I don't know if it is because Sasori is too cute, or because of other reasons.

The aunt seemed to be autistic without the kid like get, and she still said enthusiastically.

"Then don't take it here for too long. It's not good for adults to wait outside for a long time."

Sasori raised his eyebrows in disgust, gave a disgusting sound from the inside of his teeth, and then looked at the piles of white clay lying next to him.

"I don't like to make people wait, and I don't like to wait. Adults don't wait in a hurry."

Sasori's milky voice rang.


The person who had been silent at the counter turned his head slightly, and the bell on the hat rang slightly.

The ringing trembles slightly, spreading across the small storefront.

Deidara's pupils shrank slightly and turned to look at the child who stepped into the shop after him.

Although the clay here is of high quality, it is similar to the clay he used before.

To be precise, it was not the one he wanted.

However, in order to determine how the clay felt when it was exploded, he chose the clay that felt good enough.

Be prepared to buy one in a while and try the feel in a place where no one is.

But before he finished the election, the kid walked in and said.

Because Deidara has heard it so many times, it almost has to be carved into the famous lines in dna.

He turned his head in disbelief.

Sasori is looking at the clay next to him, so Deidara can only see the profile of that person.

The height, face shape, and voice just now can undoubtedly prove that this person is just a child.

But, but...

The sentence just now is undoubtedly what Sasori likes most, and although it is different from Fei Liuhu.

But the appearance of this child is almost exactly the same as Deidara's body before.

If not only saw the profile, Deidara could even remove almost two words together.

Just look exactly the same.


Deidara, who was nineteen years old, wondered for the first time if she had some strange hallucinations because of the death of her former partner.

This is no longer the point of resurrection.

This wave, this wave is reincarnated to meet again.

Deidara couldn't help but wondered with her fingers. Although Sasori has passed the first seven of his deaths, he shouldn't be able to reincarnate so quickly.

After a few months, this guy is five years old?


Sasori moved his gaze, and the amber pupil looked at Deidara.

No matter how you look at it, it looks a lot like...! ! !

Sasori's clothes are so characteristic of Sand Shinobi that there are not many exposed body parts.

Deidara could only barely see his body from his arm that was sticking out of the glass cabinet.

The texture and the joints are not connected by the joints of the puppet, and it does not seem to be a puppet...

Deidara knows that Sasori has a core that can guarantee his immortality. As long as the nuclear energy is replaced with the body, Sasori can reincarnate seamlessly.

Deidara didn't know if the others in Akatsuki knew about this.

But when Sasori's body was discovered, the puppets and the like were all bombed, and many puppets were directly bombarded into powder.

So it’s not a weird thing not to find the nucleus. After the ring is recovered, the matter is over.

"wrong person……"

Deidara's scalp was numb in embarrassment, and when he was sure that the child was not a puppet, he realized that he would not have any hallucinations towards Sasori as ALFY said.

Although he has been a partner for many years, Deidara thinks that he still doesn't recognize everyone as Sasori.

But before he could finish acknowledging the wrong person, the kid suddenly smiled.

As if knowing what he was thinking, he smiled at him.

The look in the child's eyes actually didn't look like a child, but a very unspeakable feeling.

It won't be hell! ! ! !

Deidara couldn't help but stared at Sasori.

Sasori didn't say much, glanced at him, then turned and walked out of the shop.

From Deidara's expression, he could also see the damn expression, that kid should have no small doubts now.

"Do you two know each other?"

The aunt at the counter looked at Deidara with some confusion.

"It's not a question of acknowledgment, eh."

"That kid is really not a ghost, right?"

Deidara covered her head with the tassel hanging from the hat, and couldn't help but casually ask the aunt in front of her.


The aunt in front of the counter obviously did not expect Deidara to ask such a sentence, so she is facing Deidara for unknown reasons? Screamed.

In this broad daylight, although the child is a bit rude, he doesn't need to be killed directly.

"never mind."

Obviously, asking people can't come up with any answers. This is an unfamiliar person, and it is very strange to meet Sasori.

The child's reaction was wrong, but it did look like Sasori would react.

What's the matter, Sasori switched careers instead of being a puppet master, did he do something spirit possessed?

Sasori himself is the only one who can give the answer.

Deidara pressed the hat on her head, and before waiting for the other party to answer, she turned around abruptly and opened the curtain to chase it out.

After chasing it out, Deidara followed the child's breath.

Whether it is speed or trajectory, the kid is exactly the same as Sasori.

Because the two of them have worked together for a long time, this feeling is very obvious.

Deidara chased the child all the way into the forest where he came, and he became more and more certain that the child was Sasori.

He should have wanted to say something to himself, so he led him to this deserted place.

However, when Deidara completely entered the forest.

He realized that it seemed that he wasn't the only one around chasing Sasori.

There is another person, catching up behind him.

It seems that this person does not know the hidden breath, and his footsteps can be clearly heard in the silent forest.

From the sound of landing and striding, Deidara can almost hear that this person should be an adult male.

What is going on here?

Deidara stayed away from that person as much as possible, or tried to get rid of that person.

Although the man didn't know how to hide his aura, chasing them was like chasing them exactly, as if they had seen their whereabouts completely.

Deidara circumvents a little bit halfway through to determine whether the person's target is him or Sasori.

Not surprisingly, the man kept chasing Sasori, seeming to completely ignore Deidara's existence.

It turned out to be for me to block people, Deidara understood in an instant.

Sasori quickly stopped abruptly deep in the forest.

Deidara also took this opportunity to jump up from the branch and put down a clay bird at the man who was chasing it all the way.


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