I'm in Genshin, I'm really not innocent

Chapter 228 Shen He's Past

"By the way, I heard that during the Sea Lantern Festival, people in Liyue Port will spend it with their families. Speaking of this, can you accompany me to a place?" Shen He said to Suzumiya You as if he suddenly remembered something.

Indeed, the Sea Lantern Festival itself has the meaning of missing relatives. During the festival, basically everyone will go home to reunite with their families. Even the proportion of reunions in the Moon Festival cannot be compared with the Sea Lantern Festival.

But what did Shen He mean by this sentence? Does she have a family too? Chongyun and his parents don't know if they can count.

"Okay." Suzumiya You didn't reject Shen He's request, anyway, he will follow her for a while, is there still a day or two left?

"Thank you very much." Shen He expressed his gratitude to Suzumiya Yu, and at the same time showed a smile. This was the first time Suzumiya Yu saw her smiling.

The image of the iceberg beauty is more or less reduced on weekdays. Now she looks more like an ordinary woman, but her temperament is much more prominent than ordinary people.

They left from Aozang Mountain, and then headed south all the way, but they didn't follow the main road, but took the mountain road.

From Huaguang Forest to Hulao Mountain, from Hulao Mountain to Nantianmen, from Nantianmen to Tianqiu Valley, from Tianqiu Valley to Dunyuling and Lingju Pass, passing through Tianheng Mountain, and finally continued south for some distance , they finally arrived at their destination.

After this trip, they almost crossed the entire Liyue, and it took them two days and two nights, which made Suzumiya You very speechless. If he had known this, he would have taken Shen He forward from the beginning. , so as not to waste so much time.

Let’s talk about the destination again. This is a small village. There are several abandoned wooden houses in the village, which are dilapidated. Only one wooden house is still intact.

Because oily wheat flowers are planted everywhere, it doesn't look desolate here, but what makes Suzumiya Yuu curious is, don't oily wheat flowers grow in spring? Why is it still winter now?

Or is this not oil wheat flower, but a plant he doesn't know?

Unable to get an answer to the doubt, Suzumiya Yu continued to look around, and found that there was really nothing else here.

"Is there anyone you know here?" He looked at Shen He. Even as a player who opened the server of Yuanshen, he didn't have the slightest impression of this place, so he couldn't judge the importance of this place to Shen He from the terrain. What is the meaning of it.

"This is my home. At least it used to be." Shen He said, her words surprised Suzumiya You.

I didn't expect Shenhe to have a family in Liyue, but when I think about it carefully, she is a mortal, and her biological parents must also be mortals. It was just a coincidence that she was adopted by Zhenjun Liuyun and Borrowing Wind, so she became what she is now. .

Liang Gongyou has never asked what Shen He's life was like before being adopted by Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind, but now, judging from this village that is about to be abandoned, her life before learning magic from the Xian family , doesn't seem pretty.

"It seems that your experience is much crueler than I imagined." At this point in the development of the matter, Suzumiya You can roughly understand Shen He's past.

The house at home was abandoned, her parents were missing, and she was adopted by Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind when she was young. All these factors indicate that her life was very difficult when she was a child, or a huge disaster happened , leading to the ruin of her family.

Shen He didn't reply immediately, but chose to be silent for a moment: "Want to hear my story? If it's you, I'd like to tell you."

"Uh..." Liang Gongyou was shocked by Shen He's words that were almost a confession. Before that, Shen He was never willing to tell the story of her childhood, but now, she offered to tell herself.

Suzumiya You are not a fool, it is very painful to keep a secret in your heart and no one tells it, Shen He probably wants to vent his pain in this way.

"If you must tell me, I'd like to listen to you." Therefore, Suzumiya You quickly agreed. Even a man would not refuse such a beautiful woman throwing himself into his arms, right?

However, for Shen He who lacks common sense, Suzumiya You has never thought of what method he will use to develop that step with her.

In other words, on the premise that she can understand her own mind, it is really too difficult for the two of them to develop to that point, unless Shen He can integrate into human society, but neither the former nor the latter is easy. things that can be achieved.

"When I was young, my family was poor, and I lived with my parents in a small house. My life was not bad, but I was poorer and couldn't afford anything too expensive." Shen He began her speech.

"However, since a long time ago, my family has been an exorcist family for generations. In order to protect Liyue from being infested by evil spirits, I am determined to eliminate all evil spirits. If there is no accident, I should also become a Taoist priest who exorcise evil spirits." .”

"However, by God's will, one day when I was less than ten years old, my mother suddenly died of illness. This dealt a great blow to my beloved father. He began to crazily use the exorcism he had learned to bring his mother back to life. But all the hard work is just a drop in the bucket.”

"This is, he learned that there is a physique called Guchen Jiesha in the world. People with this physique will cause harm to other people around them, and may even die directly from it."

"So, my father regarded me as the murderer who killed my mother, and abandoned me mercilessly. He even arranged a formation to revive my mother by sacrificing me."

"In my father's knowledge, the formation he arranged should be able to summon the immortal soul that can bring people back to life, but things went against his expectations. Not only did he fail to summon the immortal soul, but he summoned the remains of the demon god instead."

Suzumiya Yuu couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words "Devil's Remains". This simply overturned his understanding of Demon God's Remains. How could that thing be summoned through a formation?

However, what he should be more concerned about is what happened next. Could it be that Shen He's father finally recognized the fact that his beloved wife could not be resurrected, and then risked his life to protect Shen He, fighting against the wreckage of the demon god alone?

But soon, his speculation was overturned.

"When I was young, I had no way to face the wreckage of the demon god, but because it wanted to kill me, I relied on my survival instinct and a dagger that my mother gave me before she died, and fought the wreckage of the demon god for a long time. Three days and three nights."

"When we were all exhausted, the master rushed over, she rescued me, and then wiped out the remains of the demon god. After that, I began to practice and learn spells with the fairy family."

"Occasionally I would go down the mountain and go home to take a look, but this place has already become a no-man's land, and my father doesn't know where he went. I heard that he regretted his decision at that time, and finally chose to kill himself."

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