
What is the speed of this guy! ?

There was a faint horror in Deidara's heart, and the swift sand pierced Deidara's chest almost instantly.


Gaara's hand faintly emits a kind of bright blue electric light, in the dark night, and the sand that blocks the light everywhere.

This faint bright blue light appeared more and more obvious on Gaara.

Although Deidara rode the bird away as fast as possible, she barely escaped the fatal blow.

The sand should have attacked his heart.

However, due to the flying of the giant bird, the sand shifted slightly.

The warm blood was blown cold by the wind and sand instantly, and it was greasy flowing inside the coat, exuding a strong bloody air.

The back of Deidara was soaked in cold sweat almost instantly. He rode the big bird and quickly drove a distance with my love Lola.

He turned the clay he was chewing on in his palms into clay birds, and threw them directly at Gaara.

Although there was sand for protection, Gaara was slightly blocked by the oncoming clay bird.

Absolutely defensive sand was firmly blocked by his side, and those clay birds could only blast apart from the sand.

A large amount of sand entangled Deidara in the air, and Deidara rode a big bird.

But he clearly realized that Gaara in this state would be able to catch him sooner or later.

A bird and a sand, the two hover in the sky.

The bright moon reflected the attitude of the two, revealing a little bit of killing intent.

"Catch it."

Gaara's eyes sank slightly, and then a handful of sand instantly clung to Deidara's constantly moving arm.

Deidara threw a few birds back from his hands almost instantaneously, but the explosive birds couldn't reach Gaara's sand at all.

After being blown up a bit, the sand immediately wrapped around Deidara's arm.

"It's so annoying... these sands."

Even if Deidara wanted to shake off the sand, these fools didn't let go of the clothes. They held on to Deidara, and kept climbing up his sleeves.

Can't break free!

A faint cold sweat leaked from Deidara's face, and his entire hand was clenched by Gaara's sand.

Gaara's eyes were sullen, and she reached out to Deidara.

"Sand binds the hazel."

As Gaara's fist squeezed, and as he tightened the sand, Deidara's arm made a muffled sound.

The crushed Bloodline burst out of the sand instantly.

The crowd of Sunagakure onlookers below showed a sigh of relief.

There were waves of admiration.

"As expected of Master Fengying."

"That Akatsuki must have run out of his way."

"Master Fengying is amazing."

Obviously the response from the villagers is very good, no matter what Deidara's purpose is here, but even now it seems that it should help Gaara consolidate people's hearts.

Kankuro let out a sigh of relief, and said to Baki who was still frowning next to him.

"Let me just say, Gaara is very suitable as Fengying, he can protect everyone."

The expressions of Baki and Gaara are not very good, they are almost clear.

It's just that if Deidara is not completely dead, they won't really win.

If he entangled with Gaara for a while, even if Gaara didn't kill him, Deidara would die from blood loss.

This situation is not so good, it has to be a quick decision.

Sasori didn't like him very much at first, and if something went wrong, he might be ridiculed again.

Deidara took a blood-enhancing pill out of her clothes and bit it down.

So-called, just barely hold back for a while.

That’s how the sand added Deidara's speed just now, otherwise Deidara shouldn't be indulged in flying around Sunagakure.

But what happened to the one that came up just now, does Feng Ying have any ability to instantaneously?

But that shouldn't be instantaneous, because Deidara is actually in a flying state in the air, not stationary.

There is still a problem with the speed of the sand.

They ‘send’ Gaara directly to Deidara.

Deidara recalled a little bit on the big bird, and then remembered a very important piece of information.

When Gaara's speed suddenly increased, her body was suddenly covered with bright blue Chakra.

Not surprisingly, it is Chakra with thunder attributes.

Is it used to activate physical fitness...?

Together with those sands are also accelerated...

Deidara is also a member of Akatsuki's organization, and he knows a lot about the characteristics of various places over the years.

This method is not like what Sunagakure people would use. After all, the Sunagakure place, this group of people, is mainly based on the Chakra like terroir.

This kind of cultivation technique and use method is actually like the gangsters of Cloud Shinobi Village like to use.

"There is no way, it is better to have a quick fight with you."

"This is also a helpless thing, eh!"

Deidara's only hand left, took out a puppet-shaped detonating clay.

"Although I said not to make much movement, in order to take you away, let's destroy this village."

"C3, the eighteenth."

Deidara directly threw the doll in his hand towards the village below. With his Jieyin's gesture, this clay doll, which was only Deidara's hand, became huge in an instant.

Gaara's pupils shrunk slightly, and he waved his hand to gather all the sand directly.

A huge protective wall was tightly covered above the village.

This hand is quite costly for Chakra. He has used Chakra to strengthen his physique before. Now if he uses such a huge skill, he is likely to have other problems.

"Empty sand defense wall."

All the sand floated in mid-air, firmly blocking C3 No. 18, just enough to separate it from the village by a slight distance.


A dazzling red light flashed, and a huge explosion sounded through the Sunagakure sky.

And because of the protective wall, the entire explosion did not directly affect Sunagakure, and was sturdyly blocked by Gaara's protection.

Immediately, all the sand began to rustle and flow down through the cracks in the Sunagakure ground.

Gaara was half-kneeling in the sand ball in the air, breathing heavily.

"It's really Fengying, who actually spent such a large amount of Chakra to protect the village in this situation."

"However, it's over, eh!"

A bunch of tiny clay spiders crawled out of the sand ball Gaara used for protection.

Gaara's eyes shrank slightly, staring closely at the sudden appearance of a clay spider in front of her.


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