I'm in Genshin, I'm really not innocent

Chapter 158 Thinking about how to progress the plan

In a wilderness outside Daozuma City, the atmosphere is a bit bleak, and several figures are rushing through the forest. They are two teams of people.

"Water Breathing, Picking Up Shapes, Life Flowing!"

Long Qi was at the back of the line. He held a weapon in his hand, shouted loudly, and his forward speed skyrocketed, but he caught up with the two of them in an instant.

The body was constantly spinning in the air, and a water dragon appeared around the blade, and Long Qi killed one person in an instant with one stroke.

The other person just wanted to fight back, but Long Qi's speed was much faster than him, so he just raised his weapon, and his throat was directly blocked by a knife.

This is not over yet, Long Qi looked at the three people who were still fleeing ahead, and after taking a full breath, the forward speed of his body increased again,

Afterwards, only faint dragon chants and screams could be heard in the forest, and when the camera zoomed in again, there were already three lifeless corpses beside Long Qi.

Cleanly killing everyone, Long Qi shook off the blood on the blade, and put it back into the sheath.

Just as he was about to leave, he froze in place after turning around.

There, a figure appeared at some unknown time, and he just watched Long Qi silently, without saying a word.

It wasn't until Long Qi reacted that he immediately knelt down on one knee, and the chic and neat posture just now disappeared instantly.

Suzumiya You stood on the spot, looked at Long Qi who was kneeling devoutly, and silently walked to his side.

"During these days, your sword skills seem to have improved a lot. Is it because you are fighting every day?" Suzumiya Yu said looking at the distant sky.

"I keep your teachings in mind, that's why I have such an astonishing improvement."

"Really? That's good. I hope you won't let me down today." Suzumiya Yu gently touched his head with his hand, "I'm leaving this country soon, and I won't be back for a long time."

Hearing this news, Long Qi was a little surprised, if Suzumiya You were not with Dao Wife, no one would be able to restrain him.

However, that's just what he thinks, Suzumiya Yu left Inazuma, but left two pawns, Thomas and Kujo Sara, with them, anything that happened to Inazuma, Suzumiya Yuu can be in the first place Learned.

If Suzumiya Yu wanted to train Takiqi, he would never let him out of his control. If any unexpected changes happened to him, then Suzumiya Yu would draw his sword at him.

"It doesn't matter what you do during the time I'm away, but after I come back, I hope to see a transformed Ling Wu Long Qi, do you understand what I mean?"

Suzumiya You leaned over, which made Takiaki's brain tremble, because he felt a suffocating sense of oppression from the other party.

"I understand, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations."

After getting the answer, Suzumiya You stood up, took out a token engraved with General Raiden's family crest, and threw it to Taki Qi.

"If you feel that you have reached a bottleneck in your swordsmanship, you can take this item and go to the Tianshou Pavilion to find General Thunder and Lightning. She can help you break through the bottleneck. In Daozao, no one can match her swordsmanship, even me."

After finishing speaking, Suzumiya Yuu's figure disappeared instantly, and his breath could no longer be felt in the air, as if this person had never been here at all.

However, the fear that was so real that it made one's heart tremble, made Long Qi dare not suspect that it was just an illusion.

Today was the day when Suzumiya set off for Daozuma. The farewell had already been done two days ago, so he didn't do any extra things.

Except for the accident of Ayaka Kamisato who was pregnant, Suzumiya Yu had always been very worried, and even had the idea of ​​staying more than once, but he still did not change his original plan in the end.

During this trip, among the five twelve ghost moons, he brought Rosalin, Udagawa, and Kuroya with him. Thomas and Kujo Sara had to stay because of their identities, but they could also serve as Yusuke Suzumiya's camera .

Although he was going with his subordinates, Suzumiya Yuu did not take the same boat with them.

In order to prevent people from being suspected when they landed in Liyue Port, Suzumiya You took a passenger ship and used other guests on the ship to achieve the purpose of deception.

Liyue Qixing is much smarter than San Fengxing, especially that Tianquan Ningguang, almost every inch of Liyue's land is planted with her eyeliner.

So Suzumiya Yu divided them into four groups, he took the first boat, Wu Ye took the second boat, Udagawa took the third boat, and Rosalin took the fourth boat.

In this way, even if Liyue Qixing had doubts, he would not regard the four of them as a group.

At dusk, Suzumiya Yu's first passenger ship departed from the outlying island port. This was his first trip to a country other than Inazuma, and he inevitably felt a little nervous and excited.

While on the boat, he didn't sit idle, but started planning what he needed to do to get to Liyue.

On the land of Liyue, there are all kinds of demons and ghosts sealed. Among them, there are many demon gods who were defeated in the period of the demon gods. For example, Oser, the demon god of the whirlpool, was sealed in Your Excellency Guyun.

Suzumiya Yu can use them as a way to gain points. As long as the target is powerful enough, even if it is not a demon god, it can still get a lot of points after devouring it.

And speaking of powerful targets, the immortals of Liyue can definitely be counted among them, but most of the time they act in groups, and only the Jinpeng Yasha likes to go alone, suppressing all kinds of monsters on the vast land of Liyue. Evil.

In other words, Suzumiya You had to designate a plan to lure out all the immortals and then annihilate them in one fell swoop, but doing so was not a wise choice.

Why do you say that, because Liyue is different from Daowa, the rock god Morax is watching the land all the time, no matter what happens, he can know it immediately.

If Suzumiya You wiped out a group of immortals, he would definitely attract his attention. At that time, the Rock King Emperor would come in person, armed with a rock spear, and would suppress him.

That is to say, for the time being, it is not possible to attack the immortals, and so are the Liyue Seven Stars. After all, they are the center of Liyue's operation. If any unexpected situation occurs, the Emperor Yanwang will probably take action himself.

This means that the three parties, Emperor Yan, Immortal, and Liyue Seven Stars, must be dealt with together. If they are broken one by one, accidents will easily occur.

However, Suzumiya You couldn't think of any method he could use to solve the three parties at the same time. With his current strength, let alone defeating the Emperor Yan Wang, it would be difficult to deal with a group of immortals by himself.

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