I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 421: Shark Fin Dishes And Super Sweetness (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

The siu mai skin is ready, and the rest is the stuffing inside. Unlike using hind leg meat as the skin, pork tenderloin is used for the meat stuffing, which is beaten into meat stuffing and placed in the middle.

Then wrap the meat stuffing tightly with the shark's fin round and round, and wrap it tightly into the oat skin. This is also the secret of the delicious siu mai spreading in the mouth.

Finally put it in a steamer and steam it. Li Xuan’s Shark Fin Siu Mai is as big as a child’s fist, so one serving, that is, one basket can have six.

Seeing Li Xuan demonstrate how to make a few cages, Thor also figured out how to do it. Li Xuan asked Thor to help prepare the front-end ingredients, and he went to be lazy.

In fact, it is not considered lazy. Seeing that everyone is busy, Li Xuan remembered that he had obtained a diamond crystal fig before. This fruit only bears fruit once every ten years. The fruit of a giant crystal fig shines like a diamond. The hard shelled figs are world-renowned for their extreme sweetness.

A diamond crystal fig is as high as a two-story building 23. Li Xuan got it before and forgot about it.

Li Xuan took out the entire diamond crystal fig from the super backpack. Fortunately, the kitchen can change its size freely, otherwise it really wouldn't fit.

"Ah Xuan, is this your new ingredient?"

Seeing the diamond crystal figs that Li Xuan took out, Thor couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, this ingredient looks so good, it's like a gemstone, and it feels the same to the touch. If you don't know it, if you are seen by the dragons, you will definitely store it as a treasure in the dragon's lair. For example, Fafnir will definitely !"

Poor Fafnir, he will be arranged by Elma even if he is not around. I don’t know if he remembers snoring right now?

Presumably, as the cursed dragon, he must be able to figure out who is talking about him behind his back?

But Li Xuan has forgotten the mystery and power of Dimensional Restaurant, let alone Fafnir noticed that someone was talking about him deducing it in reverse, and he didn't even feel it.

"This is a diamond crystal fig, which bears fruit only once in ten years. The difference between it and ordinary figs lies in its sweetness. I just remembered that this one has not been taken out for you to taste, so I just took it out to make a fig pie."

Li Xuan cut a piece of the diamond fig and put the rest back in the super backpack.

"Then Xuan, you are busy, the work of the kitchen is entrusted to us!"

Hearing that there are delicious foods, Elma said confidently, Thor and Lukya have no objection to this, it is their job, without Li Xuan one is just slower, but after work Having a dessert is a beautiful thing too!

As Li Xuan got busy, a sweet smell unique to diamond figs spread in the kitchen.

With the sound of 'ding', Li Xuan took out the baked fig pie from the oven, cut it up and took it out. Thor and the others had already finished preparing the ingredients and were playing with their mobile phones there.

Take out the water ginger drink from the super backpack, the weather is getting colder, it’s not bad to drink some ginger drink, even Yoyo and Leni Laila have a share.

"Save it for Kanna?"

Looking at Li Xuan who was distributing fig pies, Thor asked, but after asking, he realized that asking this question seemed a bit redundant, because Li Xuan's doting on Kang Na must have stayed.

"If you keep it, everyone, come and try this fig pie!"

Looking at the fruit pie that seemed to be filled with precious stones, everyone tasted it. After the high temperature, the sweetness of the fig pulp condensed and concentrated.

In fact, Li Xuan didn't use too many cooking skills, but just kneaded the fig flesh in the wheat flour, simply wrapped it in flour and baked it, so as to maximize its deliciousness.

No need for extra sugar at all, just the sweetness of the diamond figs is enough!

Yoyo, who was holding a fig pie in her hand, happily squinted her eyes and began to eat slowly, while Lai Ni over there was like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, swallowing the dates wholeheartedly.

Seeing it like this, Li Xuan gave it a few dollars again.

For lunch, Li Xuan didn't bother to cook anything else. With shark fin siu mai, everyone would be full after two or three baskets!

The moment the steamer is opened, the aroma of shark's fin gushes out, and the aroma of crab pork is mixed in the middle.

Pick up a shark fin and eat it in your mouth while it is hot, as if it is about to jump in your mouth, coupled with the extremely delicious meat stuffing as a foil, this is a magnificent and delicious duet played by algae skin, shark fin and pork stuffing.

When biting into the mouth, the shark's fin crackles and bursts instantly, and the unique swelling taste of the shark's fin after soaking, the taste is extremely rich and smooth.

It is clear that scattered wings are used, but because of the rich swelling power of using it in large quantities, people get an indescribable sense of satisfaction. It is a siu mai that subverts the senses of ordinary people.

Obviously, I just ate a lot of fig pies, and it didn't take long, but under the temptation of such delicious shark fin siu mai, everyone ate several baskets. If it wasn't for the fear that the business would not be enough to sell later, they might continue to eat it .

Because Li Xuan informed in advance that there will be a new show today, so no surprises, in the next few days, the restaurant will definitely be full of reservations. Point 147 labor can not be called tired.

In the evening, in the Dimensional Restaurant, our Iron Man Mr. Tony Stark finally appeared.

"Don't mention it, just solved the problem of the dark elf leader Malekith, and got the Reality Gem, that is, the ether particle.

In fact, I haven’t been here for so long, mainly because I was arguing with Asgard about the ownership of the Reality Gem, and they finally took it away!”

Tony complained to Li Xuan angrily, and swallowed a large glass of pansy champagne in one gulp, the champagne Li Xuan brought out was no worse than his collection.

You must know that this level of champagne is not too much in Tony's place, but it's like water in Li Xuan's place, drink it casually, there is really no harm without comparison!

But it’s not the first day I met Li Xuan, I might lose compared to other Li Xuan, but when it comes to ingredients, cooking, and drinks, Li Xuan has absolutely no chance of losing!

"Actually, it's not impossible for you to want the Reality Gem, but you're not strong enough. Even if Thor brings the Reality Gem back to Asgard, he won't store it in Asgard, but will find another place to store it.

After all, infinite gems are a scourge to ordinary people. In order to prevent Thanos from collecting all six infinite gems, they must find another place to store Fang Yin secretly. ".

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