I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 448: Ingredients For Jealousy (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

What are Li Xuan and Thor doing? They are processing buckwheat fruits. I forgot that Li Xuan got 90% buckwheat noodles in a lottery last night. Li Xuan is now making the buckwheat flour it uses.

Now I'm free, so Li Xuan simply made it himself, and it will definitely be available in the future.

Soba noodles can be divided into first-class noodles, second-class noodles, and third-class noodles according to the difference in the grinding part of the fruit.

Yibanfen collects the endosperm part that is first turned into powder when grinding buckwheat fruit. This part can be used to make soba noodles with a smooth taste and elegant flavor. The color of the flour and the finished noodles are all white.

Soba powder is obtained by grinding the germ part around the endosperm together into flour. It can be made into soba noodles with a good aroma and texture. Because the germ is added, the color becomes off-white.

In the end, the outer part of the fruit is ground and added together, which is Sanfanfen. Although the taste will be worse, the flavor will be very strong. The brown soba noodles we usually see the most are Sanfanfen, and the price is also the cheapest. people friendly.

And 90% of Ji Zhiliu's soba noodles use Ichiba flour for the smooth taste.

Li Xuan and Thor have ground a lot of buckwheat noodles. With Li Xuan's efficiency, these buckwheat fruits can't last until the business starts. Li Xuan and the others are truly inhuman!

When Kang Na came back from school in the evening, she acted like a baby to Li Xuan again, asking him to make sweet and sour cherries for herself.

Then he started bickering with Elma again. These two people are really childish.

Every time they have delicious food and fun with each other, they deliberately show off in front of each other. In the past, it was Thor who played around like this with Elma.

Now Thor has changed with Li Xuan, he has become mature and sensible, not as irritable as before, so Elma's opponent has become Kang Na?!

So it's Elma who has always been childish, right?!

Thor didn't understand Li Xuan's eyes, but when he saw his sweetheart looking at him, he still smiled sweetly.

If Thor uses one word from his previous life to describe her, she is definitely a sweet girl, with a cute appearance and a sweet and moving smile, but no one can make people show such a happy smile except himself.

Li Xuan felt that the sweet chestnuts and peanuts he ate last night were not as sweet as Thor's smile.

Well, it's time to give Li Xuan the title of a rustic love chef.

When Kang Na came back, she also asked Tadokoro Megumi and the others to come down to eat together, and Li Xuan didn't need him to do anything when eating these two days.

Because when Nao Sadazuka and the others were trying to practice, they always made all kinds of dishes. Of course, the ones that failed went into the simmering bucket, but the ones that succeeded couldn't finish them, so they took them down and ate them together.

CD-ROM operation, don't waste food, this is very important to Li Xuan, who was hungry when he was a child.

After dinner, they went up to study again, and they didn't go back until Li Xuan's shop was closed and came down to help clean up.

Li Xuan didn't say anything about it, let them do it, this is their day of field study at Li Xuan's place, it seems ordinary, but in fact it is really spent.

All the magnificence is fake, most of the time it is silent accumulation, silent efforts, all the brilliance is created by hard work and sweat in private!

The seven women who came to Li Xuan for field study are no worse than other normal field study people. On the surface, it seems that they are all studying cooking alone on the second floor, and have not participated in the management of the restaurant. This seems to be unqualified of.

Others put forward their own suggestions in the place of field study, saw how the restaurant operates, got exercise, and seemed to gain more than Sakaki Ryoko and the others.

However, it is important to understand what this field study is really about.

On the surface, the purpose of the field study is to test what the students can bring to the cooking scene, but the real meaning is to hope that the students can observe various masters at various places of practice, learn and copy their skills, and extract the essence, and finally construct Start your own cooking.

That is to say, the field study is to hope that students can continue to learn and finally determine their own chef path.

...asking for flowers......

Arranging students to re-walk the path that their predecessors walked is to test what students can learn from professional chefs, and to see their own limits. Only by facing their own limits and still trying to surpass them People will go more smoothly on the road in the future.

Of course, it’s not that it’s not important to observe and learn the restaurant’s operating model and help the restaurant improve, which is also very important, but compared with determining your own path, this is not so important.

For Li Xuan, although they didn't observe the restaurant's operating model and find problems, they could get Li Xuan's tailor-made plan, which was definitely much better than them.

What's more, things like the restaurant business model are difficult to say, and easy to say, and their families are basically related to catering, otherwise they wouldn't have embarked on the path of being a chef.

After the restaurant closed, Li Xuan and the others opened the Dimension Restaurant after washing up. Recently, the restaurant has resumed its previous bustling scene, and everyone came to the restaurant to stay free.

Or play with your friends, or taste Li Xuan's craft.

Li Xuan didn't rest tonight. The things he got in the lottery had to be digested to become his own strength.

What Li Xuan is dealing with now is a seven-colored, bubble-like fruit, which was obtained by lottery, the temple treasure of Shilin Temple, soap bubble fruit.

In order to deal with the soap bubble fruit, Li Xuan asked Thor and the others to temporarily empty out all the ingredients in the restaurant and store them in his super backpack.

No way, soap bubble fruit is a very shy and jealous ingredient. It wants the chef to only focus on itself, so no other ingredients are allowed nearby.

Who would have thought that soap bubble fruit would have such a habit and requirement, right?!

It's a bit like a little girl who just fell in love, wishing that her partner would stick to her every day, and there would be no other opposite sex besides herself.

Even friends of the opposite sex other than female relatives in the friend list are not allowed to exist, and all of them are deleted!.

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