I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 454 Can't Stop At All (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

"Suck it~"

Everyone picked up a chopstick of white and flawless soba noodles, dipped it into the broth, and then sucked it into their mouths.

You can feel the elasticity of the soba noodles when you hold the noodles with the chopsticks, which shows that not only the quality of the soba noodles is good, but also the cooking time and heat are just right.

We all know that no matter how good the noodles are, if they are cooked for a long time, the noodles will definitely be soft and will break when you pinch them.

Once in the mouth, the elegant and rich aroma of the flying duck broth is mixed with the smooth soba noodles. At the same time, the extremely delicate taste of the soba noodles is seamlessly blended with the high elasticity.


At this time, pick up a piece of fried sakura shrimp and eat it in your mouth. The light and crispy batter shatters in your mouth, making a different sound than ordinary fried batter. "six one seven"

If the deep-fried noodle that I usually eat is Onee-san, then the fried noodle with sakura shrimp is a shy girl, soft and soft, coupled with the umami and unique taste of sakura shrimp

The slight aroma of cherry blossoms makes you feel like a shy girl walking under the cherry blossoms.

Li Xuan eats a mouthful of soba noodles and a mouthful of sakura shrimp. The combination of the crispy sakura shrimp and the feeling of soba entering the throat forms an incomparably sharp contrast. Even after swallowing, the aftertaste of sakura shrimp still lingers in the mouth .

The excellent taste will make you eat soba noodles and assorted fried noodles without knowing it, and make you feel that your stomach may be full, but your mouth is still craving for it.

The reason is that at that time, because of the combination of sakura shrimp fried assorted and soba noodles, the unique sweetness of sakura shrimp and the delicate flavor of soba noodles are closely combined, so that people can't stop after taking a bite.

The smooth texture of the soba noodles and the flavor of the sakura shrimp, known as the fairy of the sea, wrap the diners tightly. It is simply delicious.

The soba noodles and sakura shrimp fried assorted on the plate in front of everyone is of course not enough to eat. Li Xuan also put a lot of soba noodles and sakura shrimp fried assorted in the middle of the table, even the dashi.

They are all big eaters, and this soba has a magic power, that is, you will finish eating it without knowing it, but you can still eat a lot, without feeling full at all.

There is no way, combining several delicate and elegant ingredients together to perfectly achieve this difficult balance will definitely make diners intoxicated!

The hills of soba noodles and sakura shrimp fried assortment on the dining table were quickly swept away by everyone's "efforts"

I can’t help it, I’m full. This soba noodle dish has such a magic power that you can eat too much without knowing it. There are no noodles, fried assorted dishes, and broth left at all, and they are eaten clean!

Sure enough, delicious food will bring people an incomparable sense of happiness!

After tidying up a bit, everyone sat and chatted, bragging, and this evening was over again, and they all went back to their respective worlds to rest happily and contentedly.

The next morning, Tadokoro Megumi and the others came early. This morning, Li Xuan was lazy, so I left breakfast to them. Watch them cross the sea and show their magical powers!

I went with Kang Na to prepare breakfast for Sisi Amu and the others, and they would start their patrol work when they were full.

Because Li Xuan set up such a cat and dog patrol team, seeing such well-behaved cats and puppies, the merchants in the food street changed their bad impression of stray cats and dogs.

There are also people who want to adopt cats and dogs with Li Xuan, but they are not stupid, so of course they are not willing.

Li Xuan also respects their ideas, and will not force them to go with others, and he is not unable to support them.

And after a long time, they have developed feelings, but Li Xuan agreed to help them train cats and dogs, and they will be released when the time comes.

Not to mention, there are really many people who come to Li Xuan to help train cats and dogs. For example, the problem of going to the toilet is a big problem. It’s good that cats have cat litter.

And I handed it over to Li Xuan for a week to make it safe and secure, and Li Xuan didn't charge any money, just let them buy some snacks for Sisi Amu and the others.....

As for dog food and cat food, does Li Xuan make delicious ones?!

Snacks are only for the transition when you have nothing to do, to pass the time, or to grind your teeth, but there are a lot of meaty bones specially for dogs to grind their teeth.

After breakfast, Li Xuan went up to guide a group of Tadokoro Megumi and the others, and solved the problems they encountered yesterday, even after discussing and going back to think about them all night, and then went downstairs to start doing their own something happened.

What Li Xuan is going to do this morning is the special kitchen utensils for the Big Magic Panda Mapo Tofu. If you want to make black and white tofu that looks like a giant panda, the special kitchen utensils for the Big Magic Panda Mapo Tofu are indispensable!

This hollow design mold can shorten the cooking and conditioning time, and can also cut the tofu directly.

In fact, it is not difficult, just put together a few wooden boards, and use thin wires at the bottom to form a net, and each grid must be the same size, otherwise the falling tofu blocks will not be easy to control to form a giant panda. look like.

That's right, if the Big Magic Panda Mapo Tofu wants to give people the feeling of a panda playing in the bamboo forest, then there must be special movements when shaking it down, otherwise it will be a mess, then there is no panda mood, right? ?!

After making the mold, Li Xuan took out his beloved small grinding disc 0.8, and took out the pre-soaked soybeans for grinding.

Cooking such high-quality cooking, and eating it by himself, to enhance the awakening of gourmet cells, the first time Li Xuan is of course to do the best, so that the improvement of gourmet cells is the greatest!

And the tofu used by the Big Magic Panda Mapo Tofu is different from ordinary tofu. The white tofu is naturally the top soft tofu, while the black tofu is sweet tofu with black sugar added, and it is still ground with black soybeans. It is generally not bought online, and it needs to be specially customized.

Li Xuan doesn't use much tofu, so he doesn't order it specially for others, and the tofu nowadays is basically mass-produced on the assembly line, so Li Xuan's self-ground tofu is more fragrant!

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