I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 496: A Small Pattern Dinner (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

"Of course, the key to the delicacy of this Dorayaki lies in the butter applesauce that is spread on the inside of the pancake. This is a sauce made by adding sugar and lemon juice to the butter, so that the unique taste of the fruit can be blended with the butter. piece.

That's why we can add sour, salty and strong flavors, so that diners will have a shocking taste when they eat it!"

Li Xuan told the girls about the little ideas in dorayaki. If a dish is to be delicious and innovative, it must have its own unique ideas.

Li Xuan not only added apple jam to the middle of the dorayaki, but also added a special ~ sauce of ginger.

When the diced apples are combined with the bread, the vivid impression is outstanding.

And after eating the slightly sweet white bean paste, if you continue to taste the middle part, the sour taste that spreads for a moment will be more prominent-it will become deeper!

Kang Na and the others listened to Li Xuan's explanation while eating. Indeed, eating this Dorayaki won't give you the same greasy feeling.

Instead, there is a sense of novelty that is layered on top of each other and constantly changing!

With this small pastry of dorayaki, this afternoon seems to have become more interesting. It is a rare lazy afternoon, and Leni Laila is also by Li Xuan's side, squinting and lying comfortably on Li Xuan around.

This dorayaki not only captured the little penguin's long mouth, but they like Lai Ni have tasted it a little bit. After all, this sweet pastry is not the taste and texture they like, and they prefer the feeling of eating meat!

Because Li Xuan made a lot of Dorayaki, the oven didn’t complete the task until it was almost open this afternoon. Maybe the whole oven was full of the sweet smell of Dorayaki!

And today's dinner Li Xuan also made a little trick, because he found that he had a recipe for a long time, and he forgot to share it with everyone.

It is also very suitable for Li Xuan and the others to taste tonight, that is, the master's parent-child rice bowl!

But Lai Ni's and theirs are different, they still have to eat meat drops, the simple fried steak is handed over to Thor, and Li Xuan prepared Hanklila bird meat and Kaila giant crocodile meat.

These two are old regular customers and good comrades. Thanks to their selfless dedication, Li Xuan's meat is not missing.

Of course, Li Xuan has never been short of meat, and he has a lot of meat on hand, such as roasted whole pig, gem meat, meat of four beasts, frozen bison, and crab pork. . .

However, the meat of the first giant Kaila crocodile has almost been eaten, but don’t worry, after taking control of the Balon Islands, "Li Xuan has bred a few more giant Song Kaila crocodiles.

It may not reach the level of the previous Kaila giant crocodile, but it is more than enough to satisfy the appetite.

Speaking of which, in order to make Leni and Lila grow faster, they should be given the most recently obtained meat of the four beasts with the highest energy.

But because the meat of the four beasts contains too much energy, if you just eat that, you won’t be full at all. The feeling that you feel like you haven’t eaten anything when you’re full, but you can’t eat any more, can make the wolf uncomfortable. up!

Not to mention that they all ate together, and Leni and the others were full within two minutes of eating there, and the rest just watched from the sidelines. The most important thing was that they still wanted to eat, which was really torture!

So now Leni and Laila eat a small piece of meat from the four beasts every meal, with relatively ordinary meat such as roasted whole pig, shot steak beef, and spiced beef.

This not only takes into account the feeling of satiety and the pleasure of tasting delicious food, but also ensures the intake of high-level energy.

While handling the quail taken out of the super backpack, Li Xuan Yi thought of Tadokoro Megumi and the others' field study this time.

The purpose of Tōtsuki’s field study is to test what students can bring to the cooking scene.

But the real meaning is to hope that students can observe various masters at close range in various training places, learn and copy their skills, extract the essence, and finally build their own cuisine.

That is to say, the field study is to hope that students can continue to learn and finally determine their own chef path.

Tōtsuki's field study is not arranged randomly, at least the workload and work intensity are something that ninety-nine percent of Tōtsuki students have never experienced, and the previous joint study is nothing.

...asking for flowers...

Although such high-intensity work was arranged once or twice, it was not continuous. Maybe it was the first time to face the limit, but this time it was beyond the limit, seven days of continuous rotation, or even a month. Being crushed by pressure can only depend on personal willpower.

After all, only those who face their own limit and still strive to surpass it can stand out among the chefs like the crucian carp in the river!

The seven of them like Tadokoro Megumi did not face such a limit with Li Xuan, but Li Xuan did indeed help them walk out of their own chefs.

After leaving Li Xuan's place, Nakiri Erina and the others were extremely busy, so Li Xuan and the others asked about the situation after a while, without disturbing their rest.

With their perseverance and willpower, Li Xuan believes that they will be able to overcome all difficulties in the end, and all the work will be started smoothly.

They also use their ingenuity to absorb various experiences crazily, so that they can grow faster!


At this moment, Li Xuan was awakened by the frying sound in the pan, and some oil splashed onto Li Xuan's hands.

Although Morse clear oil splashed on his hands, it didn't hurt, but it brought Li Xuan back to his senses, and he concentrated on the work in hand.

First of all, if you want to make the quail crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, you need to put the whole quail in the pan with hot oil, and then put it in the oven to fully bake, so that the oil in the front will lock the quail's gravy, The result is crispy on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside.

There are five basic elements of parent-child rice bowl, chicken, egg, rice, onion and seasoning sauce.

Li Xuan adds salt and black pepper to the egg liquid to bring out a slightly spicy taste. At the same time, salt and black pepper will also remove the fishy smell of the egg liquid, and then add fresh cream to make it more sticky Thick and thick.

The semi-cooked gravy is the key to Oyakodon. Milk is also added to the seasoned rice to make it richer.

Then, the minced chicken fried with butter, and the dehydrated onions, which have improved mellowness and sweetness, make the taste of the rice bowl more diverse. .

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