I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 479 A Prank By One Big And One Small (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

Of course, besides roast duck, duck soup, roast duck dumplings and salt and pepper duck rack, Li Xuan also prepares the main dish, which is fried noodles!

Today, Li Xuan won a lottery with fried noodle buffalo, which is covered with rich and mellow sauce fried noodles, and light lemon flavored salt and pepper fried noodles.

These two kinds of fried noodles are mellow and rich, and the other is light and smooth. They have two different tastes, and there is obviously no trace of beef.

But at the moment of chewing the noodles, the faint aroma of beef lingers between the mouth and mouth.

The chow mein is draped on the chow mein buffalo, but it is fully soaked in the aroma of beef, even if it doesn't look like any beef, but it has the inside of beef!

"Suck it~"

"This chow mein is delicious! The brown sauce is rich and delicious, and the light yellow color has a hint of citric acid, which makes people appetite!"

The first one to taste fried noodles was Arato Hisako. After all, the roasted duck dumplings and konjac silk tofu purse taste so good, and the fried noodles served by Li Xuan are certainly not bad!

Speaking of which, the former Arato Hisako revolved around Nakiri Erina all day long, always in the capacity of a subordinate secretary.

Later, I came to Li Xuan to talk about my heart, and after unraveling the knot, although I still help Nakiri Erina with things every day, but this time it is as a friend.

And it's not all about Nakiri Erina, she's also finding her hobbies.

But during this period of time, she has tried various hobbies, painting, piano, comics, novels, music, dancing, and guitar. . . .

She tried all these hobbies of most people, but found that except for a little interest at the beginning, she didn't want to touch them at all after a week!

Later, she discovered that what she liked and was most interested in all the time was Li!

Cooking is no longer just a tool to keep myself with Nakiri Erina, but subconsciously I like cooking very much!

To be precise, I like to taste all kinds of strange and different dishes, a bit like a gourmet!

Of course, as a qualified gourmet, of course he is also an excellent cook, this is the basic operation of a gourmet!

So her favorite thing recently is to taste all kinds of dishes that she has never tasted before.

These seven days are also very happy and happy seven days for her, not only because of the improvement in cooking skills, but also because of being able to be a "guinea pig" for tasting.

In addition to tasting and commenting on Nakiri Erina's new dishes made by Tadokoro Megumi, they will also taste them together, and even discuss and research them together.

Especially the combination of Sakaki Ryoko and Sadazuka Nao, with the existence of the Mosheng Bronze Ware and Tanlang Pot, and the guidance of Li Xuan, they make all kinds of weird dishes every day

Really opened the door to a new world of Arato Hisako!

After getting along for a while, Mito Ikumi, who is Arato Hisako's partner, knows that she has the potential to be a gourmet. Since she said so, of course I believe her!

"This noodles, the aroma of this beef, if I didn't look at the noodles and the texture, if I closed my eyes, I would have thought I was tasting a very high-quality steak/々!"

Mito Ikumi keeps chewing and feeling the buffalo fried noodles, the aroma of the beef, absolutely amazing!

Seeing Mito Ikumi and Arato Hisako like this, other people couldn't help picking up fried noodles and tasting them together, even Leni and Leila did the same. Of course, Leni didn't forget to give some to her little friend Yoyo.

Food, of course, will be more delicious if more people share it together. During the frolicking, everyone has almost eaten, so Ping Nakiri Erijo took out the fried salt and pepper duck rack that he had fried in front of him to pass the time for everyone.

By the way, let's talk more at this time, we will embark on a new journey starting tomorrow, when the time comes, the partners around us will go their separate ways.

Cherish this rare and comfortable time together, it will definitely become the best moment in memory!

"By the way, there is this thing, just take it out!"

Li Xuan, who was hugging Yoyo and playing with Leni, suddenly remembered two things, and he just took them out tonight!

"Konna, come here!"

Li Xuan hurriedly shouted to Kang Na over there, and Kang Na who was chatting with Yoshino Yuuki and the others flew into Li Xuan's arms.

"Master Li Xuan, what's wrong?!"

"I tell you a good thing...

Li Xuan whispered something in Kang Na's ear, and the smile on Kang Na's face became stronger and stronger.

"Hee hee, this is fun, I know."

Kang Na responded in a low voice, and then rushed directly to the kitchen. According to what Li Xuan said, she found a basket of oranges in a certain cabinet.

"Elder Sister Elma, eat some fruit, Master Li Xuan just brought it out, and Sister You Ji, you can also eat it.

Elma and Yoshino Yuuki took the fruit that Kanna handed over. It happened that they were eating meat just now, so they could eat some fruit to relieve their tiredness.

They didn't know the way, and they didn't see the smile hidden in Kang Na's eyes.

It can only be said that Kang Na is a born good actress!

々yawn! yawn! yawn!"

Just a few seconds after Elma and Yoshino Yuuki peeled the skin and put it in their mouths and swallowed it, the two sneezed several times in succession.

"Yawn! Yawn! Yawn!"

There were three more in a row, but it stopped after these three sneezes. Of course, the sneeze mandarin that Li Xuan took out was a cut-down version, otherwise the sneeze would last at least a few minutes, and it would be too bad!

"Hee hee hee"

Seeing Elma and Yoshino Yuuki like this, Kanna on the side laughed happily, the two girls didn't know that it was Kanna who made trouble!

And the fruit that was handed to them just now is the culprit. Thinking of the two women looking at each other and confirming their eyes, they are the ones who want to report (Nuo's Zhao) back!

Ten seconds later, there was another sneeze, this time it was Kang Na who sneeze.


"Hee hee hee"

Yoshino Yuuki and Erma looked at Kanna who was sneezing wildly and laughed, and Kanna laughed too.

It was just a joke, they were not angry, but later they fed each other the Sneezing Oranges, and laughed while watching each other keep sneezing.

This sneeze mandarin makes you sneeze after eating it, but it tastes good, sweet and delicious and rich in VC, otherwise Elma and Yoshino Yuuki wouldn't have been fooled in the first place.

They eat it just because it tastes good, and it won't work if they don't.

Seeing the appearance of the three of them, Arato Hisako and the others also went over curiously and fell in love with each other with a sneeze.

As a result, the sneezing sound from the restaurant didn't stop all night. .

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