"Come outside."

Uchiha Itachi took two steps back a little later and let Naruto out.

He's not a sick kid, after all, Naruto can be considered a friend of Sasuke.

Although it is Nine Tails Jinchūriki, I tracked it all the way, and it seemed to have a good personality.

Uchiha Itachi was also trying to fool Hoshigaki Kisame, so there is no need to bring Nine Tails Jinchūriki back.

But now that Hatake Sosuke stepped in, his thoughtful thinking before was of no use at all!

While Naruto was walking outside, Itachi and Kisame glanced at each other, and they obviously understood each other's meaning.

It's almost there.

Naruto walked from the door to the corridor. He knew that if Jiraiya was here~ it would be better to say.

But he can't beat these two people by himself.

This kind of thing, you don't have to try, you can figure it out with your toes and head.

Now I can only think of a way to hold them as much as possible, or leave a mark for Pervy Sage so that he can find it.

Naruto swallowed, thinking silently.

"Let's go, if you dare to run or resist, I will cut off your leg."

"Or, to prevent you from escaping, or should you chop off your legs here?"

Hoshigaki Kisame gave a terrible smile, and the pale shark teeth showed up.

Uchiha Itachi stared at Naruto silently, and didn't mean to stop Kisame.

He heard the sound of rushing upstairs downstairs. Judging from the severity of his footing, he should be a child about the same age as Naruto.

It's chasing me.

Naruto was frightened in a cold sweat by Hoshigaki Kisame's words. This guy, saying such words is definitely not scaring him.

But now, there is no chance to escape.

Just as Naruto was embarrassed, a familiar voice rang from behind the two adults in front of him.

"It's been a long time..."

Sasuke forcibly swallowed the Nissan who blurted out, and paused in the middle quite strangely.

Then I tried to calm my gasping breath, and made my voice sound as smooth as possible.

However, the sound of breath leaking from time to time still inevitably reveals that he has just run with high intensity.

"Uchiha Itachi."

There is no need to see Itachi's face at all, Sasuke can recognize him only by the back of him standing there.

But this dress is too ostentatious, it doesn't look like Itachi at all.

At first glance, it seemed that Sasuke couldn't help but want to laugh.

Sasuke sank down the expression on his face, because he wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh, he made a look that was a bit ferocious and ferocious.

Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame silently turned their heads to look at Sasuke behind them.


Uchiha Itachi? !

Naruto looked forward through the gap between the two.

Sasuke's face was almost distorted with a ferocious look, Naruto had never seen him look like this before.

A pair of scarlet Sharingan is glaring at Uchiha Itachi next to Naruto.

Of course, if he knew that Sasuke forced himself to show such an expression because he was holding back his smile, Naruto might be a little more relaxed.

There is one more person who feels that he shouldn't be here.

As for Uchiha Itachi, isn't that Sasuke's brother? !

Although Naruto had no impression of Itachi's appearance, when he and Sasuke were in school when he was a child, he often heard the man's name from Sasuke's mouth.

Until, Uchiha Itachi became the genocide murderer who slaughtered the whole clan and only Sasuke was left.

Sasuke never mentioned Uchiha Itachi's name again.

No wonder the two of them look so alike!

The previous Sasuke was willing to kill a man no matter what the circumstances.

If nothing else, it should be this person.

Naruto thought of Sasuke's ferocious expression, and the first time he introduced himself in class emerged in his mind.

And when he was fighting Kirigakure before, Sasuke also said that he was unwilling.

All the spearheads were directed at Uchiha Itachi, who was standing to the side.

Many clues flashed through Naruto's mind, and Sasuke's usual words and his actions were all right.

He didn't bother to ask why Sasuke would find here at this time. He could only look at the situation before him, which was about to become a family ethical contradiction.

Although I don't know what's wrong, but it just feels wrong!

Hoshigaki Kisame turned his head and looked over with interest. Everyone knows about the Uchiha Itachi butcher.

The reason why Akatsuki was suspicious of Itachi was because he slaughtered the whole clan, but only his brother remained in Konoha.

· ····Seeking flowers············

No matter how you think, that younger brother may be Konoha's handle to control Uchiha Itachi.

As long as there is a handle in the village, Akatsuki cannot completely trust him.

In addition to the Orochimaru defect organization, Uchiha Itachi, who is also Konoha, was even more targeted.

Fortunately, after Uchiha Itachi defected, he rarely contacted the village again, and he has not shown any problems.

"Do you dare to come back to the village if you do that kind of thing."

"I have done what you said, hating you, hating you, and chasing you with you as the target."

Now is the time to test me.

Words such as greetings are meaningless to Sasuke and Itachi. Where there are other people, they can only face each other as enemies.

...... ... .......

Sasuke can't wait to show Itachi what he has learned and practiced since he left.

He is no longer what he used to be. He can't only watch Shisui and his brother leave together, but can only stay in the village helplessly.

A bright blue Chakra accumulates in Sasuke's palm, and the electric current rubs the air and makes a prickling sound like a thousand birds singing together.

Hoshigaki Kisame raised his eyebrows slightly, the momentum was quite compelling.

After all, they are the ones who slaughtered their entire clan, but now their mission should be the Nine Tails kid on the other side.

Anyway, even for Itachi, this kid is a sudden change.

Get rid of him first.

Hoshigaki Kisame's hand gripped the handle of Samehada's knife behind him.

"You don't have to intervene, it's my business and his business, just be optimistic about Nine Tails Jinchūriki."

It seems that Kisame does not know the truth about the genocide, although they are all his own people with Hatake Sosuke as the connection point.

However, there are still varying degrees of error in intelligence.

Uchiha Itachi took a step forward and reached out to stop Hoshigaki Kisame next to him.

In the sound of birds neighing, the wall next to Sasuke was also blasted out of a row of pits by the current accumulated in Chakra.

The wall was constantly shattered and shattered into lumpy walls.

The two pairs of Scarlet Sharingan slammed into each other. Sasuke opened his eyes abruptly, and then rushed towards Itachi.

The dazzling electric light hit Itachi's face in an instant! Spoon.

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