"Are you curious about that guy's whereabouts?"

"The Tiandi Bridge in Caoyin Village, just let them pass in six days."

"There are my people."

Sasori looked at Hatake Sosuke thoughtfully, although Orochimaru was not well-known among them.

However, because of their strength, they will not underestimate Orochimaru.

"Should I tell you, you are also very skilled at inserting inner ghosts."

"You can usually receive news from the inner ghost?"

Hatake Sosuke nodded thoughtfully, and said half sarcastically.

Although Sasori is on Orochimaru's side at this time, there are people on the other side of Orochimaru, so you can find out the news from it.

But when entering Sand Shinobi, Sasori used the same technique.

Controlled Sand Shinobi's high-level Yura, so there was no sound outside the main entrance of the village, and all the guards fell.

"Of course not, it just seals off their memory."

"Before the memory was unblocked, I didn't know what they did or thought."

Sasori said somewhat innocently.

14  "Why do you feel that what you are talking about is so terrible? What is the relationship between you and Akatsuki."

"And what's your name?"

The full moon of the ghost lamp came in from the side abruptly.

His gaze was fixed on Sasori, and he always felt like he had something to do with Gaara's affairs.

However, what the Ghost Lantern Man Yuedao heard heard from, or heard the rumors outside.

The one who took Gaara away was a man riding a bird and making an explosion.

Sasori didn't seem to be able to match it from any condition, but he seemed to know a lot of things.

Sasori glanced at Hatake Sosuke speechlessly for a while, and as expected, no one but himself should know what this guy got him back.

If that's the case, don't let Ghost Lantern Manmoon listen to so many words by the side.

Having said that, most of Sasori's attention was on Hatake Sosuke, and he didn't seem to realize what was wrong with the full moon next to the ghost lamp.

Now if you look at this person carefully, his forehead protector is not Sand Shinobi's at all.

It doesn't even match Konoha. Although it is not very impressive, Sasori vaguely remembers that his forehead protector is Kirigakure.

And this person is so subtle and familiar.

But after looking at it, there was no impression.

"Before asking someone's name, please report your own name."

Sasori curled his lips and said.

"Eh...Although he has a cute face, his speech is really bad."

"I am a ghost lamp full moon..."


Isn't this guy Fifth Mizukage! ?

Sasori finally realized where his familiarity with the full moon of the ghost lamp came from. Itachi and Loquat Juzo had missed the information when they went to investigate Three Tails.

The loquat Juzo was directly in the hands of Mizukage and the chasing troops there.

Before Orochimaru defected, Akatsuki's requirements for a group of two were not very strict.

So Sasori was individually arranged to investigate Three Tails in the past.

After spending a lot of money on Kirigakure for several days, he learned that Three Tails did not have Jinchūriki at all, but was sealed in a lake.

If you have money, you can even pray with Three Tails.

At that time, Sasori secretly complained about what the hell was this marketing method that he came up with.

But it is a pity that he didn't really see Three Tails, and it didn't take long for Mizukage to personally take advantage of the night to chase him down.

It was dark and foggy, and even though he fought for a while, Sasori still looked for a chance to go.

But this happened for a long time. At that time, he didn't see the ghost lantern full moon's face carefully, so he never remembered it.

"What is your reaction? Do you know me?"

The ghost lantern full moon looked at Sasori a little inexplicably.

Sasori's previous body had been hidden in Fei Liuhu before. Of course, Ghost Lantern Manyue didn't know what he looked like.

In addition, he has changed a skin bag now, and Ghost Lantern Manmoon can hardly think of this person.

"Ah, he is kind of related but it's okay."

"It won't matter afterwards."

It's dead after all.

Hatake Sosuke paused, how could this feeling of being dead after all be so familiar.

It seems that he said the same about Shisui a few years ago.

Immediately, Hatake Sosuke stroked his chin thoughtfully, thinking about how to explain the situation to the ghost lantern full moon.

It doesn't matter if I told him about Sasori and Akatsuki's organization.

But now Sasori will basically no longer have any contact with the past, and telling the ghost lantern full moon will waste more words and explanations.


Sure enough, the ghost lantern full moon showed a confused expression.

Although his ability to understand has far surpassed others, sometimes what Hatake Sosuke said is really hard to understand.

Hatake Sosuke pursed his mouth for a moment, and then his head spun quickly.

The name sasori Sasori must not be used anymore.

Otherwise, this red hair and this face, although Sasori's body has been found, it will inevitably make life suspicious.

Hatake Sosuke glanced at Sasori briefly. Although he was a child, his mental age was very old.


"Yo Xi! I see! You can see him as a Shishizi."

Hatake Sosuke put his hands together and quickly assigned a new title to Sasori.

Don't engage in feudal superstitions here!

At the age of thirty-five years old, five-year-old shells are very strange, so let alone the reason that seems to be unbelievable.

The ghost lantern looked a little white at the full moon for a while, looking at Hatake Sosuke speechlessly.

However, Hatake Sosuke's search for words fooled him, he must have his own reasons.

The Ghost Lantern Moon was silent for a while, and decided to be considerate of his teacher, and did not ask any more questions.

After all, this matter is in their Sand Shinobi's own family, and Gaara is not a big deal. He certainly won't give much advice to the teacher.

Ghost Lantern Manmoon turned to look at Sasori, who was standing aside with no expression, and called out solemnly.

"Zashiki boy."


A question mark came out silently on Sasori's head, even though he knew that their artistic minds were a bit bubbly.

Such as himself, such as Deidara.

Hatake Sosuke's skillful ability to create puppets, it wouldn't be surprising if there was something wrong with it.

But I didn't expect that people at the Mizukage level of Ghost Lantern Full Moon, who are normal everywhere, would also be infected.

Very scary, brother.


Three days later.

After Gaara was discharged from the hospital, Naruto and the others were about to leave.

After all, after they came, there was nothing wrong with them. Originally speaking, they had to perform tasks after they came back from their practice, but in the end, they spent two days here without any rush.

Kakashi casually read the little yellow book twice.

"Are you finally leaving?".

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