Sasori is very likely to come here alone, but maybe there are other circumstances.

In the snake that Orochimaru released, Kakashi and his party were found walking nearby. From then on, Orochimaru realized that the person who came this time was not Sasori.

It is impossible for Sasori to leak it to Konoha for no reason.

So the most likely scenario is that Sasori has been killed or caught by Konoha's men.

This information fell into the hands of Kakashi and the others for no idea, and now they replaced Sasori.

But Orochimaru is not too cautious, Sasori may need to make some plans.

But Kakashi and the three people he brought with him were more than enough.

But he has a lot of calculations, the news of Sasori's eyeliner is not only known to the people of Konoha, but also to the people of Akatsuki.

Anyway, only one party should know, or the Akatsuki members ambush Konoha. The most basic reason is that Akatsuki's main goal is to collect tail beasts.

Instead of dealing with him as a defector.

14 "Sasuke..."

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils narrowed slightly, his eyes fixed on the black-haired boy in front of him.

There was a different kind of enthusiasm in his eyes, as if he wanted to get this person right away.

Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi were still the objects of his obsession two years ago, and even his pursuit of Sasuke has not stopped for almost a moment.

However, during this time, Sasuke was not in Akatsuki's organization but stayed in Konoha, or some other place.

Orochimaru must have the ability to dig him to his side as a corner.

Uchiha Itachi’s meat is definitely not hopeless, and the only hope is Sasuke.

He almost dreamed of Sasuke's body and the pair of Sharingan.

He is about to change his body, a new three-year deadline.

He has always wanted to attack Sasuke for a while, but unfortunately there has been no suitable opportunity.

Although he made a lot of hands and feet in secret, but unfortunately, those movements didn't even touch Sasuke's hair.

On the one hand, Uchiha Itachi secretly obstructed it. On the other hand, Akatsuki also had a task arrangement that, although not very deliberate, was apparently keeping him away from Orochimaru in order to protect Sasuke.

Orochimaru is well known about Sharingan's fanaticism.

Akatsuki is holding two pairs of Sharingan, and before Sasuke has enough abilities, he will naturally avoid them as much as possible.

Akatsuki has got such a good configuration piece, how could Orochimaru just let Orochimaru take one.

But the situation is different now. They feel that Sasuke has done almost the usual tasks and has improved in ability.

Simply put, it feels like this kid can beat Orochimaru.

There is always an Orochimaru who is not good at Sasuke, so Sasuke can assassinate him.

It's all right if you can't beat it. Sasuke will definitely not lose too badly. Orochimaru can be honest for a while.

why not?

"Unexpectedly, I have been looking for you and haven't seen you for so long."

"Now it has taken the initiative to deliver it to the door."

A slightly sinister smile appeared on Orochimaru's face, and his bright red tongue licked the corner of his mouth as if he had seen some prey.

Looking for me?

Sasuke pursed his mouth strangely, but he didn't notice that Orochimaru was tracking him.

If it weren't for Deidara Sasori and Hidan in the Ordinary Xiao organization, those three people often have their own mouths all day long.

Talking about everything, Akatsuki's history and Orochimaru's defection were murmuring from time to time.

Sasuke probably doesn't even remember Orochimaru.

He vaguely understood why Uchiha Itachi wanted him not to take it lightly.

From Orochimaru's face, he could only see the two characters of Molester.

The enthusiasm almost overflowed from the pair of golden vertical pupils.

"It doesn't matter what you think, my task is to kill you."

The expression on Sasuke's face didn't change much, and he stared at Orochimaru rather coldly.

The pitch-black eyes were quickly swallowed and swallowed by the crimson, and three black Gouyu appeared together.

Originally, Sasuke was still thinking about how to find Orochimaru's lair, and took him in one pot, so it saves him the trouble to find it.

Sasuke leaned down slightly and pulled out the katana behind him.

Although he studied under Uchiha Itachi, the way he fights with his brother is still a bit different.

"Chidori Blade."

Sasuke's cheek was reflected in a bright color by the blue light that lit up suddenly.

The bright blue Chakra was injected into the samurai sword in his hand, and the entire blade was faintly glowing with bright blue light.

A vaguely piercing sound rang out, and Sasuke directly held the samurai sword infused with the thunder attribute Chakra and pierced it.

A group of big snakes burrowed out of Orochimaru's sleeves, screaming and entwining Sasuke's blade.

It's just that the group of snakes were cut off as soon as they touched Sasuke, and the faintly shining blade rushed towards Orochimaru's heart.

"Didn't you expect to have learned this kind of service with Uchiha Itachi..."

Orochimaru took a step back abruptly, Kancan stretched out his hand to block the nearly pierced blade.

There was no trace of emotion in the scarlet Sharingan, Sasuke didn't mean to be blocked at all, he still pierced Orochimaru's arm deeply.

After a muffled sound of "chi", bursts of blood diffused in the surroundings.

The speed is fast enough and the impact is big enough to avoid the inevitable Chidori Blade.

The most important point is that it can paralyze the enemy's movements.

Orochimaru would be stabbed in the chest by him if he didn't stop it, and he would numb both his own hands if he blocked it.

Although the paralysis didn't last long, there should still be hope for killing him.

Sasuke lowered his eyes slightly, yanked the samurai sword in his hand and threw it behind him, and thrust it into the ground.

Immediately leaning back, Sasuke made a seal on both hands while the electric light on the blade had not disappeared.

"Great Dragon Fire Technique."

A huge dragon-shaped flame burst out of Sasuke's mouth instantly, and the scarlet fire instantly burned the surrounding forest, and Orochimaru's expression became a lot ugly.

On the ground where Orochimaru was located, a huge pothole was instantly blasted by Fire Style.

Although it is not much ninjutsu, the speed and accuracy of the technique has been improved by more than one level.

Even though he knew that Sasuke had joined Akatsuki, he hadn’t expected this kid to reach this level.

A white object quickly wiped past Sasuke's face. Sasuke leaned back slightly, frowned slightly, and turned to look behind him.

There was a "boom" behind Sasuke, and the surrounding ground and trees trembled uncontrollably.

Sasuke, who was thinking about not running, fell silent for a moment when he saw the thing behind him.

What is this….

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