I'm in Genshin, I'm really not innocent

Chapter 182 Entrustment to Suppress Monsters

But he didn't do it because it was too time consuming and he couldn't do it.

"Are these ... the books read by the residents of Liyue Port?" Shen He looked at the various books in front of him. She had been living in the Immortal Cave Mansion before, so she definitely didn't know the concept of martial arts novels.

In addition to martial arts novels, Wanwen Jishe also sells various rumored books, similar to urban legends, which are very suitable for those who like suspenseful stories.

For example, now, Shen He took a book called "Jieyun Jiwen" and compiled it, which recorded many legends of ghosts and monsters passed down by Liyue.

There are six volumes in Jueyun Jiwen, and Wanwen Jishe only has three volumes, and what Shen He is holding is the fifth volume [Kirin], which records the relationship between the auspicious beast Qilin and mortals.

Although relatively lacking in cognition, Shen He can still understand mortal characters, let alone this kind of content that she is interested in, because Qilin is a fairy beast, and was once one of the dependents of Emperor Yan.

Qixing's secretary, Gan Yu, is a half-immortal with the blood of a unicorn, so she can be regarded as a coconut sheep.

"I didn't expect that the auspicious beast unicorn mentioned by the master has such a past?" After reading the contents of the first volume, Shen He was greatly shocked.

When there is nothing to do on weekdays, she will listen to her immortal master, telling all kinds of things about immortals, including the auspicious beast Qilin. She even knows Gan Yu, but she has never met her.

In the story of Jueyun Jiwen, Qilin lived with mortals and gave birth to children. This may be the origin of the half-immortal Ganyu. After all, she has the blood of Qilin, and the other half is human blood.

The same is true for Yanfei, but Suzumiya is not sure what her prototype is, but what is certain is that she is also a half-immortal and is proficient in the law of Liyue, and she is the version of Zhang San in Tewat.

From this point of view, immortals and mortals can give birth to offspring, but it is not known whether cranes like True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind can speak in human form.

It was evening soon, and only the last half of the head was left in the sunset. Liang Gongyou and the others passed by many places after leaving the Wanwen collection house. He didn't know if Shen He understood the concept of money, but they spent a lot of money. The money is real.

"It's getting late." Shen He looked up at the sky. After a day of study and practice, she clearly realized that it would take a long time for her to integrate into human society.

This will be a very long process, she is very clear, so she will not feel anxious.

"I plan to go to the deep mountains to spend the night. If there is nothing else, let's leave here. If there is a need, I will come to you." Shen He said.

It's really getting late now, Suzumiya You went out during the day, but still hasn't returned, and I don't know if Ke Qing's mother has doubts in her heart, or if no one has noticed his news at all.

But anyway, he really should go back now, but he didn't understand why Shen He went to spend the night deep in the mountains.

"I said that if you want to integrate into human society, you have to get rid of your previous habits, so today, you can find a hotel to stay in."

"Is that so?"

It was not the first time Shen He heard Suzumiya You say this, and she would forget it every time, and she had to be reminded by the other party to remember it.

At this moment, a heavily armed Qianyan Army suddenly came towards him, which immediately caught Suzumiya Yu's attention.

Shen He also immediately became vigilant. She stretched out her hand to summon a weapon, but was stopped by Suzumiya Yu.

This is Liyue Port, there are so many passers-by around, if they are attacking the Qianyan army, they will not be able to clean up even if they jump into the Yellow River.

"Excuse me, are you Suzumiya You?" The Qianyan Army walked up to Suzumiya You, and then looked it over carefully, as if to confirm his identity, so he asked.

"I'm Suzumiya You." Suzumiya You nodded. It seems that this Qianyan Army should be sent by Keqing. After all, in the entire Liyue Port, anyone who knows himself and has the right to dispatch Qianyan Army Only Keqing was alone.

"Great!" Seeing Suzumiya You nodded, a joyful smile appeared on the face of the Qianyan Army, "My name is Chiayi, Master Keqing sent me to look for you."

Afterwards, Chiayi explained the purpose of his trip to Suzumiya You.

"Recently, the number of monsters in Liyue territory suddenly began to flood. Those monsters originally inhabited the seaside, but because of some unwillingness, they migrated to the interior of the mainland."

"This has led to passing merchants being attacked by monsters almost every day, and the Qianyan Army brothers are short of manpower recently, and we simply don't have time to deal with so many monsters."

"So, Master Keqing asked me to come to you for help, and said that he wanted you to clean up those monsters with us."

After waiting for so many days, without waiting for any news from Laiba, Ke Qing actually asked him to clean up the monsters?

Suzumiya You's first reaction was definitely not to do it, but Shen He who was standing beside him suddenly took a step forward.

"I'm going too." Her speech was unexpected, "Master told me before going down the mountain that if everyone in Liyue Port is in trouble, they must help."

"Uh, who is this lady?" Chiayi obviously didn't know Shen He, and the aura of the other party also made him think that this lady must be not simple.

"Don't worry about her." Liang Gongyou said, if Shen He is going, then he won't just sit idly by, "I know your purpose, I promised to help clear up those monsters, but the thousands of monsters arranged for me There is no need for the Rock Army squad."

Chiayi said that if Suzumiya You agreed to wipe out the monsters together, he would arrange for a Qianyan army team to go with him. I don't know if Keqing specially ordered it.

In any case, he didn't need the so-called Qianyan Army squad, but they were just a group of useless monsters. If it wasn't for Shen He to go, he wouldn't even bother to do such boring things.

"Thank you so much. If things go well, I will definitely pay a visit!" Chiayi saluted Suzumiyayou with a smile on his face, then turned and left.

In the same place, only Suzumiya You and Shen He were left.

"Is this your name Suzumiya Yu?" Shen He said, although she had been shopping together all day, she still didn't know Suzumiya Yu's name.

She didn't ask, and Suzumiya Yu didn't say anything, but it was unbelievable to say it. After shopping for a day, she suddenly found that she didn't know the other person's name.

"Yeah, it's a name with no bright spots." Suzumiya Yu nodded, and then looked into the distance.

"Let's go, start acting before dark, those monsters like to attack humans most at night."

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