The four people of Yinren gradually gathered together from several directions around the village, and the expressions on everyone's faces were not very good.

"I didn't find him here."

"I heard several Genin say below, Sasuke seems to have ran away last night."

Tayuya and Jirōbō said separately.

The four of them came directly to the village on Orochimaru's order, preparing to lure Sasuke who had seen Uchiha Itachi.

It turned out that Sasuke left the day before.

All four of them looked blank and at a loss.

At this time, Sasuke had no idea where Sasuke could go or where he wanted to go.

"It's weird, who can that fellow go out to take refuge in?"

Sakon frowned slightly and looked out of the village.

"There is no way, now I can only go out and have a look."

The four of them stopped for a while in the village of Liusisan, and then walked out together.

However, Shikamaru below the village also found a few capable people to pursue Sasuke.

Naruto, Neji, Ya, Chōji, Shikamaru, five people rushed to the gate of the village together.

Whether it's reconnaissance power or combat power, these people are almost the best configuration that can be put together now.

Shikamaru made a battle arrangement for several people, and then the five opened the door and walked out.

However, the five people met three people wearing Sand Shinobi forehead protector.

"Huh? Gaara? Why are you here."

The five people were about to go out in a hurry, and Naruto stared at Gaara in a daze.

"Ah... we are here to send the new covenant documents."

Kankuro raised the file in his hand and responded.

Gaara also nodded by default, although there is no need for them to send this kind of file.

But he wanted to find that person for a little bit, so he took the task and came here in person.

The smiling face of Hatake Sosuke appeared in Gaara's mind, and then he paused and looked at Naruto.

"I heard you were looking for Sasuke."

"We can go with you."

I've already gotten here, and it's not too late to find Hatake Sosuke.

And Gaara also heard Sasuke's name, and he still had a little impression of that person.

After all, it was the person who broke his absolute defense.

"Eh, but the file..."

Kankuro froze for a moment, then turned to look at Gaara next to him.

"Well, don't you just send that kind of stuff in alone? Come over later."

Temari slapped Kankuro on the shoulder heartily.

It is rare that Gaara is also interested in intervening in this matter, and they have no reason to refuse.


Kankuro sighed.

Shikamaru scratched his head, well, it's not bad to add these two good fighting guys.

More people is better than fewer people.

After joining the two temporarily, the seven continued to leave the village to look for Sasuke's traces.

Shikamaru still remembers Tsunade reminding him, so during the pursuit, he also specifically asked Ya and Neji not only to pay attention to Sasuke's figure, but also to pay attention to whether there are other suspicious Otoninjas.

The Otonin four people only visited the village in the morning to check Sasuke's situation. At this time, the distance between Naruto and Naruto was no more than fore and aft.

Therefore, it didn't take long for a few of them to run into the quartet of Otonin.

"You guys cheated Sasuke away! Get him back quickly!"

Naruto ran forward and shouted at the four people in front of him.

Neji and Ya have basically been determined, and the only possible enemies around are these four people.

Shikamaru curled his lips speechlessly, but fortunately, there were no other enemies around, otherwise Naruto's voice might not be able to send them all away.

All four of Otonin jumped down from the tree and settled on the flat ground among the trees.

It's not very interesting to play the chase, it seems that only these Genins can be solved in this place now.

And the four of them are going to find Sasuke who ran away inexplicably.

"What nonsense are you talking about, we still want to find that kid, bastard."

Duoyu raised his head uncomfortably and cursed, but they ran to the village in vain.

And they have no idea where to find Sasuke.

As soon as the voice fell, Gui Tong Maru vigilantly pulled Doyuna next to him, and a dark shadow snaking out silently on the ground shrank back suddenly.

Shikamaru's figure walked out of the forest in the direction of the black shadow, and several people began to appear around one after another.

To be honest, Shikamaru is suspicious of these four people, but there is indeed no trace of Sasuke around them...

It's hard to tell if they hid Sasuke temporarily.

Although they are not very old, they dominate in terms of numbers.

Sakon frowned and whispered to the three people who were eager to try.

"It's enough. Orochimaru-sama's goal is Sasuke. Our main task is to find Sasuke."

Although Otonin had only four people, because of the curse imprinted on her body, she froze with several people.

As time passed bit by bit, Naruto, who was quite impatient from the beginning, also gradually lost patience with his opponent.

"It's annoying, Sasuke can't disappear for no reason, hurry up and tell his whereabouts!!"

A crimson concretized Chakra began to appear around Naruto, and the four Otonin almost instinctively jumped back.

The surrounding people didn't even think that they watched Naruto take a step backwards.

After all, this uncomfortable Chakra is too obvious, almost showing it with a certain sense of coercion.

"This is troublesome..."

Shikamaru couldn't help but whispered in his heart as he looked at Naruto who was changing because of his eagerness.

Even if they haven't seen this state, this uncomfortable feeling is definitely not a good sign.

Gaara paused and couldn't help but glance to the side of Naruto.

"Okay, that's it."

Hatake Sosuke knocked on the head of Naruto, who had begun to lose control, and the Nine Tails Chakra, which Naruto had begun to leak because of his irritability, suddenly stopped.

The scarlet eye of the beast lifted up and stared straight at Hatake Sosuke.

Hatake Sosuke's abrupt appearance, everyone on the field was stunned, their eyes focused on him.

"Sasuke is not with them, well, but I can take you to find him."

"But whether you can bring him back is your own business."

Naruto paused and nodded at him in a daze.

"You definitely can't track me down. Either go back after the fight, or retreat with the wounded now~"

Hatake Sosuke picked up Naruto with one hand, tilted his head and smiled at a few people who seemed to be stopped by time.

Soon, he took Naruto and disappeared instantly. .

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