I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 458 One Fish And Three Meals (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

Whether it is the speed with which Li Xuan handles the eel, or the cutting from the abdomen when handling the eel, it all reflects Li Xuan's extremely high technology!

Needless to say, the speed is mainly the latter. You must know that eels have no ribs, so it is quite difficult to accurately cut into the soft abdomen. Compared with cutting the back, cutting the belly requires much higher knife skills.

Chop the eel into cubes of suitable size, first marinate the eel pieces slightly with oil, pepper and salt, and Li Xuan started to cook the broth for the third meal.

This soup is made from eel liver. Fry the processed eel liver and smoked garlic slices with olive oil, put the brewed rice wine into the drink, then add bonito broth, put it into the pot, and the eel high~soup Finish!

These smoked garlic slices are smoked from walnut wood, which can stimulate the umami flavor of seafood. It is a perfect match with eel, and it can be added not only to eel liver broth, but also in the risotto that will be made later- Same!

The eel broth for the third meal over there is ready, and the shredded green onion and seaweed Li Xuan for the second meal is also ready

The busiest job is to eat first, and it is also the key to decide whether this eel dish is delicious or not!

Li Xuan didn't steam the eel before grilling. The fat of the eel he bought was thick enough to fully stimulate the aroma of the eel by grilling it directly.

While grilling the eel, Li Xuan Yibai was cooking risotto, which is cheese risotto. The key to this bowl of risotto is the sansho pepper, its bright and strong smell can stimulate the mellow and strong flavor in the cheese!

“Three eats of eel, done!!!”

Li Xuan looked at the bowls of eels in front of him and ate three times, and felt very satisfied. The bowls of his own are very real, not the kind of super big dishes with only a small piece in the middle. .

For Li Xuan, to eat food is to eat big, to be full, to eat comfortably, to eat happily, that is called happiness!

"Come and serve this eel three times!"

Li Xuan asked Amano Haruna and the others to come in and help carry out the food. After tidying up the table, Li Xuan followed suit. Of course, it will be more delicious if everyone eats together!

Everyone smelled the sweetness of the cheese, as well as the burnt and fishy smell of the eel after being grilled, and they couldn't help but whet their appetites. Why do you like to come to the Dimension Restaurant when you have nothing to do.

One is really happy to stay here, and they can find like-minded people to chat with and have fun with, and the other ten are the dishes made by Naan Li Xuan.

Even though he is a chef, why does Li Xuan's cooking taste better than other people's, and every time he can bring out a lot of weird ingredients, eating them is not only harmless to the body, but also can promote the growth of physical fitness !

Li Xuan also told everyone about the way to eat eel three times, after all, most people in the restaurant have never tasted this dish.

The so-called three meals of eel, the first meal is to taste the cut Kabayaki eel directly with rice, the second meal is to taste it with condiments such as green onion and seaweed, and the third meal is to pour soup or fried tea, like Like chazuke rice, diners can enjoy multiple stages of taste changes.

Different from the usual eel three meals with rice, Li Xuan made this cheese risotto, which added cheese, sansho pepper, and smoked garlic slices!

The properly melted cheese inside is fully bonded together, and the strong flavor of the sansho pepper blends perfectly with the cheese, making the pomfret delicious.

And the smoked benzyl acid added inside is the hidden core that connects all the flavors together!

Mash these garlic slices and add them to the risotto, which can also add a crunchy texture, and the taste of this risotto is already great!

Coupled with the grilled Kabayaki eel, the stickiness of the cheese, the softness of the rice, the crispness of the garlic slices, and the fragrance of the eel all gather together in the mouth!

This eel is the first to eat!

The second meal is paired with sweet and spicy green onions and seaweed with a unique aroma, which is another kind of taste.

If it weren't for the taste and texture of the third meal, everyone would definitely have swept away the eel and cheese risotto, and being able to keep some of them is already crazy and depressing.

...asking for flowers......

Everyone imitated Li Xuan and picked up the big teapot, poured the steaming eel liver soup into the bowl and mixed it with the cheese risotto.

As soon as the eel liver soup pouring out of the teapot touches the air, the steam immediately blends its umami taste into the air.

One of the things Li Xuan liked to do when eating in his previous life was to cook rice with soup or sauce. Although he knew it was bad for the stomach, who could refuse rice full of sauce and soup?!

The extremely fresh eel liver soup can be mildly blended with cheese, resulting in a wonderful aftertaste, without any fishy smell of liver at all, and it is perfectly processed.

Paired with the grilled and crispy skin of the eel, the juicy fat of the eel and the fresh and mellow aroma of the eel liver soup, the flavor and taste of the ingredients are completely integrated to form a supreme delicacy


It can remove the fishy smell of these eel livers and make the eel liver soup so perfect. Apart from the contribution of smoked garlic slices, it is the rice wine drink brewed by Shen Liangzi and Sadazuka Nao.

It is said to be a drink, but it still has a little alcohol content, so it has the same deodorizing effect as cooking wine!

Li Xuan bought the smoked garlic slices with money from the system. After all, the amount used is not too much, and Li Xuan is too lazy to make such a mess, but it is impossible without the smoked garlic slices. After all, this is also a very important ingredient in it.

However, there is no need for Li Xuan to buy rice wine from the system, just ask Ryoko Sakaki. Anyway, Ryoko Sakaki usually brews a lot when she has nothing to do. When she heard that Li Xuan needed it, she brought him a vat directly!

It sounds like a lot, but I used up more than half of this meal tonight. I can’t help it. They are all big eaters. Good appetite!

So tonight, not only did Li Xuan kill a bucket of eel, but Li Xuan even made a big pot of risotto. Of course, the matching eel liver soup was prepared according to the corresponding portion!

If it wasn’t for the addition of bonito broth to the eel liver soup, maybe the tank of rice wine would be used up tonight. It’s impossible to add water. Adding water will change the taste of the eel liver soup, and it will be very delicious. Fishy and bland, hard to swallow!.

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