I'm in Genshin, I'm really not innocent

Chapter 184 Commission Completed

The time soon passed from morning to noon, but Shen He still didn't wake up, which meant that she was really tired, and Suzumiya You didn't wake him up, just kept on like this.

During this period, no monsters came to disturb them, and Suzumiya Yu occasionally saw the Qianyan army running across the road in the distance. Judging from their appearance, the task of eliminating monsters was about to end.

This shows that Liang Gongyou and the others will be able to return to Liyue Port soon, but I don’t know if Shen He will continue to stay. After all, I want to clean up the monsters, but it is a very time-consuming thing, not just a day or two. It can be done.

With Shen He's personality, it is estimated that all the monsters in the vicinity must be cleaned up before giving up, and I don't know if Suzumiya Yu can persuade her any longer.

In the afternoon, Shen He, who was sleeping soundly, finally opened her eyes. She first propped up her upper body, and then stretched her waist. Suzumiya Yu couldn't help but take a few more glances at that enchanting posture.

Shin Hak's figure is impeccable, and the clothes he wears are very tight, giving people a very astringent feeling, just like Yura, and their personalities are also very similar in a sense.

"What time is it?" Shen He glanced at Suzumiya You.

"In the afternoon, I don't know exactly what time it is." Suzumiya Yu replied, he didn't know the ancient time, so he didn't know how to answer.

"Did I sleep almost all day?" Shen He glanced at the sky outside, and then got up immediately, "I have to go and clean up the monsters quickly. If this continues, I won't be able to complete the commission on time."

Hearing this, Suzumiya Yu was very puzzled. This commission obviously has no time limit, why did she say that she would not be able to complete the commission on time?

Is it possible that self-disciplined people will set a time limit for themselves? That's possible.

"The entrustment of clearing up the monsters has actually been completed." Suzumiya You said, "I met a group of Qianyan Army before, and they said that the number of monsters around here is no longer enough to pose a threat to pedestrians, so there is no need to continue to clear up. gone."

Suzumiya You didn't lie. Not long ago, a pair of Qianyan soldiers did find this place and told him that the commission to clear up the monsters was over, and they could return to Liyue Port at any time.

"Even if it is no longer enough to pose a threat, there must still be monsters, right? If we don't clean them all up"

However, just as Suzumiya You guessed, Shen He planned to clean up all the monsters. If he did that, he would waste a lot of time. Anyway, Suzumiya You didn't have that much time to spare.

"That's unnecessary. Monsters can't be eradicated. We can only minimize their threat to pedestrians. Besides, don't you want to integrate into human society? You don't need to waste time on such things."

In the past two days, Liang Gongyou has persuaded Shen He countless times. Fortunately, she can listen to it every time, instead of choosing to go her own way, otherwise he will have a very headache.

"You're right, but..."

Just as Shen He was about to say something, Suzumiya Yu interrupted him.

"There's nothing to worry about. Let's go. If we move forward at full speed, we might be able to return to Liyue Port before dark. In that case, we won't need to spend the night in the wild."

After finishing speaking, Suzumiya You turned around and left, which made Shen He have to choose to follow, although he was still a little hesitant, no doubt she still had absolute trust in Suzumiya You.

At least up to now, the other party has not done anything to harm her, otherwise, with her eyesight, she would have been able to see Suzumiya Yu's plan long ago.

The two of them headed towards the South Pole at such a high speed, their silhouettes were speeding along the road like lightning, ordinary people couldn't even see their appearance clearly with their naked eyes.

However, when they passed Luhuachi, the two of them noticed something strange.

The surrounding temperature seems to have dropped a bit, this is not caused by natural phenomena, but by elemental forces.

Like ordinary slimes and cheating flowers, although they can use the power of ice elements, they can't change the temperature. That is to say, there is a holder of the ice attribute god's eye nearby.

Not only that, but he also fought against a certain enemy, so that the elemental force affected the surrounding temperature.

Thinking of this, the two of them stopped at the same time. Since Shen He also had the eyes of an ice-attribute god, she could sense each other's position.

"There." Shen He stretched out his finger and pointed to a direction in the distance. Suzumiya looked around and saw the blooming ice element there.

"Do you want to go over and have a look?" Shen He asked, although there are people fighting there, they don't necessarily need their help, and who knows who it is?

Suzumiya You didn't answer Shen He's question immediately, but stared at the distant direction.

After thinking for a while, he finally said, "Go and see."

Afterwards, the two rushed towards their destination immediately, because they were moving very fast, so they arrived there in just a moment.

The closer he got, Suzumiya Yu found that the surrounding temperature would be lower, but when he saw the appearance of the ice-attribute God's Eye holder, he couldn't help being stunned.

It was a young man with blue hair, wearing white-based clothing. At this time, he was holding a big sword and confronting a rock helmet hill king.

The difference in size between the two sides can be seen at a glance, but a big size does not mean that they will definitely win. People with God's Eye can basically defeat King Qiuqiu by themselves.

Except for a pure-milk character like Barbara, for her, even dealing with a group of ordinary Qiuqiu people is very troublesome, let alone dealing with King Qiuqiu.

Suzumiya Yuu quickly recognized the boy, who was a four-star ice-type greatsword character who had appeared in the game, and Chongyun who was born with the [Pure Yang Body].

Chongyun was born in a family of exorcising evil spirits, and his body of pure yang has the ability to restrain evil spirits, so his road of exorcising evil spirits is basically smooth sailing. The only trouble is that evil spirits run away as soon as they see him.

Because he has never caught Xie Chong once, he feels very disappointed about it, but there is no way, the effect of the pure yang body is like this, even if it is separated by a long distance, Xie Chong can sense it.

However, the pure yang body is ineffective against monsters, and for Chongyun, continuous fighting is not a good thing, because as his body temperature gradually rises, his pure yang body gradually loses control.

At that time, he will not be able to keep calm and will become very impulsive, and when fighting monsters, the result of impulsiveness is often to lose his life.

Therefore, Chong Yun usually does not let the battle last for too long, but this time, he has met his opponent.

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