Sunagakure, underground scientific research room.

The end of the puppet that Sasori pursues is eternal, but in fact this person is also studying immortality and immortality.

It’s just that everyone’s approach is different.

For example, Hidan is immortal and immortal through Cthulhu, while Kakuzu is several hearts. Although the directions and goals are different, the end points are immortality and immortality.

"The end point I did is the flesh core, but whenever I want to use Chakra, I have to bring that core."

"But as you can see, this is still my weakness. Only if someone attacks here, I will definitely die."

Sasori sat on the workbench, with a bright lamp above his head, shining brightly with what he was holding.

He carefully stored the purple venom on Sasori's tail in his hand, and by the way, carefully checked the mechanism on Sasori's tail to make sure it fits tightly with his body.

"Let yourself be a puppet without weakness?"

"There is one technique that can be done, but only if you have to die."

Hatake Sosuke rubbed his cheek, turning a rather fine screwdriver in his hand.

Thin 14 needles, knives, screws, these things are quite small and delicate, although they are certainly not as good as Hatake Sosuke's workmanship.

But as a creation of existing technologies, these are basically the top of puppet manufacturing.

"Dead...? Ah, you mean Impure World Reincarnation, right."

"Just forget what Orochimaru has made."

Sasori curled his lips in disgust, and bulged his baby-fat face. Obviously, he disliked Orochimaru quite a bit.

Although Sasori is not a man of the world, he is still good to his subordinates.

Earlier, Penn had to use the Xiang Zhuan Technique, so he sacrificed two of his eyeliners. Sasori also criticized this behavior.

"I'm not interested in things that are manipulated by people."

Sasori lowered the wooden tail and turned his back to Hatake Sosuke.

"'s not the same as that..., but the principle is somewhat similar, and I am also transforming you~"

Hatake Sosuke's eyes behind the sunglasses picked up enthusiastically, as if to say something interesting.

This body of Sasori was made by divine mechanisms, although it is close to perfection, it is almost the same as a human body.

If you want to make a physical transformation, you must have Hatake Sosuke to do it.

In essence, Sasori has no way to disassemble and reinstall his body.

Although the entire body is perfect as if there is no trace of stitching, it actually has many small organs and cumbersome details.

With Sasori's current ability, these mechanisms and details cannot be solved perfectly.

So it can only be done by Hatake Sosuke.


Sasori turned his back to Hatake Sosuke and let out a bewildered voice.

Although Hatake Sosuke made this perfect body for him, he even worked part-time as a teacher for making puppets for him.

But this is also directly equivalent to Sasori's entire life being firmly controlled by him.

Life and death are now in Hatake Sosuke's hands.

If you put it before, Sasori will definitely be quite unhappy with Hatake Sosuke's behavior.

But who let the previous fight lose?

He should have died at that time, but Hatake Sosuke gave him another chance.

Even if he is here at Hatake Sosuke, he can stand on a new level of puppet master.

However, no matter how much he progresses, no matter how high he stands.

He will never be able to surpass the man in front of him, the height he is at is far beyond what ordinary people can reach.

Sasori doesn't work either.

So although there are still some Tsundere on the lips, Sasori also knows that his life is completely in the hands of this person.

"Um~ didn't you expect it?"

Hatake Sosuke tilted his head with a smile, and then took out the core from behind Sasori.


Sasori's pupils shrank suddenly, and he instinctively reached out and touched his heart.

This new body has completely retracted Sasori's core directly, so it cannot be seen from the outside.

Hatake Sosuke blinked innocently, getting too close.

So that through the dark sunglasses, you can see the twinkle of silver-white eyelashes constantly flapping.

"I still have consciousness... what's the matter?"

"This kind of thing, can you do it so easily!?"

Sasori reacted quickly, it was strange that he could see Hatake Sosuke holding his own nuclear in his hand.

To be precise, once Nuclear leaves him, he should lose consciousness.

And ah, how he said he had studied for decades before he changed his whole body into a puppet.

This core is almost a necessity that he made after making it.

His ability is almost reaching a bottleneck here.

As a result, Hatake Sosuke did it so easily that his consciousness was not completely attached to the core.

That's ridiculous, this guy! ! !

Being an opponent with him is really overwhelming.

Sasori sighed slightly, and being an opponent with Hatake Sosuke is the saddest thing for the enemy.

Now he is clearly aware of this matter.

"It's not very difficult~ It's not very easy~"

"But now you can't completely break away, wait for the core and body to merge better!"

"But even if the weakness is not the core, you will have other fatal points. Don't want to be an invincible person."

"I'll talk about this question later."

The puppet's body must have weaknesses. When Sasori abandons his physical body, there is an eternal fatal point.

Well, Hatake Sosuke himself is the one who can achieve almost perfect immortality.

Hatake Sosuke put out his tongue playfully and put Sasori's core back.

By the way, I carefully installed the Sasori tail mechanism that Sasori made by himself.

The original smooth back was slightly raised with a long bulge because of other items.

It looks like a slightly convex scar.

This scar was also measured and retained under Hatake Sosuke's instructions.

After all, with Sasori's pragmatism, things like the back are not often seen, and there is no need to pay too much attention to the beauty.

"You are using a body made by me now. If you want to add a mechanism, polish it to the right fit."

Hatake Sosuke shrugged his shoulders innocently, so Sasori did it for several days without rest before choosing between aesthetics and practicality to create this tail.

With a "bang", the door was pushed open with no light or seriousness.

The sound of ghost lantern full moon and ghost howl sounded.

"Not at all! The things made...ah, teacher."

The scream of the ghost lantern full moon paused a little awkwardly, and after closing the sound, he took a step back honestly and looked at the sign outside.

The above clearly says that it is the studio of Toshi Zashiki.


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