After Kakashi asked Naruto and Sakura to go back to the ward, they returned to the rooftop again.

He always felt that Sasuke didn't look right from where, and wanted to come back and look at him again.

It's gone.

When Kakashi opened the roof gate, there was no one on it.

"The kid is gone. He stood behind Naruto's broken water tank for a while, then ran out of the fence."

Jiraiya walked out from the side and looked at Kakashi who had returned.

Water tank?

Kakashi looked up strangely at the water tank that Naruto had broken next to him. He looked at where Sasuke was standing, and then at the back of the water tank.

Kakashi's blind eyes widened suddenly.

"Because I couldn't see the back of the Naruto tank from where I was standing just now, I just seemed to be reconciled."

"Sure enough, I still care about my abilities."

Jiraiya stood beside Kakashi with arms folded and looked at the water tank beside him.

He just watched Sasuke standing next to the water tank with his eyes wide open, and there was a certain painful emotion in the child's body instantly.

Sure enough, can't he be overtaken by the tail of the crane that he thinks it is?

"Unexpectedly, he hadn't seen it before."

"Itachi gave him too much excitement, let him try to find balance on Naruto."

"He should have been working hard to get revenge on Itachi. Now he feels desperate to find his strength."

Kakashi held his forehead with a headache.

Regardless of whether Sasuke stayed and saw the broken water tank, even if he can't see it now, he will see it later.

This gap has been widened.

Even if he is deceiving himself, Sasuke should open his eyes to see all this clearly.

He has been blinded by the sense of superiority for too long, and it is enough to be aware of this problem while growing up.

But the sudden appearance of Uchiha Itachi accelerated Sasuke's knowledge of himself.

Sasuke suddenly became an unstable factor.

Originally Orochimaru had intentions for Sasuke, but now the village has no extra power to govern Sasuke's situation.

"This is not a good sign, you should persuade him."

Jiraiya is also aware of the situation in the village. At this time, once Sasuke does something, it is estimated that there is no one to take care of him.

"Well, I really trouble you to watch it here just now."

Kakashi couldn't help but sighed in response, then disappeared in place.


Sasuke sat on the branch and dropped his eyes thoughtfully. His mood has never been so messy.

If he wants to become stronger, if he wants to avenge Danzo, he must become stronger.

The elder brother betrayed Shinobu, the family moved away from Konoha, and everything was caused by that guy.

Even Sasuke's feelings for Konoha are quite weak. He knew that he was staying with Konoha as the handle of Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi hinted at two options in his letter.

Sasuke can go to Itachi.

But he will be separated from all his fellows in the village, and even bear the name of rebellion, sooner or later he will become enemies with his teacher and his companions.

The other is to stay in the village and stay with everyone.

Uchiha Itachi will not intervene more, as long as he grows up here and it is enough.

There is no deliberate guidance in the letter, everything is a matter of choice.

Uchiha Itachi himself hopes that Sasuke can come to him. Hatake Sosuke tells him that Orochimaru seems to be interested in Sasuke.

Sasuke was left behind. On the one hand, Sasuke was too young, and Uchiha Itachi didn't know where Akatsuki was.

But now Itachi knows enough about Akatsuki's urinary sex, and Sasuke is also growing up rather than a child of the past.

No one in the village can guarantee Sasuke's safety now.

During the battle, Uchiha Itachi also realized that there is no suitable person in the village to guide Sasuke.

Sasuke's progress can be described as slow.

The village can't protect him, and it doesn't make much sense for Sasuke to stay in the village.

Although Uchiha Itachi has a hundred ways to let Sasuke follow him, Hatake Sosuke said those things to him.

He also looked at himself and Sasuke slightly.

Sasuke is not his object, you can freely guide and guide you,

And after meeting Naruto, Uchiha Itachi also realized that some people in the village care about Sasuke.

Sure enough, it is better to let him make his own choice.

Sasuke scratched his head irritably.

For a long time, Uchiha Itachi seemed to guarantee the correctness and safety of his path, even Sasuke did not need to make any choices.

Sasuke really wants to become stronger, and also wants to come back to avenge Konoha's senior management.

Of course, he should choose Itachi. Only by walking with Itachi can he be fully guided and educated and become stronger.

But his bond with Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura is so deep that he needs to think about which way he wants to go.

When he saw that Naruto's Rasengan only broke a small hole, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If this is the case, Naruto's progress is nothing more than that. He doesn't need to be too nervous, because the village's guidance for Sharingan is not enough.

It is possible for him to stay and practice with them.

They are all on the same line, and nothing special.

At the time, Sasuke really wanted to stay and live and grow with everyone.

He just stayed with Naruto Kakashi and the others, and there was no high-level relationship involved.

He can do revenge when he grows up.

But when he was clearly aware that Naruto seemed to be stronger than himself, he couldn't pretend to be peaceful.

"Damn it."

Why did it become like this!

I can't say that there is anything wrong with Naruto. Everyone is clearly working hard to cultivate and become stronger.

Sasuke gritted his teeth hard, and reached out and slammed the tree trunk beside him.

"Hiding here is a life sulking?"

Kakashi stood in front of Sasuke abruptly. Sasuke raised his eyes and looked at him uncomfortably, then shook his head and turned his head.

Kakashi sighed and squatted down in front of Sasuke.

"I said Sasuke, let's forget about the revenge."

"I see a lot of people with your mind. People who get revenge generally won't end well."

"Moreover, even if you succeed in revenge, there will be no sense of accomplishment. After completion, it will be endless emptiness."

Sasuke did not run or ran away, and it was rare that he did not even refute Kakashi.

He said.

"Don't preach to me, I know this kind of thing."

But even if the matter of revenge is ruled out, he definitely doesn't want to be overtaken by Naruto.

They can be of equal strength, but his pride will never allow Naruto to be stronger than him.

The only choice he made was to look for Itachi in search of power. .

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