Unlike the gorgeous and tacky porcelain in Taozhiguo, all the porcelain baked in the Han Dynasty is white.

"Why are you all falling?"

"Well, although I also like the feeling of being destroyed with a bang! It feels very artistic, huh!"

Deidara poked her head a little curiously.

Sasori glanced aside at him speechlessly, hesitantly said nothing.

Not everyone likes the feeling of shattering like you, OK?

And obviously, Hanru seems to be in a bad mood.

"Ah, sorry, did you scare you?"

"What kind of art... This is obviously a failure~ it's just a failure."

Hanru obviously is not someone who can understand Deidara's so-called art, just-shook his head blankly.

Hatake Sosuke glanced at the porcelain that hadn't been broken, and beside it was porcelain that didn't seem to be fired.

Although they are all white, these porcelains still look a little different from the pendant worn by Han Lu on his neck.

It was pure white, and there were no cracks that seemed to have been burnt.

However, according to the aesthetics of ordinary people, this kind of porcelain is quite clean and beautiful, although it is not good or bad.

He didn't know much about clay, after all, Hatake Sosuke didn't really need this kind of thing.

Although with his aesthetic ability, he can also make a lot of powerful objects with clay.

But, well, that's how it is.

Hatake Sosuke looked around, and since they were here to find the right clay, the quality of the clay should be distinguished by those who can tell it.

There is also a basin not far from the cave dwelling. There is still some clay remaining in it. Although it is slightly dry and hard, it is not too unusable.

Hatake Sosuke tore off a piece of clay and threw it to Deidara.


Deidara was thrown off guard and hurriedly picked it up.

What the hell, this guy threw the clay over without making a sound.

Although complaining secretly in her heart, Deidara still put the clay into her palm and chewed.

"Do you want to make the same texture as that pendant~?"

"That's why these failed?"

Hatake Sosuke stood aside with his arms around his chest, eyes down and looked down at the pendant worn by Han's neck.

"Yes...but I can't burn it to bloom."

"Ah, blooming is the pattern!"

"It's beautiful, but I can't burn it like this. My master is very good at this!"

Unexpectedly, Hatake Sosuke would actually look at himself so carefully, Hanruo took a step back with embarrassment.

It stands to reason that boys would not look at other people's accessories so carefully!

Hanru thought about it for a while, then picked up the pendant around his neck and pointed at Hatake Sosuke.

Hatake Sosuke leaned over and lowered his head and carefully looked at the pendant Hanji had picked up.

The slender and white fingers pressed on the pendant and rubbed the texture of the pendant, but always kept a certain distance from Han Ruo's hand.

A faint fragrance floated from him, and Han Jin who was close could almost see the silver slightly curled eyelashes behind Hatake Sosuke's sunglasses.

This person is so flirtatious!

Han Ruo was confused in her heart. She thought that her concentration was very good, but this person was simply something that humans could not refuse.

Always maintain this sense of distance, as if feathers sweeping through the heart always feel itchy.

Makes people want to approach him, touch him.

"Hey, why is that person about to smoke? She won't explode in a while."

"The clay is nothing special, it's just ordinary, eh."

Deidara frowned. Although this clay was good, it was no different from what he was using now.

It didn't look like any useful clay at all. He wanted to signal Hatake Sosuke, but he was taken aback by the flushed Han Jin.

Although no matter who it is, Hatake Sosuke is quite handsome.

But they are not gay, and they are not too stuck on whether Hatake Sosuke is handsome or not.

But the effect on the opposite sex is different. This kind of face, sense of distance, and way of speaking is simply a killer.

Sasori can basically be called a person who does not have that kind of worldly desire.

After all, with the face of his past fifteen years old, he could also achieve this goal.

However, people who seek to adjust themselves to puppets all their lives don't care much about this kind of thing.

· ····Seeking flowers············

Moreover, he was more concerned about another thing Hanru said.

"It looks like you are alone here, where is your master?"

Han Yi Er almost lifted his finger to touch Hatake Sosuke's hand, and was shocked by Sasori's words.

Somewhat bewildered, he looked around at both sides, quickly let go of his hands and hung them to his side.

"Ah... my master is called Mo Shao, and he is the former village head here."

"However, Master and all other technicians who can make porcelain bloom together left the country of Tao in the past few years."

"Although I don't quite understand, everyone said they went to find New World."

"In the past, Taozhiguo used to sell porcelain with various patterns, but now, you should have seen it too..."

"It has become that no one can make blossoms."

Han Ruo sighed softly, because all the technicians had left.

The flowering technology of porcelain, which has been prosperous for many years, almost quickly withered within a few years.

Even when the time is up, no one will be able to blossom.

They have no other way to go. The people here have made porcelain for generations.

So it turned into what it is now.

However, the plain white porcelain back then certainly couldn't achieve such a prosperous business scene now.

The expression on Sasori's face was a little thoughtful, and he thought without answering.

"Where is the current village chief's home?"

Hatake Sosuke let go, and the pendant fell back onto Hanru's neck.

He raised his eyes and looked at Han Jin. Although he was behind the sunglasses, he could still see the eyes that looked like ice crystals.

Sincere and gentle, but also with a healing smile.

"It's in the center of Tao Zhiguo. It's a very conspicuous building. You can see it as long as you go there!"

"Moreover, the current village head is my master's son who burns wildly."

After Hanruo finished speaking, he took a sudden step backwards, and parted a distance from Hatake Sosuke.

If she was so close to this person, she was going to die with a rapid heartbeat.

"Thanks, so much useful news."

"By the way, if you want to burn the porcelain to crack, it is better to set the fire to the maximum during firing."

"Maybe there will be an accident~" Shao.

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