"Oh! I didn't expect there to be such a delicious thing here too! Cheese jelly, eternal god!"

"It's a pity that Kimimaro hasn't come out of the hospital yet, and he can't eat these things either."

"Ah! Give me four more copies!"

Ghost Deng Shuiyue lay on the sofa and shouted to the waiter while holding an empty cup.

The customer sitting behind Gui Deng Shuiyue looked up at him in disgust.

It's just that Gui Deng Shui Yue didn't care at all, and after shouting, she sat back down.

"Speaking of which, it's been more than half a month, and it seems that I haven't seen Sosuke-san go to the hospital."

Obviously it was Kimimaro's teacher, but after they met once or twice just after the exam, that person disappeared just like the world.

Now that a long time has passed, the people of Daimyo and Sand Shinobi have arrived one after another. It is a bit strange that Hatake Sosuke hasn't moved.

There was a plate of cake in front of Bai, and coffee with a few circles of water ripples beside him.

Bai and Shuiyue sat in the cafe with Shisui and Guideng Manyue who were dressed in casual clothes.

A pile of goblet used to hold cheese jelly has been placed between Guideng Manyue and Guideng Shuiyue.

If these two people are thrown into a factory that produces lactic acid bacteria, they might be very happy.

"The teacher has something to do with the teacher, you don't always find his shadow."

"And he didn't go there. Didn't Kimimaro's medicine supply always be delivered by the teacher?"

"It's just that I haven't run into it."

The ghost lantern full moon obviously didn't care much, and Hatake Sosuke was not allowed to plan something secretly that they hadn't thought of.

That person has always been that way anyway.

The medicine used by Kimimaro is basically delivered by nurses every other week. The medicine should have been developed by Hatake Sosuke himself.

There is no channel for direct purchase.

"After all, only Kimimaro needs this kind of thing~".

"Ordinary people will get bone hyperplasia if they use too much, of course they won't sell it outside."

This is how Hatake Sosuke responded when Gui Deng asked about medications before the full moon.

"He borrowed a few crows from me before, maybe he went to find the corpse."

"We didn't elaborate, and only paid me back last night."

Shisui raised his eyes and said thoughtfully.

The three of them blinked blankly, looking for the corpse at this time?

What body are you looking for? Whose body are you looking for?

Hatake Sosuke really does something that makes them puzzled.

"He will let us know when he wants us to know! Don't think so much!"

"And the exam will be coming soon. I think the things he planned may also have something to do with the exam."

"This month can be regarded as our vacation time. If we think about things at this time, we won't be able to vacation."

Ghost Deng Shuiyue smiled and raised the spoon in his hand.

Although Gui Deng Shui Yue just guessed casually, what he said was somewhat reasonable.

Shisui and Bai looked at each other helplessly, how to say, in a sense, the two brothers' views on Hatake Sosuke are quite the same.

"After eating, go back quickly. If Konoha's people find you out, maybe you have to read around the corner again."

Konoha is no more open than Kirigakure, and there are many things that are not quite right during the Chūnin exam.

Because the ghost lantern full moon is Mizukage's sake, when this happens frequently, the control over him is stricter.

However, Ghost Lantern Moon's Hydration Technique was so superb that most people couldn't stop him at all.

Shisui sighed while sticking his cheeks, turning his head to look at Ghost Lantern Manmoon.

"Because the teacher died in the previous qualifiers?"

Bai faintly heard some wind noises, but the incident was suppressed by the people on Konoha's side.

In order to maintain the normal conduct of the Chūnin exam, only a small number of foreigners like them know sporadic news.

"Huh? When did that happen? Why do you know more than me when we two act together?"

Gui Deng Shui Yue turned her head in some doubt.

"I have long ears."

Bai glanced at Gui Deng Shui Yue a little speechlessly. He wasn't mocking Shui Yue, because he really heard other people talk about it when he was wandering outside.

"Ah, they suspect it has something to do with Orochimaru."

"I think it may be that Orochimaru is preparing to take advantage of Chūnin's exam to engage in trouble in Konoha."

"But there are a lot of allies coming over now, and I rashly suspect that none of them is a problem."

"It is also dangerous for them to act rashly at this time, so they are waiting for a certain opportunity."

The Ghost Lantern Manmoon faced Shuiyue and Bai in a normal way, telling the known information.

"Didn't Konoha suppress this matter..."

Bai looked at the ghost lantern full moon hesitantly.

Is this right? ! Konoha said that he wanted to suppress this matter, but as Mizukage as Mizukage knows almost everything! ?

Compared to these foreign students who are taking the exam, it is more important not to let the shadow of a village know.

And the people who usually go out to Bai and they don't know that. Why do they know when the ghost lantern stays in the room all day long?

Everything feels wrong.

".~ After all, we are better at collecting intelligence here, and there are also people on Konoha who tend to secretly join forces with Orochimaru and Mist Shinobi."

"After all, our village style assessment is not very good, and it is the first time to take the Chūnin exam."

Ghost Deng Manyue tapped the empty cup with a spoon, and then raised her head again to look at the white in front of him. There was an expression called complaining on the face similar to Ghost Deng Shuiyue.

"Although I will sneak out to play, but I am actually doing things."

"How can I say that I am also Mizukage, don't just look at me as an ordinary person."

The more information (Wang's good) is concealed, the more disadvantaged they are.

As the governor of the assassinated village, Ghost Lantern Full Moon naturally knew this matter.

Once such an abnormal problem occurs, the ghost lantern full moon will naturally need to be investigated first.

Although Ghost Lantern Full Moon is usually quite approachable, he can even eat and drink with his own Genin, and play fish outside together as a bastard.

But he can't directly bring his abilities to Genin's level, she is more or less a filmmaker.

Although Hatake Sosuke assisted Kirigakure with many important things, he was in charge of most of the time.

"Sorry... sorry."

Bai waved his hand quickly in front of the ghost lantern full moon.

It's all to blame for Shuiyue's stupid behavior in normal times. By looking at this face that resembles him, Bai will reduce Mizukage's ability to the level of Shuiyue by default.


A question mark appeared on the head of the innocent Shuiyue who was scolded in his heart. .

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