Although you can't see the main body at a glance, after all, Naruto's Shadow Clone is too much to be seen.

But as long as he comes up in person, he can tell.

The crimson Sharingan turned quickly, and Sasuke kept breaking the skipped Shadow Clone into white smoke.

"With Sharingan, you can see who the body is at a glance."

"I'm just playing with you."

Either there are too many people and can't come through, otherwise it can definitely be distinguished.

Sasuke held down Naruto standing in the Shadow Clone and kicked him into the air with a punch. Then Sasuke rolled over without hesitation and kicked Naruto straight forward.


Before Naruto had the strength to fight back, Sasuke quickly took a deep breath and took a quick breath.

"Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!"

A huge fireball burst out of Sasuke's mouth in an instant, covering the flying out Naruto in an instant.

With a "puff", Naruto fell directly under the waterfall in the Valley of End.

The water of the lake far away from the waterfall has gradually calmed down, and the moment Naruto fell in, there were layers of water ripples.

Naruto crawled out of the water and stood straight on the surface of the rushing river.

He felt unwilling and couldn't deal with Sasuke completely.

But if he didn't show his heart that must kill him, he wouldn't be able to take Sasuke back.

Why must revenge be necessary?

He has always regarded Sasuke as a friend, as an opponent of the same age.

But because he was a friend, he couldn't really attack Sasuke.

"Am I not your partner anymore to you? Is everything meaningless to be with you all the time?"

Drops of water continued to fall from Naruto's head and shouted aggressively at Sasuke.

"It's not meaningless, you are my most important friend."

"But I also have something to do."

"Don't stop me."

No matter how many words related to the past are said, it is meaningless, although all the past and memories are undeniable.

But he still has to become stronger to stabilize his competitive spirit and self-esteem.

This is his choice, and what he pays is to cut off the fetters.

Sasuke stood on the statue and looked down at Naruto condescendingly. The Sharingan of the double hook jade shrank slightly, and then the third Tomoe appeared on the side.

Sasuke jumped high into the river, and a burst of water burst into the sky under the waterfall.

The atmosphere seems to be different from just now.

Naruto looked at the splashes under the waterfall alertly, and leaned down slightly.

The crimson Nine Tails Chakra emerged from him, and even if he didn't want to use this hand against Sasuke, he had to do it now.

The emergence of the red Chakra continues to materialize, becoming an existence like Chakra armor, wrapped around Naruto.

The crimson beast eyes and the deepened beard are particularly obvious on the side of Naruto's face.

The short blond hair even drifted continuously under the influence of Chakra.

A gas-like red fox tail emerged behind Naruto.

"Shadow Clone Technique."

Naruto's hands were sealed, and then a Shadow Clone appeared beside him with a "pop".

Naruto bends one hand slightly, and the other Shadow Clone is constantly controlling Chakra by his side.

A blue spinning Rasengan appeared in his palm very quickly.

Unlike the previous Rasengan, this Rasengan is covered with a layer of Chakra belonging to Nine Tails.

The water vapor and waves impacted from under the waterfall splashed, mixed in the splashing water, and bright blue electric lights flickered in the water.

The falling splash fell on Sasuke, and he pressed one hand on the other, and all the Chakra was accumulated in that hand.

Kakashi told him before that he shouldn't use Chidori too many times, and forcibly launching ninjutsu will only exhaust him.

It is not a ninjutsu that can be used many times.

Sasuke simply gathered all the Chakras in his hands.

Everything is pinned on this blow.

The thirst for strength, the obsession with self-esteem and the competitive spirit swelled up in an instant.

The stern and sharp flock of birds neighed under the waterfall, and Sasuke opened his eyes sharply and rushed out of the water.



Nine Tails' Chakra directly accelerated Naruto's speed a lot, and Rasengan in his hand also brought a huge storm next to him.

On the surface of the water, two waves of water were pushed away by both sides in an instant.

The moment Rasengan and Chidori collided, a dazzling light burst out.

The huge impact violently lifted the hair of the two of them, and the two stubborn faces were revealed in the light.

The water splash between the two spread out instantly, and the lake surface of the valley of the end and the sculptures on the side were constantly trembling for a while.

The gravel on the ground on both sides of the statue vibrated uncontrollably, and flew out to one side with the spreading impact.

The shock wave shook the surrounding woods, making rustling noises continuously, and the fallen leaves floated and fell to the ground.

There is no way to avoid it.

Before Chidori was over, Sasuke used Sharingan to punch Naruto in the stomach.

After Naruto coughed a bit of blood out, he slammed his head back and slammed his head against Sasuke's forehead.

The two of them whitened their eyes instantly, and fell directly into the river below after two "puffs".

"Will you be suffocated if you fall like this..."

Hatake Sosuke couldn't help but pursed his mouth, and raised his brow as he watched the slightly rippling water surface.

The two men wouldn't kill each other directly, but if they fell into the water and unconscious, they might be suffocated to death.

Hatake Sosuke didn't go too far, just watched the show in the nearby woods.

After all, the strength of these two people has changed, in order to avoid any trouble, it is still necessary to watch.


Just as Hatake Sosuke was considering whether to fish for the dead body, some small bubbles emerged from the calm water.

Immediately, Naruto's wet head came out, and Sasuke, who seemed to have lost consciousness, was still wrapped around his arm.

After sticking out his head and choking a few times, Naruto didn't care about checking Sasuke's situation, so he could barely hold him and swim towards the shore.

Obviously he has no extra Chakra and strength, and he can't maintain water walking at all.

Naruto gritted his teeth and threw Sasuke to the shore, then crawled to the shore with both hands and feet.

It's a pity that he leaned directly beside the river bank, half of his body sank, and he was about to fall into the water again.

Hatake Sosuke reached out and grabbed the unconscious Naruto's wrist and dragged him up from the water.

"Well, it's all here, so don't be drowned.".

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