Hatake Sosuke played in Sunagakure, and it was fun to play with Gaara and Guideng Manyue.

Within three years of scattered, Hatake Sosuke also received some letters.

In addition to a few letters dealing with Kirigakure's special problems, Hatake Sosuke also received rare news from Kakashi.

And the only letter, his younger brother who was with the s-level mission all day long, didn't write a few more words.

Whether it's the degree of scribbling, or the piece of paper that looks like it is torn from the paper and twisted and bent.

It was as if Kakashi had just finished the task and sent him a message temporarily-it was the same.

Kakashi didn't know where he got a carrier pigeon. When the news was delivered to Hatake Sosuke, the whole pigeon seemed to have been devastated.

Fortunately, it can be delivered.

To be placed in the first two years, it is estimated that this pigeon will be blown away soon after entering Sunagakure.

Judging from the clutter of the pigeons, the effect of windbreak and afforestation during this period seems to be pretty good.

This news is estimated to have not been made public, otherwise Konoha is usually the eagle falcon.

Kakashi was probably anxious to give him the news, so he picked up a pigeon for personal use and passed it to him.

There was nothing unexpected on that piece of paper.

"Uchiha Sasuke joined Akatsuki and turned from a missing person to an S-rank rebel."

Hatake Sosuke told Kakashi before he left, I know, but I don't want to tell you where Sasuke has gone.

Then he said that Kakashi would know it after a while.

This news is probably the news that Kakashi sent here specifically in response to what he said at that time.

Hatake Sosuke pursed his lips and showed a smile, then lit the note and burned it away.

If it is an S-level rebel, if nothing else, the five major countries will all be wanted.

But now it has started to do the task, and it seems that Sasuke has grown up pretty well.


"Why are you still here!? Gaara is about to become Fengying, aren't you excited at all?"

Ghost Lantern Manmoon pushed open the door without hesitation, and screamed at Hatake Sosuke.

He smelled a burnt smell as soon as he entered the door, and then saw the homing pigeon on Hatake Sosuke's table again, and blinked a little dazedly.

The already aggressive shout suddenly sank.

If it's a crow, he can still join in and watch the excitement. The news from Konoha is usually conveyed by hawks, and he can avoid watching it at all.

But this inexplicable homing pigeon doesn't feel right.

And smelling it, Hatake Sosuke should have burned the paper, and the teacher would not have any private news.

Is it inappropriate for him to rush like this?

Ghost lantern full moon is still quite afraid of an inappropriate situation, Hatake Sosuke wants to kill him.

"Wh, what, should I knock on the door..."

The ghost lantern shook his head from side to side at the full moon, and stepped forward to withdraw.

"I've come in~ Is it useful for you to go out—?"

Hatake Sosuke gave a "pouch" laugh, and he put the pigeon on the other side and let it eat by itself.

Since last year, Gaara's becoming Fengying is basically a certainty.

The wind shadows of the past generations will control the sand, just like the Third Generation Fourth Generation, the old sand people, although the intensity is very difficult to describe.

Another Gaara, although Jinchūriki is at risk of running away, Shouhe did not accidentally run away during this period of time.

Gaara suppressed it quite well.

Although Gaara is not a perfect Jinchūriki by nature, she can't sleep well all day long, it's not bad to do it.

Well, of course, the most important thing is that, apart from Gaara, at present, apart from a few elders in Sunagakure, no one can suppress the tail beast.

Hatake Sosuke threw the credit for controlling the wind and sand on Gaara's head, after all, it is useless for him to hold these titles.

It's too much to make all the people of Sand Shinobi love him, so forget it.

And while Gaara practiced, he did solve a lot of environmental problems of sand and gravel.

So there is nothing wrong with him in improving environmental governance.

Ghost Lantern Moon, the kind of people who like to run around, pulled Gaara to earn a lot of popularity in the village.

Sometimes this former Mizukage is really not a name....

Very good at controlling popularity.

"Well-it's not a big deal, just destroy the useless things by the way."

"Sasuke became an S-rank rebel who joined Akatsuki."

· ····Seeking flowers············

You can't keep the news from Kakashi about this kind of thing, otherwise there will be some suspicion of spies.

Although it is not necessary, there will be suspicions of intelligence on even simple things from village to village, country to country.

Hatake Sosuke doesn't like to make trouble for himself.

But the five major nations will know about this sooner or later, so it's not a problem to talk to Guideng Manyue.

"Oh? Ah, is that Uchiha kid with red eyes?"

"Well—doesn't it feel like he would be a betrayal?"

Sasuke's face appeared in the head of the ghost lantern full moon.

In Chūnin's exam, although he was a bit more mature than the noisy blonde cat face Jinchūriki next to him.

But Sasuke still looked like a child.

...... ..... ...

Although it seems to like to be aggressive and pretending to be forceful.

But that year-old child is inevitable.

The black history of pretending to be aggressive can be compared to the black history of killing a schoolman at the full moon of the ghost lamp.

"Because my elder brother is rebellious, did he follow along?"

Ghost Lantern Manyue took Hatake Sosuke toward Fengying's coronation ceremony, and said thoughtfully while touching his chin.

"Huh? But Sasuke was wiped out by Itachi~"

Hatake Sosuke paused briefly. The Ghost Lantern Full Moon almost directly took over as a brother, and forgot the genocide of the Uchiha clan.

"Ah...oh, I forgot, hehe."

"After all, it's other people's affairs. I haven't dealt with those chores for two years!"

"But there is really something like what my brother did, um-maybe it was to stay with my brother and find a chance to avenge him and kill him. This situation is not uncommon."

The ghost lantern full moon immediately came up with a new plot.

He is Mizukage after all, and his knowledge of Rennin is nothing.

Judging from the response of all the seven Ninjamen returning, if the village is not in the underworld to a certain extent, generally few people are willing to go out and do it alone.

Of course, people like Akatsuki who are a little bit interested in pursuits, it's not easy to talk about things like Rebellion.

"I don't understand the people of the Uchiha clan. If I am a traitor, I want to pull my brother over."

"But just...think about it." Shao.

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