Speaking of which, since I got the liu, there hasn't been any chance to use it officially.

Cang and He are negative infinity and positive infinity, and the attraction and repulsion conflict, forming an effect similar to a black hole.

Simply put, it is to use Hyuk to eject Cang to achieve the effect of a light cannon.

All are large-scale attacks.

Hatake Sosuke touched his chin and studied the information on the bottom panel thoughtfully.

Naruto and Hyuga Neji played in full swing below, and the results of their two competitions were basically expected.

Hatake Sosuke didn't pay much attention to these situations.

Sasuke and Sakura sat behind them, watching the game very seriously.

This guy... always feels a bad premonition so abnormal.

Kakashi frowned calmly, he couldn't fail to hear the perfunctory meaning in Hatake Sosuke's tone.

But looking at Hatake Sosuke's situation, he obviously didn't want to reveal what he was doing.

Hatake Sosuke's reaction was the same as the animal's abnormal reaction before the catastrophe.

Is there anything unusual in the Chūnin exam?

Kakashi turned his head and glanced at the crowd around him. In addition to the teachers and students, there were some people who watched the excitement.

But in the audience with so many people, Anbu has only eight people assigned.

"There are too few Anbus in the two teams."

Once something special happens, the Anbu of these two teams and so many spectators will simply be too busy.

"There is still a teacher sitting here, so there are fewer people to share."

"Well~ maybe it's due to the shortage of manpower."

"It's better for you to be vigilant by the way."

Hatake Sosuke closed the light blue system panel and leaned back indifferently to the chair.

There is no one in Anbu anymore.

In order to beware of the actions of Sand Shinobi and Otonin from the outside world, some Anbu was sent out to monitor them.

Now the village is full of foreigners walking everywhere, and some Anbu must be arranged for public security.

So few people really stayed to maintain the Chūnin exam.

And... Mu, even these two teams are not necessarily his own.

At this stage, Konoha really has no good talents except these few teachers who can be seen.

Kakashi and Hatake Sosuke pondered their own things, and neither of them paid attention to the game.

"I actually won~ "..."

Little Sakura's voice rang behind the two people. Just as Hatake Sosuke wanted to look down, a hand held his shoulder behind his back.

Sasuke stood up behind him and Kakashi, putting both hands on their shoulders.

"Although I don't know what you two are worried about, you two should watch my game carefully."

"I'm better than that guy from Mist Shinobi."

Immediately Sasuke released his hand and walked into the aisle next to him, stepping on the fence and jumping down.

"Ha...this guy, I didn't teach him to say such things."

Kakashi scratched his head and smiled reluctantly.

Although it is the person who instructs Sasuke, he should really watch it better.

"...Is he stimulated by something?"

Hatake Sosuke scratched his cheek weirdly and looked at where Sasuke had jumped.

He doesn't seem to care about Kimimaro that much either, this kid is rushing to add something to himself.

And compared to this, Hatake Sosuke glanced at the three Sand Shinobi Genin standing in the rest area.

Both Temari and Kankuro seemed a little flustered.

Gaara must be in their plan, and now Gaara is going to play.

But Baki, as their teacher, and the person who passed the message, disappeared in the morning and has not yet returned.

"The teacher is not here, what do you plan to do?"

Kankuro glanced at Gaara next to him, leaned against Temari wittily, and kept a distance from him.

Gaara has been here since the morning, and her condition looks very strange.

The two of them don't know what to do now.

Temari glanced at Feng Ying, who was sitting next to him, and frowned slightly.

"It's impossible not to let him go to the game, I can only wait and watch."

Gaara and Sasuke stood in the middle of the field.


The referee waved between the two and jumped out of the court after abruptly.

Sasuke stepped forward, and threw two shurikens from the knife bag with his backhand and threw them at a distance.

The sand flying out of the gourd quickly condensed in front of Gaara, steadily blocking the flying shuriken, and gradually formed a sand clone in front of Gaara.

He and Kakashi had previously studied Kimimaro and Gaara's countermeasures. Gaara is a standard stance method, and his physical skills are relatively weak.

As long as he can be faster than his self-protection sand, he will have a chance to break the defense.

Sasuke ran straight to the sand avatar in front of Gaara, a large piece of sand instantly fell from the one in front of him, and pounced firmly on Sasuke.

Sasuke jumped up directly to avoid the sand, kicked up to the sand clone, and the kicked sand rustled down, even if he planned to entangle Sasuke's calf.

Sasuke slammed the punch down, and directly smashed the Sha avatar into pieces.

Seeing Sasuke bend his knees on the ground and squat up, he was about to punch him, and the sand was blocked firmly in front of Gaara.

This is it.

Sasuke raised the corners of her lips slightly and showed a triumphant smile, and the fist of the person who had struck stopped abruptly in front of the sand.

Sasuke stepped aside, and the whole person quickly disappeared in place. While the sand hadn't followed, Sasuke directly punched Gaara in the face from the side.

".~ Click."

After Gaara raised her head and flew out, a crack was cracked in the sand armor on her face.

The speed of boxing and kicking looks more like Xiao Li, and his flexible movements are like Kimimaro.

"Not only Chidori, but you also asked Sasuke to learn the movements of those who are good at physical skills (Wang De Zhao)?"

The next few games are not for nothing.

Sharingan can replicate the physical skills, as long as you exercise your physical fitness, you can get the effect in a short period of training.

Really flexible application of copy and paste.

Although Hatake Sosuke is not very like giving Sasuke this face, but he has to pay attention to some of the situation of Shouhe.

It is necessary for Gaara to inspire Shouhe in this venue.

The more chaotic the venue is, the more convenient it is for him to do things.

If all eyes are on the shadow side for a while, it will not be good for Hatake Sosuke.

"Well, after all, Sasuke doesn't have the ability to pierce the bones."

"But he can't be beaten with physical skills alone."

Kakashi stared at the state of the court.

Gaara, who was hit by Sasuke one after another, no longer resisted, but stood still with his hands forming a seal, and the sand around him was constantly piling up centered on him. .

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