A head rustled out of the woods, looking like a teenage girl.

She had her sleeves rolled up, a white towel draped around her neck, and a few fallen leaves on her head.

It looks like the residents living around are attracted to it.

Judging from the appearance of this person, he looks like a person from Tao Zhiguo.

After all, the most conspicuous thing is that there is still a piece of clay on her face.

Sasori knew Deidara's dramatic explosion well, so he deliberately walked some distance deep in the woods.

After walking to the other side, it is estimated that he can catch up with Konoha.

But they have gone deep into this position, and they can still attract people.

This person shouldn't be in Tao Kingdom.

A large area around this area was directly razed to the ground, and there were scattered piles of blasted pits.

A few of them are in strange costumes, looking like a few inexplicable terrorists.

The two Akatsuki members, ah, but now they are members of the (former) Akatsuki organization, and they decisively prepare to kill people and destroy evidence.

One thing is worse than one thing less. Now if you stay alive and don't know for sure, will there be any more trouble.

Deidara directly lifted up the Xiao robe that he had fallen on the side, revealing the knife bag that had been hidden underneath.

Sasori also showed a defensive posture.

Although Sasori is not willing to use his own body to fight, obviously there is nothing more suitable here.

It's not that he can't control Garner, but Garner will move on his own, and he can't control it well.

But dealing with such a person who seems to be just an ordinary person shouldn't need to be serious.

"What are you doing, you two~?"

Hatake Sosuke couldn't help but squatted down behind Sasori and Deidara.

He stretched out his hands and hammered them on their heads one by one, then picked up their two clothes and picked them up by the collar.

Originally, they didn't look like any good people, but the two of them treated others with this kind of misunderstanding.

Didn't find anything, do you want to kill yourself first?

It doesn't have to be this way.

"Huh...huh? ~ "!"

Deidara, since childhood, has been the object of adulthood.

Most people can't control the big bird he can go to the sky, no matter what the circumstances, it is an advantage to run away from him.

But now, at the age of nineteen, he was picked up like a child by a man.

Deidara was still chewing the clay with the palm of one hand, and he turned his head to look at the man behind him in disbelief.

So fast...? !

Hatake Sosuke was by their side just now, but when the two of them were preparing for battle, this person picked up one of them.

If you really fight with this guy, this almost terrifying speed makes people unable to cope.

And in the process of moving, almost can't feel any breath change.

By the way, when the doll of Garna came over, he didn't feel the breath of any third person either.

It's not that it can be hidden, but the person just wasn't here at all.

Although he didn't really fight him, there was something wrong with such strange and subtle details.

"Leave her, but it's trouble to stay."

Sasori turned his head and frowned at Hatake Sosuke with a complaint.

Hatake Sosuke is different from them, so that they don't want to kill everyone.

But weighing the pros and cons, it would be better for this person to kill.

Hatake Sosuke whispered to Sasori's ear. The expression on Sasori's face twitched slightly, and he sighed helplessly.

"Ahhh... I see."

"Hey! Why are you two even whispering! Is there something to hide from me? Damn it! Hmm."

"And you put me down!? Huh!"

Although you are pretending to be coercive, it is us who are ashamed!

Deidara looked at the murmurs of the two of them and felt that he had been concealed by the face.

And it's weird to be carried by others like this.

Hatake Sosuke is not a few years older than him, judging from the voice and facial lines.

Being picked up by this kind of people condescendingly increases the level of shame!

Although Sasori has been accustomed to being carried everywhere, Deidara was picked up for the first time after he was over 1.6 meters tall.

Apart from the increasing level of awkwardness, there is almost no other mood.

Sasori covered his head with a headache.

Although the two of them should have nothing to hide from Deidara, it is really difficult to speak.

The clay they promised before, in fact, neither of them knew the exact location of that kind of clay.

This girl seems to be Tao Zhiguo's technician, and Hatake Sosuke wants to use her to inquire about news.

But things that weren't written at all can be said by this guy.

Are you sure you got the clay chest...

Sasori sighed unconsciously. Sometimes, I really don't know if this guy can fool people, or it's not reliable enough.

Doing things is too arbitrary.

Hatake Sosuke let out a "...poof" sound in his mouth, and then let go of the two of them.

Said to the girl who looked at them blankly.

"There was an explosion just now. We were more curious, so we just took a look."

Hatake Sosuke smiled softly.

Almost as expected, the face of the girl hiding behind the bushes immediately turned crimson.

"Eh, ah, it's nothing... I was also because of an explosion here, so I wanted to come and have a look, and I saw you."

When the girl saw Hatake Sosuke's smile, her gaze suddenly stopped, and then she quickly dodged.

Unexpectedly, there will be handsome guys of this level (Wang Qian is good) here? !

Most of the people in Tao Zhiguo are traders. Although there are a lot of people coming and going, handsome guys are still a rare product.

Most of them are tacky and greasy uncles coming and going.

Although he hadn't noticed at all just now, this man was really handsome when he laughed.

Slender and tall body, dazzling silver hair, feeling like a spring breeze.

The girl walked out of the bushes, her eyes dodged and tore off the towel from her neck.

By the way, I rubbed the clay on my cheeks, trying to make myself look as clean as possible.

"I'm Hanru, and I live in the forest near here."

"As you can see, it is the man who made porcelain."

Hanri said as he walked up to Hatake Sosuke and stretched out his hand to him.

A question mark gently appeared on the heads of the other two people on the side. Have they been ignored? .

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