I'm in Genshin, I'm really not innocent

Chapter 142: A Completely Different Rice Wife From Kazukage's Impression

This may have something to do with the demon god's resentment raging on Narugami Island two years ago. At that time, nearly half of Inazuma Castle was destroyed. The houses and shops that I see now are basically rebuilt, so I have the impression of Yingying completely different in .

"The Yuyu clan, didn't you expect there to be descendants? No wonder that Genichiro gave me a very familiar but strange feeling just now." Recalling what happened just now, Kage couldn't help falling into memories.

She remembered the days when she was playing games with her friends under the cherry blossom tree. At that time, she knew nothing but practicing martial arts, so she was often at the bottom of the list.

Later, unwilling to admit defeat, she began to practice game skills hard, which may also have something to do with the reward for the final winner. It was a dessert made by her friends. Until now, she can't forget the taste.

"Five hundred years ago, many things happened to Daozuma, much more and more cruel than what you have seen." Suzumiya You couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Before traveling, he didn't know much about it. After traveling, he knew what kind of disaster the dark turmoil five hundred years ago brought to Teyvat.

Both Thunder God and Grass God died in the war. From this alone, we can see how cruel the dark turmoil was.

He could finally understand why Ying would imprison herself in her inner world in order to avoid wear and tear, but in his opinion, that approach was still very stupid.

"Where should I go next? I always feel that there are many places that I need to go through." Looking at the busy traffic around, Ying didn't know where he should go for a while.

Because there are many things she doesn't understand, just like Yae Miko once said, the general who goes shopping in the city is actually the same as the local girl from the countryside.

Fortunately, she was accompanied by Suzumiya Yusuke, so she was not aimless.

"Go to that stall. I bought the dumpling milk for you before, but that's where I bought it." Suzumiya Yu pointed to a small stall on the street. The owner's name was Zhishu.

The sweets that Suzumiya You brought to Ying were basically bought from there, so Suzumiya You could be considered to be familiar with Zhishu.

"Really? That dumpling milk comes from here. I like drinking it very much." Ying's eyes began to light up, and before Suzumiya Yu could say anything, she walked to the booth first.

Zhishu's reaction was the same as Genichiro's just now. When he saw Ying approaching, he seemed very at a loss, obviously begging her not to come.

However, after seeing Yusuke Suzumiya behind the shadow, he greeted him as if grasping for a life-saving straw. At this time, only he can help him out of the predicament.

"Lord Suzumiya, it's been a long time. Did you come with Lord General?" Zhishu waved his hand and said.

"That's right," Suzumiya Yu nodded, "Master General said she wants to drink dumpling milk, so hurry up and make one."

Although Ying didn't say anything, Suzumiya Yu knew exactly what she was going to do, no matter when, she would never let go of the opportunity to eat sweets.

Soon, Zhishu's dango milk was ready, he hesitated, but after seeing Suzumiya Yu nodded, he still handed the bottle to Ying.

After Ying took it, he immediately opened the bottle cap and began to taste it.

"Well, the taste is very good, because it was made just now, so the taste is fresher than the ones I drank before." He nodded very satisfied. From the first time he tasted it, Ying knew the taste of this ball of milk The taste is very satisfying.

The sweet taste is obviously a drink, but it tastes like eating a dessert, which is very novel.

"Such delicious dumpling milk must be selling well, right?" After drinking it, Ying began to care about the sales of dumpling milk.

The answer she got surprised her.

"Uh, I'm not going to lie to you, General, my milk dumpling is actually very common, because many people don't want to try it. They think this combination is very strange, although those who have tried it say it tastes good."

"I'm more grateful to Master Suzumiya. Originally, my stall was almost sold out, but he often buys sweets from me, and he buys a lot for a long time at a time. Presumably, Master Suzumiya must like sweets very much."

Suzumiya Yu often buys sweets from Zhishu, and he will buy at least two weeks at a time. This is not because he likes it, because these are all sent to Ying.

Hearing what Zhishu said, Kage understood what was going on in an instant. Although Suzumiya You didn't dislike it, he would not go out of his way to buy so many sweets. The sweets he bought were basically for himself. of.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling warm in her heart, but she was disappointed that such delicious dumpling milk would not sell well due to the risk of taste.

"The taste of this dumpling milk is very good. Since everyone is unwilling to try it, let the people in the society buy hundreds of cups and deliver it door-to-door. Isn't it very simple?"

The same idea as in the game, at first glance there is nothing wrong with it, but if you think about it carefully, it will bring bad consequences to Zhishu.

Mr. General specially asked people to buy hundreds of cups of dumpling milk and delivered them door to door. What would others think of Zhishu?

Foresighted people may think that Zhishu has climbed a high branch, so he often visits his stall, not to buy things, but to build a good relationship with him.

And what about the short-sighted? Especially Zhishu's colleagues, what would they think?

How can you, Zhishu, be favored by the general? Do you really think you can become a phoenix by climbing a branch?

If it is the second situation, everyone will stay away from Zhishu because of jealousy, his business will become worse and worse, and his income will also become lower and lower.

When such a thing happened, Zhishu couldn't go to someone to complain, because only he knew that the general only liked the dumpling milk he made, so he did such a thing, not because he was favored by her.

As far as the result is concerned, all of this should be blamed on Ying, but does Zhishu dare to say it? If he dared to say it, it would be a blessing in misfortune not to be beheaded. Would you like to ask for an explanation? It is estimated that he was driven away without seeing the general.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Therefore, Suzumiya Yu quickly rejected Ying's proposal, "It would be too exaggerated to do so, you can ask the person in charge of the club to do some publicity for him, but don't do what you just said thing."

"Why? I obviously just want good things to be discovered by more people. It would be a pity to let it go silent like this."

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