Compared with other rewards, the most attractive thing to Xia Yi is the appearance of the E-General card!

That is the strongest of the Heisei villains!

After all, if Nalang didn't have the strength to support him, he would have been beaten to death by the genius!

The golden light in front of Xia Yi spread out instantly, and for a time, the whole room was filled with magnificent green!

His face was still calm, and his deep eyes were like a deep pool. After a ripple flashed, there was no more ripples.

He held the card in front of him in his hand with great calmness, and then looked at it carefully.

The first thing he looked at was the E-General driving card that he cared about the most. He quickly flipped through it and then confirmed that even the advanced prize pool did not have the ultimate form.

Xia Yi couldn't help but sigh and felt a little regretful. After all, the power and data of the black hole form were quite exaggerated.

If he could get it, at least he would have a chance to fight Bai Ya!

But although it was a bit of a pity, it didn't make him lose his composure.

He still remained calm and looked at the card in his hand carefully.

In addition to Mr. E's card, other driving cards such as Survival Night Rider are already old acquaintances!

The form that also appeared in the original plot is very handsome, especially this card is Survival-Gas, which looks even more chic and elegant in the gale!

As for dark-drive! This is the knight power that the old driver's son will use in the future. It is said to be dark, but it is actually more ink-colored, and the appearance is also very good.

In terms of strength, it is also very good.

In addition to the driving cards of the three knights, the remaining two reward shooting masters are upgraded versions of shooting proficiency, which improves the accuracy of shooting, and every bullet hits the target, without fail!

As for danger perception, Xia Yi was also slightly startled when he saw this skill, and then quickly thought about it in his mind.

"Is it similar to Spider-Man's spider sense?"

This guess just emerged in his mind, and then the system also very considerately passed all the detailed information about the function of this skill into his mind.

Just like a revelation, a lot of information instantly flooded into his mind.

After sorting it out, Xia Yi learned that this skill is indeed very similar to spider sense, which can predict crises in advance.

In summary, the cards and other rewards obtained in this draw are still very good.

As for the remaining 17,000, he has no plan to continue the draw.

Save it for later.

After the draw, he lay directly on the soft big bed He began to rest on the night.

The next day, Kuzuba Kota, who was in a state of panic, sat alone in a quiet park, pondering the shocking truth!

He never thought that the forces of justice would appear in the world tree, and he never thought that there were only ten years left in this beautiful city!

He sighed deeply, and stared at the laughing people coming and going, and he couldn't help feeling powerless.

Is there really no way out?

What can he do?

While he was thinking, suddenly Wu Dao Mitsumi, who had been looking for him, appeared behind him, looking as if nothing had happened, and asked in confusion:"That Kota-san? What's wrong with you? Why do you look like you have no energy at all?"

"I'm fine. By the way, is Jiedou back?"Seeing Wudao Guangshi, Kuzuye Kota, who had been thinking about the matter of Heim, remembered the exorcist Jiedou of"Daming Lake"

"No, I haven't found any news yet." Upon hearing this, Wu Dao Guang Shi shook his head and then asked:

"But aren't you guys together? Why are you asking me?"

"We separated halfway due to an accident." Kuzuya Kota said weakly with a wry smile.

"that...What was the result?"Mitsumasa Wu walked up slowly, sat down next to Kota Kuzuya and asked

"The White Knight told me all the reasons." Kuzuya Kota said with a wry smile and heavy worries.

Upon hearing this, Wu Daoguang's expression froze for a moment, and his body trembled slightly, as if some secret was touched. He asked with a trembling voice:"Do you know his identity?"

Unfortunately, Kuzuya Kota had stood up and walked around casually because he was worried, and did not notice the huge change in his companion's face, and replied:"Come to think of it, he didn't say his name until the end."

Then Kuzuba Kota told Wudao Mitsumi everything he had seen and heard.

But he didn't know that his good friend beside him had already known everything, everything!

Therefore, his expression did not change, but changed the subject to try to let Kuzuba Kota keep the secret.

He also didn't want other people to know the fact that the end of the world was coming.

So Kuzuba Kota, who always trusted his friend very much, felt a little uncomfortable, but still reluctantly agreed.

After dealing with Kuzuba Kota, Wudao Mitsumi went straight to the World Tree.

He found his brother, and the first sentence he said was full of dissatisfaction:"Brother, why did you tell Kuzuba Kota the secret of the underworld of Helheim?!"

"I haven't seen anyone who can express his anger so frankly when facing something he believes is evil for a long time."Takato Wudao did not get angry at his brother's dissatisfaction, and casually put the documents on the table and explained.....To put it bluntly, Kuzuba Kota is quite straightforward, although he is surprisingly not that annoying.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Wu Dao Guangshi was slightly startled, and always felt that his brother seemed to be crazy about something.

"No, nothing."Wu Daoguihu smiled and did not continue.

"Brother, you only talked about the underworld of Heim, and didn't mention the full picture of the Sgla system and the Ark Project!" Wu Dao Guangshi asked worriedly

"How is that possible? I won't tell so much to outsiders." Wu Daoguihu shook his head.

Hearing this, Wu Daoguangshi breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slightly:"Always, please don't tell him more things. After all, no one knows what kind of trouble that person will cause."

After saying that, he left directly

"What do you expect from that boy called Kuzuya Kota?" Sid, who had been listening and waiting, suddenly asked.


"The joke just now is totally not your style."Sid put down the newspaper in his hand and explained.

Hearing this, Wu Daoguihu did not mean to hide it. He slowly stood up and seemed a little tired:"Yes, for that kind of man. I want to defeat him, make him desperate, and then make him give up everything.....I can also completely give up on myself!"

The following sentence is obviously the key point. He must give up his innocence and compassion!

"Hello? Are you hesitating too?" Sid asked in surprise.

"But I won't stop there, after all, I am the leader!" Wu Daoguihu said seriously.

"If Kuzuba Kota doesn't give up...."

Before Sid finished his"if", Wu Daoguihu said first:"Then he is our enemy! We will never let him go!"

"Is it....."Sid smiled noncommittally.

But he added in his heart:"I hope you won't be naive then~"

Just when the atmosphere in the office was a little depressing, an urgent message suddenly came:"Oh no, a team was attacked while dealing with the Helm's Underworld Rift!"

PS: Here is a side story of the director. If you haven't read it, you can go to Youku Legend of Eternal Spirit to watch it if you are interested, or search for resources on Baidu.

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