Early the next morning, Ying and Paimon came to the gate of the castle tower.

The Tianshou Pavilion is an important part of Daozuma City, and anyone without permission is not allowed to enter. Naturally, they were also stopped by the guards at the door, but after she took out the invitation letter from General Raiden, she was allowed to enter the Tianshou Inside the cabinet.

This kind of thing cannot be forged, just like the pass that Kage gave to Yae Miko, there is no one in the entire Inazuma who can make a high-quality imitation.

After entering the castle tower, the surrounding atmosphere seemed very quiet, only internal personnel would occasionally come in and out of the house.

Soon, they arrived in front of the main pavilion of the castle tower. After confirming their identities, the two Okujis at the gate opened the gate and let them in.

The two walked into the main pavilion, and the door behind them was quickly closed. They subconsciously wanted to open it, but found it was useless.

"It came earlier than I thought." At this moment, a young man's voice suddenly came from behind, and they looked back, it was Suzumiya Yu who was sitting on the chair at the end of the hall.

Beside him is a straight shadow like a pine tree.

"Who are they?" When things developed to this point, even Paimon sensed that something was wrong, she hid behind Ying, poking her head out to look at the two of them from time to time.

"I was invited by General Thunder." Ying forced herself to remain calm, and then took out the invitation letter from her pocket.

The next second, Ying Shan stretched out his hand, and the invitation letter flew into her hand uncontrollably.

"I am General Raiden. I am the one who invited you, but he is the one who really wants to see you." Ying pointed at Suzumiya Yuu, and then destroyed the invitation letter in his hand with elemental force.

Hearing what she said, Ying and Paimon immediately set their eyes on Suzumiya Yu, and looked him up and down.

The boy's appearance looks like an ordinary person, but Ying, who has rich experience in adventure, can feel a sense of crisis from him.

As expected of her, Suzumiya Yu possesses a transparent world. Logically speaking, Ying should not be able to perceive any dangerous aura from him, but she did.

"Wait, if she is General Thunderbolt, then why can that guy sit on it?" Paimon couldn't help but question, but the more this happened, the more uneasy she felt in her heart.

"Hahaha, good question." Suzumiya smiled sadly, and then told Ying his identity, "My name is Kimai Tsuji, you should have heard Fengbara Manyo say it?"

"Ghost Mai Tsuji Mumi? Is he the monster that Manyo said, that he often likes to hunt and kill humans at night? Why is he with General Raiden!" Paimon couldn't help but shouted.

Ghost Mai Tsuji, they had heard the name mentioned by Manyo, it was a monster that appeared in Inazuma Territory at some time, and liked to hunt and kill humans at night, countless people have died at his hands since now.

What's even more unbelievable is that, as the ruler of Inazuma, General Raiden is actually in the same group as Kiwu Tsuji, which really subverted their cognition.

It was also difficult for Ying to keep calm at this time, not to mention Suzumiya Yuu, the coercion emanating from Ying's body alone was enough to make her legs go weak.

However, she had some experience in fighting demon gods, so she wouldn't feel scared so easily. What's more, now that the exit of the castle tower has been completely sealed, she can't escape at all, so she can only bite the bullet.

"We just want to meet General Raiden. We don't intend to offend you. If we do something to offend you, then we will leave Daozuma now." Ying began to reason with Suzumiya Yuu. She knew that she had no chance of winning, so she could only think of a way delay.

But how could Suzumiya Yu fail to see what she wanted to do? If the other party wanted him to let her go with just a few words, then what was the point of his meticulous plan?

"You, maybe you can get different elemental powers by touching the seven-day god statue, right? You can even use multiple elements at the same time, and every time you get a new element, your power will increase significantly."

Suzumiya tilted her head, supported half of her face with her hands, and said in a casual tone.

"You're right, but I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to find lost relatives." Ying was surprised at why Suzumiya Yu knew her secret, but she knew that now was not the time to figure it out.

"You don't have any malicious intentions now, but it doesn't mean you won't have any malicious intentions in the future." Suzumiya Yuu slowly stood up from the chair, while reaching for the handle of the weapon at her waist.

"You are a potential threat with unlimited potential. If I let you go now, when you grow up in the future, I am afraid that you will become more powerful than me."

"So, I will give you a chance. If you can defeat me in a duel, then I will let you go."

Suzumiya Yu slowly pulled out the blade, and pointed the side of the blade at Ying: "On the contrary, if you lose, then you have to let me handle it."

Before Ying agreed, Suzumiya You's figure flickered in front of her in the next second.

"Breath of the Moon·One Shape·Dark Moon·Night Palace!"

Swinging an Iai Slash at a speed that is not visible to the naked eye, many crescent-shaped air blades appeared in the air, causing secondary damage after the Iai Slash ended.

Ying summoned a weapon to block the moment Suzumiya You swung the knife. Her reaction speed was fast, but her arm was still cut with a few scars by the Crescent Qi Blade.

Breath of the Moon, this is the second most powerful breathing method of Demon Slayer: Blade, and also the breathing method with the largest number of sword shapes. It is an inferior version of the Breath of the Sun. Even so, its power is much stronger than other breaths.

Suzumiya You spent 3,000 points to exchange for Moon's Breath in the system mall, and it happened that Ying came to her door, so she could try the power of this new breathing method.

Ying struggled to resist Suzumiya Yusuke's attack. As for Paimon, she had already been blown away by the shock wave generated by the battle, and she just got up from the ground at this moment.

Seeing Ying's struggling expression, she couldn't help but feel a little worried. She had defeated so many powerful opponents before, even demon gods. Powerlessness.

On the other side, the two stood in a stalemate for a while, and suddenly, Ying's hands flicked away Suzumiya Yu's weapon.

At the same time, she put the blade of the sword behind her back, and then threw out three thunder elemental shurikens with one hand.

"Thunder Shadow!"

Suzumiya Yuu couldn't dodge in time, his two arms were cut off by two of the shurikens, and the remaining shuriken almost cut off his neck.

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