After Sakura and Temari arrived at Sand Shinobi, they began to treat the wounded and detoxify Kankuro.

Because of the scientific research room, many uncommon herbs can be found here.

When little Sakura asked for the list of herbs, she was shocked.

Many medicinal plants don’t even have a lot of Konoha, but Sand Shinobi has a lot of them.

Even drugs that are so scarce that they are not necessarily available for purchase with money, there will be a small amount of reserves here.

On the ground around the scientific research room, there is also a huge field dedicated to cultivating medicinal herbs. The humidity and sunshine time are strictly controlled.

Obviously Hatake Sosuke is very careful about the research room.

"The drugs in the hospital have suppressed the spread of toxins in time, and you can slowly get better even without medical ninjutsu."

"I'm just here to speed up the recovery speed."

Little Sakura put her hair out of the back with forehead protector and said to Temari.

On the other side, Baki is still negotiating with the senior management.

When this happens, these high-level officials will engage in all sorts of troubles, what they want to report and what they want, and they are almost trying their best to procrastinate there.

They didn't support Gaara as the wind shadow, so they are not allowed to make any calculations at this time.

Although the former Mizukage and Chiyo had already helped Hatake Sosuke in the past, Sharingan Kakashi also took the students to help.

But the opponent is Akatsuki.

And it's been a few days since Gaara was taken away. It's hard to tell whether Gaara is alive or dead now.

When I was playing with that Akatsuki member, Gaara was already very bad depending on the situation.

If the current Fengying died, the top executives would definitely fight for the candidates he pushed in, and Sunagakure would have to fall into chaos again by then.

"It's really disturbing."

Baki looked out anxiously through the window.

There is no sandstorm outside the window. After the management of Hatake Sosuke and the full moon of the ghost lamp, most of the time there is no sandstorm inside Sunagakure.

Although their ground is still sandy, it is not as bad as it used to be because there are plants outside to block the wind.

Just look out from the window. Although it is not too early now, many villagers still surround the village and look out.

Many people also stood outside the entrance of the village.

Although Gaara's presence in Fengying was not particularly high before, after all, the status of Ying was the center of the village.

But sometimes because of their high status, they are a bit divorced from the people's livelihood.

But in this duel with Deidara, almost everyone in the village saw Gaara's strength and his intention to protect everyone.

And until the end, Shouhe did not go violently.

Before he took office, he was dragged by the full moon by the ghost lamp to sell favors everywhere, and the environment changed imperceptibly.

After Gaara was captured, most people began to recall things that they didn't usually care about because they were worried about his death.

Gaara's approval rating reached a new peak almost after he was taken away by Akatsuki.

Many times, people will remember what they have done because they are worried about losing someone permanently, and beautify him too much.

Commonly known as the creation of gods.

"There are so many people~"..."

Even Chiyo sighed in shock when he saw a group of people around the door of the village from a distance.

Fengying in the past, even the strongest Fengying, does not have the same treatment as Gaara.

"Looking at so many people from afar, it seems like they came to snipe us..."

Hatake Sosuke murmured in a low voice.

Although not intentional, with so many people surrounding the village gate, Hatake Sosuke instinctively felt as if someone was going to block them.

"Feng Ying returns to such a touching scene, do you have to say such things?"

Kakashi couldn't help but gently elbow his brother.

Can you say something about the sun?

Hatake Sosuke shrugged innocently, and Naruto watched enviously as the group came back to greet Gaara.

It is also Jinchūriki, Gaara is the shadow of the wind, so many people welcome him when he is injured, and many people agree that he values ​​him.

And he is Genin.

Whether it's making a movie or being recognized by others, it's obviously my dream.

Why are you so proficient in realization.

Gaara was obviously also surprised that her sense of existence had soared in the past few days of being abducted.

Although he had done his best to maintain the village before, he had never had such a large-scale emotional feedback.

Feng Ying and his party returned to the village in a mighty welcome.

However, due to Gaara's physical condition, Kakashi Yamato and Chiyo went to report to Baki first.

Gaara was pushed to Sand Shinobi's hospital by Naruto and Garna.

Since Gaara was treated by Chiyo, there is no need to go to the hospital in the research room.

After a few people entered the village, they scattered and went on their own.

Some villagers saw Gaara returning safely and went home.

The other part followed Gaara to visit the hospital.

Hatake Sosuke was about to go back to the research room to study some of Sasori's nuclei, and then realized that there was a former Mizukage left next to him.

The ghost lantern full moon looked at Gaara and the others with some unknown meaning, as if they were looking at something, as if they were just stunned.

".~Do you want to be kidnapped again~?"

"Unfortunately, it's not a movie anymore."

Hatake Sosuke casually patted the ghost lantern full moon to refresh him.

The ghost lantern full moon seems to be longing for the feeling of being valued by everyone. At Sarutobi Hiruzen's funeral before, he said similar hopes.


Gui Deng Moon was stunned for a moment and raised his head. He looked at the mighty crowds around him and pursed his lips slightly.

"Although I am envious, I still don't want anyone to worry so much except death."

"I don't need to be taken away, and I can understand how important I am to everyone (Wang Wang Zhao), and everyone must have me in their hearts."

Ghost Lantern Manmoon smiled and looked at Hatake Sosuke.

"Indeed, they are all busy asking me if you are doing well, and if you don't, you must send them a letter."

Hatake Sosuke nodded thoughtfully, and Ghost Lantern Manyue also had an obedient expression on his face.

"Should I go back if I'm not doing well?"

"No, to make them happy."

The smile on Ghost Lantern Manyue's face froze abruptly.

I know... I know that I did not succeed in making Mizukage as Gaara...

The full moon of the ghost lantern dropped his head instantly, as if he had been hit.

Although most of them meant to tease him, it was true that Ghost Lantern Manyue retired to play with him at that time.

But to say that kind of thing, Ghost Lantern Full Moon is really different from them.

Hatake Sosuke smiled slightly and rubbed the head of the ghost lantern full moon. .

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