saw that she could take care of the three things very well, and it didn't affect them, so they let her go.

Speaking of homework, Li Xuan couldn't help but think of Kang Na doing homework during the summer vacation, which gave Li Xuan a headache.

In order to cultivate children's habit of observing the world, as well as hands-on ability, the school has homework for liberal arts and science. There is nothing to say about liberal arts, so naturally they are drawing diaries and the like.

23 science is basically hands-on. Li Xuan remembers that Kang Na’s homework is to choose one of four: observe the growth of sunflowers; collect insects and make specimens; daily weather changes; small circuit experiments.

For Connor, her natural choice was to choose to collect insects.

Li Xuan didn't pay attention at first, after all, Kang Na is so smart, she doesn't have to worry about her studies at all.

Whether it was picking up Kangna to and from school by herself, or attending the parent meeting last semester, the teachers all praised Kangna, and her classmates also expressed their love for Kangna. The parents of other students all learned from Li Xuan how to educate their children. But Li Xuan made a big splash.

Therefore, Li Xuan does not have the trouble of helping children with their homework on weekdays, and he does not have the experience of making people crazy and so angry that they have to take Suxiao Jiuxin Pills.

After all, there is a saying that is good, if you don’t do homework, the father is kind and the son is filial, and the homework tutoring is like flying dogs!

So Li Xuan didn't urge Kang Na to finish her summer homework, because she would do it on her own initiative, which made Li Xuan feel relieved.

In the end, when Kang Na said that she had finished her homework, Li Xuan's routine inspection was actually just a glance, only to find a scene that made her laugh and cry.

There is a special space in the homework for children to paste insect specimens, but Kang Na wrote her own evaluation of insects on the blank space.

What evaluation?

The taste of these insects!

Grasshopper: wet; butterfly: dry; cicada: crunchy.

My little Kangna, although I know that your usual way of understanding the world is to taste it yourself, "But didn't I tell you not to do this?!

Li Xuan and the others knew Kang Na had this bad habit, but under Li Xuan's request, Kang Na also changed it slowly. After all, what is better than Li Xuan's food?

Unexpectedly, this bad habit was not completely changed. Without Li Xuan's attention, Kang Na understood that the summer homework came in her own way.

But it's not entirely her fault, Li Xuan also has a part of the reason, Kang Na is of course smart, but because the understanding of the world of humans and dragons is different, and Kang Na is still young, Li Xuan still needs to care more.

Li Xuan didn't do a good job at this point, so he didn't have the face to blame Kang Na, and it wasn't a big deal, so there was no need to put it on the line.

The final result is that Li Xuan and Kang Na have reached an agreement. In the future, if there is homework or what the school asks Kang Na to do, I will tell him first, and the two of them will discuss and discuss it before doing it, so as to avoid the situation like this time again. .

Li Xuan also reflected on it afterwards, and he couldn't reduce his concern for Kang Na just because she was sensible. Being sensible should never be a reason or an excuse for not caring.

Li Xuan himself didn't like the saying that crying children have milk in his previous life. If he is sensible, he should not compete with others, but should give way to others. This is not a correct view.

On the contrary, for a child who is sensible and makes you worry-free, you should pay more attention to her, because the sensible child of the other party makes you happy and relieves you, so you should also compare your heart to her.

It's like two brothers or two siblings fighting in a family. You can't let the older one give way to the younger one forever. The younger one doesn't mean you have to be pampered forever.

Also, being sensible is not the reason for being bullied by the ignorant, nor is it a reason for being magnanimous. It should be the right or wrong of the matter to distinguish whose responsibility it is.

These are actually the Donghuang’s eight "tolerances" that Li Xuan saw in his previous life and were summed up by others: those who celebrate the new year, everyone is dead, everyone has come, it’s not easy, you’re still a child, you’re old, for you Well, just get used to it.

As for the eight statements above, Li Xuan can only say how far away he is from this kind of mental retardation. In the words of a certain cross talk master, that is to stay away.

Otherwise, when the lightning strikes him, it will implicate you.

Li Xuan had never been a parent in his previous life, and he was only in his twenties. It is pretty good to be able to support himself, and it is really fantastic to want to support his family.

The current era is different from the era of grandparents and parents. At their own age, they have long been the parents of their children, and many of them even have more than one child.

And 830, for post-nineties and zero-zeros like Li Xuan, in his twenties, he is still a child. How can he have children and raise children? Feel a little scary!

But after coming to this world, especially after Kang Na came, when he is not busy, Li Xuan will also chat with some regular customers who have children about children's education.

After all, there is an extra Kangna. Although Kangna doesn't look too young, she doesn't understand many things in the human world, and she often imitates others.

Among them, Li Xuan is the one who imitates the most. Firstly, she spends the most time with her, secondly, Kang Na trusts Li Xuan the most, and thirdly, she thinks Li Xuan is the most powerful person, so the primary target of learning is him.

In order to set an example for Kang Na, Li Xuan often consciously changed some of her bad habits.

After all, let's not mention the irresponsible parents. If the other party is tuned, Kang Na won't be kicked out of the Dragon Clan for trying to get their attention.

Of course, the education of the Dragon Race itself has a big problem. Compared with humans, it is much rougher. In their view, it is enough to live, and the rest is not important.

Even Thor's father is considered more responsible, after all, he is more concerned about her. .

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