"Although I don't hate teammates."

"But is there anyone in this group who has this kind of thing?"

The masked man with a hippie smile on the big bird stood steadily on the branch and looked up high.

He didn't have a formal voice calming down, and it sounded strange and dull indescribably.

It's completely different from the character he just showed.

The crimson Sharingan flashed behind the mask, no more conspicuous movements.

Deidara did indeed fall towards the woods close to the town. He didn't lie or mean anything else.

The town was in a shiny state visible to the naked eye. If Deidara were really looking for clay, those shiny things would be porcelain.


Although the time spent with Deidara was not too long, he almost understood the temperament of this person.

Compared with betrayal organizations, or other things, it is far less than Deidara's pursuit of art.

But his kind of explosion and smashing can only cause personal safety threats and environmental damage to the people around him.


In other words, this kid is basically born to be rebellious and forbearing.

Although the personality is good, Deidara's personality is basically a good talker compared to most people in the Akatsuki organization.

After all, these people are more or less quirky, and Deidara is already considered good.


A Fei shook his head.

That's about it, he just came here to have fun.

This kind of innocuous little task doesn't need to report to him at all, he has other things to deal with.

A Fei folded his arms for a while, then shrugged easily.

"Ah-now that Senior has gone, A Fei can play by himself too!"

The big white clay bird fell on the ground quickly, and the big bird kept shrinking, and soon became smaller than his palm.

Deidara threw the clay bird into the cutting tool bag casually, and he specially arranged it in the woods, and blocked his face with a hat.

Although Xiao's robe can't be changed, his face can still be covered.

Almost there.

Although various countries have been on the alert against Akatsuki recently, Tao Zhiguo is a place dedicated to economic development, even relying only on porcelain.

The places where Akatsuki's domineering blessings are basically in the country of Ninja Village, they really don't deal with such small places.

It's just that it's not necessary to be pure.

"Go in and take a look, eh."

Deidara pursed her mouth a little, and flicked the sleeve of her arm and walked directly towards Tao Zhiguo.


Tao is abroad.

Hatake Sosuke is holding a map in his hand, and the style of sunglasses is slightly different from before.

But Sasori can't see the big gap. Hatake Sosuke has a cabinet that looks almost black with sunglasses, and his eyes are just as shameless as his brother's mask.

Of course, his brother's mask could be tighter.

Hatake Sosuke would really take off his sunglasses and wink at someone when a girl called him handsome.

These sunglasses are worn tightly on one side, and can be picked up casually on the other.

It made Sasori very unsure what was going on with this person.

"Do you have to come and walk with a map? Although I haven't been back in decades, I still remember this little bit of this place."

Sasori sat on Garna's shoulder, turned his head and said to Hatake Sosuke, who was walking and studying the map.

"The most important thing when you come out to play is to watch it yourself, and your explanation must be very boring."

"Who is hiding poison in the house~ or where there is something terrible~"

Hatake Sosuke waved his hand a little disgustingly at Sasori, causing Sasori to grind his teeth secretly.

However, Hatake Sosuke only looked at some important locations within Tao Zhiguo. He rolled up the map while turning his head to look at Sasori next to him.

Because Sasori was about to sit up, most of Garna's golden armor like spikes converged.

It seems to be a relatively ordinary combination.

Hatake Sosuke looked at Sasori's face up and down and said.

"Speaking of which, I've been a little curious since before."

"Why do you always raise yourself a little bit higher, do you think you are too short?"

"I used to freeze myself at the age of fifteen, and also freeze the height of one meter six together, so do you always raise yourself if you care about it~?"

Hatake Sosuke gave a sly smile, seeming to be teasing him.


This kind of behavior is purely subconscious. When fighting, everyone still thinks it's more handsome to look down on others condescendingly.

But Sasori's height is so high, so it was a matter of course to climb up on a cable before and sit on Garna's shoulders now.

At least in his own view, it is a matter of course.

But from Hatake Sosuke's mouth, it feels like the whole thing has changed.

How does this guy look at things so strangely.

Sasori's forehead unconsciously bulged blue veins, and then he realized a more serious problem.

He sat on Garna's shoulders, as if he was not much taller than Hatake Sosuke.

His gaze shifted down and down.

"You guy is talking about who is a short one!?"

"Apart from you, who cares about this kind of thing?!"

The Hatake Sosuke family is an evil family, in various senses and on various levels.


Hatake Sosuke stretched out his hand and scratched his eyelids, and made a childish grin at Sasori with a grimace.

Sasori paused for a while and felt something was wrong. Although it was normal to manipulate the puppet to move with his body before, it felt very strange to be cueed by Hatake Sosuke.

Damn it.

Sasori reluctantly jumped off Garna's shoulder.

Then the three of them entered Tao Zhi's country together.

At the same time, Deidara on the other side also walked through the woods and officially entered the Tao Kingdom.

"Ah—it’s so dazzling. There are shiny porcelain everywhere in this place."

"And the colors are all good... gorgeous, the aesthetic has been impacted."

Although Hatake Sosuke wears sunglasses, he is inevitably hurt by the light from time to time.

Although the two puppets, one large and one small, didn't have any special feelings, from the perspective of Hatake Sosuke, the pupils of both of them contracted into vertical pupils.

"It's so tacky, this place wasn't like this before."

Sasori is obviously aware of those gorgeous porcelains, most of which are white and elegant and plain colors.

But whether this place is placed outside or the porcelain tiled on the wall, all are gorgeous to tacky. .

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